
CRank: 5Score: 14030

You guys are funny. The game will look close to the trailer. It won't be as detailed in some areas but it will have the overall look... in the places that matter. I posted this comment once, but if game developers don't reach those level of graphics this gen then I will be sorely disappointed. PS3 will have these graphics in KZ and then the 360 will turn around and have the "CGI" like graphics that was seen in its "trailer". Its going to be nothing but a graphical spar...

6404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yourself gamers. I think most of you and this site should become politicans. You constantly bicker back and forth about who has the best graphics, system design, controllers(rumble vs motion), and etc. If YOUR console of choice is so d@mn great then why in the h3ll do you even care what others think. I understand if you buy a product and someone starts to down talk then you might get a little defensive and bring up points as to the contrary. But to get angry and start wanting to degrade ...

6412d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man Crackdown is so addictive. Collecting the different colored orbs and watching your character become more and more superhuman is so empowering. I often found myself forgetting about reality because I'm so immersed in the world of crackdown. GOW had/has me like that as well. The few complaints critics gave the game was base around the story and vehicle controls. Both of which should be improved. However I don't think those two issues are enough to call the game "descent". I c...

6420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thus far said anything about Motorstorm looking like it CG counter part. It looks good on the Sony Bravia tv from afar but upon when I played the thing I noticed slow-down, but I think this is fixed in the retail version or so I hope, and I noticed bad AA and bland textures. I still thought the game was fun though and liked the draw distance. KZ2 will capture the feel and I'm very confident the graphics seen in the trailer. I don't know how it will play though as I haven't played the firs...

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking at motor storm I think they will be pretty close to the "CG graphics" shown at E3 or maybe exceed. And while this will be a great testament, Halo 3 I can asure you will look just as good as what was shown in its "CG trailer". I remember looking at the KillZone2 trailer, wondering why everyone didn't think the PS3 or for that matter the 360 wasn't capable of doing those type of graphics. I mean if they didn't the "next generation" would and will be high...

6438d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And no I'm not talking about the game. I'm taliking about the celica GT4. I can't believe they put that car on the front page of this site!!! That car is sooooo bad azz. I would say that 90% of people who tune cars don't even know the beast exist. Anyhow back to gaming, in my opinion the GT series has always been that title that made you WANT a PS console. I'm disappointed in the PS3 as of now and I know they will get better games such as this one. I also think that these screens look ...

6478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I truly believe that the above screen shot can be achieved on the 360. Just like I believe that the "CG" stuff can be achieved on the ps3. The reason MOST people don't think it can be done is because people still have the current gen mind set. Think back when the ps2 and the xbox first came out. Who would've thought you would get the graphics that are in Ninja Gaiden or Metal Gear solid. This is the NEXT GENERATION. I'm not saying that they are going to look exactly like this....

6506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At first ps3 gamers claimed that the ps3 was light years ahead of the 360 and that their launch games would be vastly superior to the 360's second gen games. And why wouldn't they think so with all the CGI sh!t that SONY was kicking around. Now that the ps3 doesn't deliever they pass the blame on to developers not having sufficient time to the develop the game versus the 360 counter part/game. This is simply bull sh!t. When xbox came out halo had graphics and crap that you simply did not ...

6520d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

look amazing. Just like the trailer in my opinion. When these pictures were first released I was disappointed, much like the ps3, that the graphics weren't a hugh leap forward from what's available now. But once it was mentioned that these were only alpha screen shots, basically hi res halo 2 graphics, then I felt alot better. I think bungie released these screens not just to combat the ps3 but to also milk the halo fan boys who simply can't wait till they get further along in its develop...

6521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These monsters look very silly standing there waiting to be shot. Maybe that's why they made the game with aliens. That way they wouldn't make the real enemeny of WWII look so dumb since they couldn't get the A.I. any better lol! Yes, that is a fan boi comment, but I was not serious.(I promise my favorite d!ck head, Arkham will use this as me being a fan boi in his next post.) No seriously I don't know what build this game is but the aliens standing around had me lauging my azz off. I lo...

6534d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

These monsters look very silly standing there waiting to be shot. Maybe that's why they made the game with aliens. That way they wouldn't make the real enemeny of WWII look so dumb since they couldn't get the A.I. any better lol! Yes, that is a fan boi comment, but I was not serious.(I promise my favorite d!ck head, Arkham will use this as me being a fan boi in his next post.) No seriously I don't know what build this game is but the aliens standing around had me lauging my azz off. I lo...

6534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just love how you guys all make sense. DJ I understand what you are saying and I guess read into it a little bit more than I should have. I just wanted to say that Devs who are on PS3 have made similar comments. Mr. TruthEnforcer I actually love the the 360 looks. In ads I must admit that it looks cheap as hell, but in person or when you see it at Circuit City it is truly a sight to behold. The way the PS3 looks az well. Its just a matter of taste but I wouldnt call the 360 a piece of ...

6535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are quite common on this thread. The PS3 is a good deal IF you want both a great game machine and blue ray. If you just want a game machine then you are f_cked. Yep, with SONY you have a choice alright, to spend $500 -$600 or not get sh!t at all. Also 1080p and 720p take about the same processing power so to say that because M$ chose to reveal this feature months after the console was launched doesn't mean they didn't realize that it wasn't important are that they couldn't do it. The jus...

6536d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

to anyone's post as much as I have yours. Funny because the whole arugment by now is rather tiresome and pointless. The point I was trying to make was that my post are significantly longer than yours and as a result are more prone to error. When commenting on the xbox 360 firmware for hackers you stated posted "They should learn them." Whether this was intentional are not who gives a damn. Maybe you need to retake spelling 101. lol. But seriously dude I could give a rats ass ...

6537d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mr. Arkham

I regret to inform you that some people type alot faster than you(increasing the probablity of mistakes) and might make errors when they are trying to post on News4gamers. It is also understood that some people are on this site while at work so they type as fast as they can, all the while being parnoid that their boss will see them on the aforementioned site and lose their job. Gamers/Consumers usually have a sense of entitlement to products because certain industries/...

6537d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Duh... every company makes sales forecast and crap like that. The difference is is that companies don't make NUMEROUS forecast within a 4-6 month period. That confuses the hell out of consumers and makes investors jumpy. Don't get all mad at me because SONY can't make good on there claims. Hell I call how I see like I always do. And spoiled gamers? What? No buddy. It's called "Shafted Consumer". Don't get it twisted. How many companies do sh!t like this? Um.. yeah I know...

6537d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

All the bashing on SONY at this point is competely justified. Normally I try to remain neutral in this "console war" thang but SONY is really f#cking with people's emotions. If you KNOW that you are not certain that you are going to hit a certain amount of units then reveal a launch number that you KNOW you can hit. Plain and simple. Under promise and Over delivere. That's damn business 101. I dont give a damn if you are a PS3 fan boy or 360 one. Everybody should be pissed ab...

6538d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

are real. If they are its because they are so early in development that alot graphical upgrades haven't been implemented. And if you really think Bungie is going to release this game in March is are kidding yourself. Try Christmas of next year.

6541d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Once again. What is the f^cking point. No one knows. I don' even think Sony knows. This crap should be a one time only type showing because I know I'm not the only one scratching my head. If INFORMED gamers are having to guess about what on earth Sony was talking about then I know the average consumer is going to be clueless. Just my opinion though. I like the 360 commericals waaayyyyy better. Like the one where the games make the 360 is classic. Reminds me of the Sega/Nintendo days. ...

6541d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sike... I wish I could have seen all of your faces... especially "The Mart"! lol This trailer was da sh!t. Plain and simple. I'm going to pre-order this and I don't even have a system yet. This WILL sell systems. This WILL increase brand awareness for the 360. I know haters will probably say how do you know if its good when you haven't even played it, but sometimes you just get that feeling that a AAA title is upon you. Think back to the first time you seen Halo, Ninja Gaid...

6543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment