
CRank: 5Score: 14030

You've some of the realest $hit I've heard on this site in a long time. Half the people on this site act like they would actually "ride out" for a particular console, knowing goodin' d@mn well they wouldn't do $hit if the other person was across the room dissing "their" console. I might I come on here when I'm at work or drunk to get a couple of laughs from what people say.. but really do you guys look at what you type? Half the crap posted is just pure HATE! If Bungie ...

6103d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm very happy about this price drop. This will most defintely give MS a swift kick in the a$$ to get some new stuff moving. F#ck heads please shut the f#ck about the ps3 is the future and crap. Sure the ps3 has more crap in it but that doesn't translate into a console that is light years better than the 360. Look at the orig. xbox. It had way more crap than the ps2. You can say the difference the company...SONY...but I beg to differ as of now. Because to me, they are in the same posit...

6104d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

about history nowadays. When the 360 launched it was the FIRST NEXT GEN system out the gate. SONY said their system would launch in spring of the next year. Then it got pushed back. That means they had a whole year to work on their games, giving the illusion that their first gen games are techincally superior at an early stage when compared to the 360's first gen games. People forget that when developers got a 360, it was the first time they dealt with a system with multi-cores. With the...

6104d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you might want to be careful when talking about an alleged AAA SONY title or you might way up the next morning with 2 bubbles because these sheep(rabid fans) around here get to emotional. I totally agree, if the game is so horrible then why even take the time to dicpher it? Its like deep down inside you REALLY wish you had this game and you have to down it to make yourselves feel better. And for all you idiots who think that MS has shown all their cards are ignorant. They are way too smar...

6109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

of SONY fans dogging HALO 3? I mean d@mn!!! I was looking at Uncharted(which looks good but hasn't shown anything revoluntionary IMHO) and I didn't see many if any fellow xbots on that thread bashing. And the few that did always bash the PS3 even if the thread about the ps3 having a blu ray player or not so they don't count. Now I come on to a thread based on a 360 game and you guys are all over it like flies on $hit. If you think you have the better system fine. If you think bungie was...

6109d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Too many fan boys come on here with their emotions. Dude its just games. Who comes on this site and post on every thread about how they diss like the console and crap? I mean I see it from both camps. I check on here 3 times a day for good stories because I KNOW that we have some emotional cry babies on here that don't know how to give good comments or constructive comments on a given topic. I'm learing to develop games and I can tell ya..it ain't easy. Please have some sort of respect f...

6109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why N4g isn't called N4b(NEWS 4 BASHERS)!!! I was on a gaming site early today and I noticed something...something truly amazing!!! I seen fanboys conversing like adults about what they liked and didn't like gaming! Even though they might not have owned the system, if they liked the game they gave props. If MS or SONY had negative press they commented on the topic as a GAMER, whether or not they own that particular system, commenting on how it affected gaming as a WHOLE and how they migh...

6111d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

why N4g isn't called N4b(NEWS 4 BASHERS)!!! I was on a gaming site early today and I noticed something...something truly amazing!!! I seen fanboys conversing like adults about what they liked and didn't like gaming! Even though they might not have owned the system, if they liked the game they gave props. If MS or SONY had negative press they commented on the topic as a GAMER, whether or not they own that particular system, commenting on how it affected gaming as a WHOLE and how they migh...

6111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thought I never "finished the fight"(no pun intended). when people say remake are they simply taking about just updating the graphics or are they talking about updating the graphics and changing the gameplay to real time instead of turned base. This game will be really good for ps3. I hope SONY markets this and KZ2 right as this will make the console war ALOT intense. I'm glad HALO 3 is doing so well right now because I KNOW SONY is going to bring it now!!! Oh and fellow xbots(...

6112d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

these set of eyes I have. It seems as though rabid fan boys either have poor sight or a special flim over their eyes that prohibts them from seeing beautiful games and appreciating them. This is sooo so sad. I'm mean you have your PS3 fans who can't see the beauty in bio shock and HALO 3. SO SAD. You have 360 fans who can't see that Heavenly sword has amazing cinematics and Ratchet and Clank is mind blowing. SO SAD. I know there're couple other people on this site that has this wonder...

6112d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

to bash HALO 3. Most of the people who are bashing the game either a) haven't played the thing or for that matter even own a 360 b) haven't seen the game running in HDTV. I know that BUNGIE hit a soft spot when sony fans, no I take that back, haters(not all sony fans are dissing this game)are dissecting HALO 3 to FIND things wrong with it. SIMPLY amazing.
Its sorta like KZ2. Well ummm... the textures are ummm... yeah their bad up close. Give me a break the game looks good. I...

6112d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

HALO 3 didn't need help being promoted. I think MS is doing that one pretty well. I haven't seen the video but if it is confirmed true, it would be funny and insulting at the same time. Halo 3 has its own distinct art that is vastly different from a game like GEARS or KZ2. It would really be an insult. MS could've used GEARS if they were going to do something "SONY-like" lol. Just kidding SONY guys. On the real, the more you guys bash HALO 3 the dumber you sound. BUNGIE NEVE...

6113d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

another console for HDMI!!lol I'm just poking fun at myself as I'm a 360 owner(a VERY happy one at that). My point is, that SONY is doing only what MS has been doing and that's evolving their platform(console). It hurts for us early adopters or people who want to have all the bells and whistles. But, in their defense, other industries, most notable the automobile industry always updat their cars two to three years after they just released a car.
I'm very happy that SONY dec...

6118d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

all the ps3 owners cried a river when IGN compared a work-in-progress game, KZ2, to the A.I. in HALO 3. You screamed,"Its till in my Grand mother's ALPHA STAGE so that not fair so hum!" or "Well the textures might look bad up close but that's because they have well over a year left to complete the game!" While that logic seems very plausible, why in sam h3ll doesn't that same LOGIC apply to this game. NG2 deserves the benefit of a doubt just like KZ2 then. But you kno...

6120d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

they both cry "moo". 360 owners, "We don't need HDMI! 800% of the tvs don't even have them! Its just a waste!" 6 mos later and rumors start about M$ launching an hdmi compatiable 360 and owners say "If they launch it fine...but I still don't care or need it!! Now we have have ps3 owners saying "Rumble is fine.. but if they don't include then it was sooooo last gen anyways." Personally I think people who have said that have been without rumble so long t...

6121d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha ha!!! That worked for KZ2 right? Sony fans I'm just kidding by the way. Its all in good fun so please don't take anymore of my bubbles away(you've already taken two and I wasn't bein obnixious.) I'm really excited for NG2. I enjoyed the difficulty level of the first and the endless combo possibilties of the first. If the PS3 games get it too then I think that would be good. Then I can show them who the master ninja is of ALL CONSOLES!!!

6127d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I make the above comment and now I lose a bubble? Look guys if you disagree with me cool but I didn't intend to say anything to hurt someones feeling or offend them. I really was just happy my 360 is working and I can play BIO SHOCK. Is that really worth taking away someone bubbles...because they are sharing good news?

6131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just about to play this "dime" of a game called BIOSHOCK. But guess what happened. I got those damn RROD!!! So I'm sitting there looking stupified about the love of my life, the 360, and keep asking her, "How could you do this to me? I was so close to beating BIOSHOCK on the hardest level. Are you jealous?" Then I began to wonder. I have a one of the best games ever made and can't play the d@mn thing. But is that worst than having a PS3 without out having any...

6131d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

and I love the h3ll out of that game. It is an experince that must be played. With that being said, I REALLY like what I'm seeing from the KZ2 trailer even though I've never owned a SONY product. I don't understand why people point out this and that when its just a trailer of an unfinished game. Xbots(I'm one, I like that name) got all frowned when people talke about the underwhelming HALO 3 beta. I'm not blind and I'm pretty sure that everyone on this site isn't blind so why make hater ...

6141d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is truly a masterpiece. 2k got so much right with the game that it really makes you believe you're there. For those who want to write this game off simply because it has no multiplayer are LAME. Since when did having MP in a game = a "must have". It seems you'll forget that a couple of years ago there was no MP and great games were still being made. Granted I wish they did have MP in the game to "connect" with other people, its not so extreme that it doesn't warrant a ...

6141d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment