
CRank: 5Score: 14030

you're not a fan of the Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy series as they have countless cut-scences to go along with their gameplay. And to take that thought a little further, you must not realize or be a fan of rpgs as they you a story, which usually involves vocalization or text, to "tell" the gamer.... the story. So yeah, the dialog is going to be longer than a puzzle game or action game to explain exactly what is going on and to immerse the gamer.

6238d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

my ma ma on you Microsoft!!! That's what you posters sound like. I'm mean who in their right mind didn't expect them to be working on a new console? And for all those PS fans who said that MS was going to stop making xboxes have offical been STFU! I don't know about the PS3, but on the 360 they have "THE MAKING OF THE 360" and it goes into detail about how and why they designed the console the way they did and how LONG IT TOOK TO MAKE IT. I'll say it again...."HOW LONG IT ...

6246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that no good games were out on the 360 because their was no need for it to be. Who was the competition? PS2 you can say but developers don't see it that way. PS2 was still the money maker so there was no point in pouring vast resources into next gen because a)installed user base wasn't high b) no major rivals in the next gen arena. So yeah it looks like ps3 is offering so much more and all that crap but you can compare the 360's lauch year to ps3's launch year. A demand for next gen had...

6246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the ps3 isn't harder to develop for the 360 then, SURELY that means that developers will "max" out the ps3 just as fast as they will the 360. Now of course I wouldn't be so foolish or "fanboyish" to even consider this, but it was just a "devil's thought".

Any real gamer knows, especially from last generation, that developers will probably never max out a console's power given the console's life span. I think that the GRAW 2 developer's comm...

6246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the 360 being out a whole year ahead of the competition and not getting any GOOD games until almost their second year on the market fail to realize the concept of "transitioning". The PS2 was doing EXTREMELY well(still is) at the time and developers were still raking in money on that platform so there wasn't a real "rush" to develop for the 360. But as the user base began to grow and developers got their hands on the first piece of next gen hardware...the demand for devel...

6247d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's the Unreal Engine's problem. Most Unreal powered games have that "glow" to them. I've played bioshock and from what I'VE PLAYED, I haven't seen a unreal(no pun intended) "glow" while in the dark or dim light areas, and that on characters or otherwise.

The Havoks engine is what powers Half-Life 2, so if Haze is claiming its better than that engine they must truly have something worth bragging about...or don't have a clue how good th...

6247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are better than HALO 3's how? While I think that HAZE will be a good game considering the history of the developer, for the to act like they have Cyrsis type graphics over halo is funny. And don't tell me those screens are from a pre ALPHA LAMBDA BETA BUILD!!! The graphics in BIOSHOCK $HIT ALL OVER THIS!!! I just played it on my 15inch TV(Not sure how big but its small) and the thing still amazes me. Once again not taking anything away from HAZE but for all the PS people who constantly bash...

6248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"... many of us know how to use google." That $hit is classic. Its one thing one you have an opinion about something, but when you get MAD/DISAGREE wit facts you're just plain dumbe in the brains. I don't care what console it is, guess cause I'm not fun boi I mean fan boi, but if you present me with a fact then I ain't got no choice but to live wit it. H3ll Microsoft and SONY got to deal wit the facts so why can't you?

6250d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm I dont want to wait for MS to make up its mind. How in the world do you go from including it in the first xbox and omitting it now? I know they're trying to be mainstream but dude, we're beyond that point. Get rid of it all ready. Oh and you SONY gamers should be used to waiting with your SonyWait_station3!!!

I had to take a shot at you guys for that xbox3Fixme joke lol.

6259d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

On this episode of "As the world turns", the PS3 (fans) have just heard their current lover(Free Radical) talk bad about one of the 360's current business venture(Halo 3). "How can you do this to me?" the 360 says. Free Radical replies, "I'm only sleeping with them until you have more time for me and my child(HAZE)!" Meanwhile, the ps3(fans) snickers in the background and gives support. But the plot thickens as 360's love interest(a talented developer who devel...

6259d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

that denies that more is NOT better is playing themselves. And thats coming from a 360 owner. I LOVE my 360 for the content that it has now and has coming up in the future. I just played RFOM on the PS3 and had a blast. I think when the games start rolling in I will get one. This thread is funny for several reasons: 1) ALL the negative comments are coming from(of course) PS3 owners who really didn't give a d@mn about PGR4 in the first place. Yet they are posting like flies on $hit bec...

6264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is what most people will say is the reason that the 360 is garnering such expose. Pubilcity (even bad) can be good for a company. How? Well if a company is screwing up... like in MS, they can simply give the public a fast and effective solution to the problem and with the right marketing, show the public that it isn't such a bad company after all. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this has happened throughout history with big corps. Let me know what you guys think.

6267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

everyone doesn't get the RROD then how can having a billion dollar reserve set aside for warranty hurt MS. I mean its a reserve, meaning "just in case"...right? Can someone with knowledge in business or the video game industry give me some insight into this matter. I also belief that MS is recouping loses via DLC. I mean if you look at the structure of the Microsoft points then, by most accounts, its rip-off. Personally I call it expensive. SONY can't or isn't recouping their...

6267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is the background "live"(no pun intended), meaning the wave thingy moves? Or does the back ground have that just "there" look as on the 360. I own a 360 and I LOVE it, but I do wish that they had some flashes or something going on in the background. Otherwise I think the dash board is perfect. Congrats on the update. I REALLY think that SONY is going to make their online network a beast in about a year or so. I just hope that this pushing MS to do something creative ...

6269d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

remember the article where EGM stated that PRIOR to E3 that TOO HUMAN was shaping up to be VERY PROMISING yet at E3 it looked like a totally different game(crap)? Then it was rumored that M$ forced them to use the UE3(for undisclosed reasons). I'm in class and don't have time to research it for you guys but I'm pretty sure they did a big cover page on TOO HUMAN and really got me pumped up and...now...THIS?!? D@mn!!

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, I feel like SK is pouting alittle because they can't get their act together. But at the same time I'm willing to be open-minded enough that it could be EPIC's fault. Whether or not it was INTENTIONALLY on EPIC's part seem to be the real debate. I feel like a little kid whose parents are about to get a divorce. Which side do you choose? I love them both. I REALLY want TOO HUMAN to kick butt...but from what I seen the graphics are inconsistent. Hopefully its because they are still w...

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel like you get bubble raped for JUST voicing your opinion. Its good to DISAGREE. Because if someone disagreed with supported fact, then my opinion can be changed. Key word...FACT....Not BASHING. SONY and M$ or both going to trade places in the spot light. These two companies are leaders in their respective industry so this is to be expected. @19 your comedy rulz.

6273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like your humor. I thought that was funny... good photo shop. Whats up n4g!!! @below. Dude you had me lamo!!! Man thats why I love this site sometimes. You guys come up with some crazy $hit that can really brighten someones day.

6276d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I REALLY feel bad that this dude is leaving M$!!! He was someone that I looked forward to hearing whenever there was an interview. I think its funny how ps3 and 360 gamers are getting thrown into similar scenerios as of late. PS3 owners lost KEN. 360 owners lose MOORE. GEARS gave 360 owners are reason to say that the xbox was better. Now KZ2 is creating the same effect. As a 360 owner I must say that its good for "both factions" to experince both sides of the fence. Anyhow I...

6277d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

in favor of PS3 owners...for now at least. I remember when the 360 was getting all these exclusives and crap and 360 fans where talking major crap when GEARS release. I can imagine how it felt to be a PS3 owner and all you seen was f#cking GEARS GEARS GEARS!!!! Now all we hear is KZ2 KZ2 KZ2!!! This high level of competiveness between MS and SONY is what keeps this industry so interesting. One think that I noted is how fan boys are so fickle. If a game has a kool game they normal say so...

6279d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment