
CRank: 5Score: 14030

will manage to keep pumping out games(high-rated) games at a consistent level for several reasons. PS3 is REALLY starting to get in its groove and I really think that pressure is making MS hungry again to stay on top or....try as some may say. Off topic: I really love the new ps3 commericals. Now that's what SONY should've had in the first place!!! Anyhow slowly we are seeing high caliber games being release or announced rather for the 360 such as Warhound. Whether or not it blows KZ2 ...

6039d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

If virtual words were punches then my face would be bloody from all the "take that, now what?" tongue lashing that some ps3 fans are giving 360 owners. Some 360 owners have had that same "now its our time to shine." idealogy when a AAA came their way. So maybe, just maybe those guys deserve the rants and raves. But please don't bash all XBOTS or 360 owners. I love to read the excite that you guys have for the games you are playing or are about to be playing. It lets m...

6039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know its well into the millions. Do you ps3 owners ever wonder what a spectular game INSOMNIAC could create with that type of MONEY!!! Not to take anything away from GG, but really... given INSOMNIAC or even Naughty Dog's track record I think they could've really created something ground breaking. Anyhow, I remeber when I was gaming on my xbox(original) and the first KZ was announced. I was like, "Wow. I really like the dark colors and 'end of the world atmosphere.' " I never...

6040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

anyhow I agree witht the fact that some games TRY and push boundaries and even though they may fail to revolutionize a genre, the evolution that they create is worth more to ME(ha ha get it... ME) than a game that sticks within conventional "guidelines" of a "good" game. I mean people look at flaws to determine whether a game is revolutinary or worthy to even be MENTIONED as GOTY. Well here's anaolgy. Think about someone you love or someone you married. They mean the w...

6041d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but if people are consistently saying that ME has frame rate issues and the such then...it does. I think that no one who has played the game is denying that. The controversy comes from how people DEAL with those game issues. In my opinion a game shouldn't be launched with problems as those mentioned in ME. But hey, sh!t happens. I find it sad how some reviews don't seem to understand how HARD it is to I don't know why it was launched but it was launched the way it is. Look for a patch...

6041d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

what MS has up there sleeves? As a 360 owner, you got to help but wonder because SONY's 08' lineup is looking really like the gamer's "game list". I think I'm going to purchase a ps3 for christmas or early next year to play these games when they come out. I do agree that FEW games that MS has announced thus far are alittle underwhelming(I do look forward to NG2 and that game called "warhound" amongst others). Anyhow this is good news for you ps3 guys after some of the...

6048d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like to say that first and foremost. For all those individuals who choose to take a "doo doo" on the 360 because of the increase in hardware sells needs to fall back. I'm pretty sure that once the ps3 goes down to $300 dollars it will sell like mad, but in that same breath that doesn't mean that MS is just going to roll over. They are a very competitive company and will respond to changes in the market place like SONY has and like Nintendo WILL(if the ps3 trend continues)...

6052d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

why in blue blazes are ps3/360 owners bashing/praising a game that they most likely haven't played? If you are one of the few hope have played this game and still have gripes about the score ign gave(for that matter all the great reviews), then fine, don't purchase the game or if you did return it and purchase something else. There's plenty of games across all genres to play this holiday no matter what system you own. I remember when HS got mixed reviews and various issues where pointed out...

6054d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at the dudes face during the training session(the old guy smoking) or the walls when he was climbing the ladder. Oh and the gun fire looked better on the 360. It wasn't just a solid line followed by occassional blimps like it was on the ps3. But who really cares. I'm merely pointing it out because thats what this thread is about, but these are pointless differences. I spotted these MINOR difference because I was LOOKING for it. I'm pretty sure a PS3 owner can find a small differe...

6066d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

since you're not an xbot then shut your d@mn mouth and keep on trucking. As for the PC version, dude I'm not a PC guy but I've seen guys play Unreal on the PC and they were sniping people like it was second nature. I might it wasn't just their accuracy but their SPEED!!! It was insane. I've seen some really good snipers in GEARS, HALO 3, the Call of Duties, and etc. but those PC's guys are nothing to laugh at... especially when you're talking about a fast paced first person shooter like t...

6068d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

as a gamer I'm very happy that TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION has come upon us. As a 360 owner I'm sad. I'm sad that I don't have nothing now or in the forseeable future like this to game with. But...wait. I'm a GAMER so that means I can go and get a ps3 and still play this wonderful game. lol Thank god I'm no fan boy. Good job SONY and I hope that 360 owners can just give credit where credit is due. I don't understand why some of you guys act like SONY can't make a great game for their system. ...

6080d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

that this game has already been mentioned beind developed for the 360 before this thread. I had a dream that, out of all games, BULLY was going to be port to the 360. I wake my sleepy butt up to check what was new on this site and...lo and behold I see that BULLY is being ported to the 360!!! Dude thats crazy. Anyhow for those of you ps2 guys that've played, is it any good. I could just read a review but I figured that I would ask a fellow n4g their opinion as some reviews nowadays aren...

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you got to admit that the "power of red" joke was hilariously. I guess i can laugh at it because I actually experince the horror called the RROD. I felt like I had just walked in on my girl while she was in the "act" of cheating of me. lol. Funny comment. Okay continue your fanboy war now.

6089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a proud owner of the 360. You guys love the ps3. I like the ps3. I don't get on here and bash the ps3 like other people because a) they don't like SONY b) they don't own a ps3 c) or a certain isn't comnig out on their system. So DON'T SAY EVERY XBOT is getting worked up over you guys having a great game. I'm getting worked up because of redundant posts of recyled hate and ignorance. I'm glad you guys are getting a good game next year and SEVERAL this year. I'm glad that even though...

6089d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A while back when all the sony_D!ck heads were bashing HALO 3 because they couldn't stand the amount of attention it was receiving, I foretold that when good news regarding KZ2 came out that ms_D!ck would respond the same way. I'm no nastrodumus, but yep I can say my prediction came true. People who envy usually display it by "hating" and that seems to be the case here. Fanboy "envy". Yep, thats a new term for N4g as,if history is anything to go by, we'll being seeing ...

6089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

me have much in common with MS.(Assuming you have the same view points as the aforementioned) You guys just keep copying each others thoughts or statements,posting them over and over again, using slightly different words to say the same things. Yep, I guess that means you guys have NO ORIGINALITY. Oh and for the record, SAMSUNG came out with the concept of a touch based GUI, not APPLE. LG PRADA came out BEFORE the iphone and it has the same type of interactivity as the iphone. Smart comp...

6089d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

SEVERAL developers have spoken out negatively about the ps3 in regards to development or their marketing approach of said product. Ubisoft,SEGA, KONAMI, John Carmack, and Gabe amongst others. I could understand if it was from one source and they said different things but...its the same thing over and over. On the other hand you don't hear things types of arguements towards the 360. The only thing you hear is from a ps3 developer talking they need blu ray and couldn't fit the game on 360 b...

6093d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

so that means since the ps3 is expensive to the average citizens and is difficult as h3ll to develop for, that SONY is just going to scrap it in 2009 as well. Pretty cool. NOT!!! The reasons listed are problems that MS must face and are solving but that doesn't mean that the 360 is going bye bye. I just find it funny that just because MS sets aside a billion dollars to take care of their customers that that equates to them wanting to end the 360 soon. Look at SONY and their once(not sure...

6093d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yep thats the new commandment folks. @58- As beautiful as Heaven Sword is, MASS EFFECT has better facial animations that that game. You also don't have to PAUSE the game to kill. From these comments I can concluded that you have a)just looked at some early pictures of the game b) Just another hater. I will like to go with a) as i don't know you and feel that you are not trying to be a fan boy. It has been stated by numerous sites that MASS EFFECT has some THE BEST FACIAL ANIMATIONS they'...

6094d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

From what I've seen the graphics don't seem to be leaps and bounds over ANYTHING! I really thought this game was going to be the game that really showed off the CELL bout I guess it will be KZ2. Yes I own a 360 and no I'm not trying to say this game is bad or is lame. I'm just saying that I don't think the graphics are anything worth raving about, especially when YOU GUYS bashed HALO 3's balls in. This game reminds me of that sega SAFARI game from the arcades. Now enough of my graphics o...

6094d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment