
CRank: 5Score: 14030

Well my broad generalization comes from the various hundred something posts from PS3 owners who TARGET GEARS OF WAR when they are comparing graphics. The 360 owners do the same thing. You make like I'm out to bash ps3 owners. I'm merely talking about fanboyism right now. I not once degraded ANY game on the PS3, merely stating that I believe that people who always target a game on another system all the time secretly want to play that game. Thats just my view. You and your playstation bu...

6280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

STOP YOUR CRYING!!! Not once did I say GEARS OF WAR was better than anything on the d@mn planet. Not ONCE did I call you out. You MUST be a Fan boy or something if I struck a cord so strong for you to call me out. Look at my post and I give mad props to KZ2 so don't play yourself. I merely stated that deep down inside people DO want to play games that they try to trash all the time. You've played GEARS so how in h3ll can I be talking to you. Do you people on this site actually digest w...

6280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 owners compare KZ2 to GEARS OF WAR is because secretly they wish they had that game. They wish they had something of that caliber to play on the PS3 NOW but they simply don't. But on that same note... 360 owners, though they may state otherwise, deep down inside they want to play KZ2. I don't care if just to shoot the thing just once, they want to see how it plays. Deep, deep inside every fan boy I believe is a gamer. And this is why, though they fail to realize or admit it, fan boy...

6280d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stop being a d!ck head or at least get it out of Jack Tretton's azz!!! The whole bribery think is just SONY being mad because they are losing exclusives. SONY buys development studios just like MS. They pay for exclusives JUST LIKE MS. And if they're not now they did in the past I guarentee it. Its just reality. SONY didn't get to where they were overnight. When they were babies in this industry they made some of the same moves that MS is making just to compete with the big boys(Sega a...

6281d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Peter Moore is a kool dude. I mean he was really trying to bash SONY in any of his interviews. He could have shined Ken for his resignation but he didn't. Why? Because at the end of the day Ken was a key player in the industry and should be acknowledge by his peers and its simply not kool when people lose their jobs. Peter was just being REAL. You can since the rivalry between Sony and MS when comments on Jack Tretton's arrogrant A$$ comments though. Everytime he commented on nintendo i...

6281d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

GAMERS RULE!!!! KILLZONE 2 is da $hit!!!

6283d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree... I said that MONTHS back when 360owners(I own one) and PS3owners were b!tching back and forth over the KZ2 shots. I thought,"Whats the fuss about? If the next gen consoles can't achieve those graphics then they BOTH have failed as a next gen console!" I mean look at the progression on PS2 and xbox. I can't wait for PGR4 but I really was expecting FORZA to look like this. This is a sight to behold. Good job SONY!!! You guys are learning to shut the F#ck up and let the ...

6283d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

but I'm bout to play Gears. I got that NOW!!! lol Just screwing around guys. Man I really want to play this game. Being a 360 owner(not a d@mn fan boi) I feel bad because M$ just $hitted on my head! I mean d@mn this has got to be the worst a$$ kicking a company has gotten at E3. I do think that people are over hyping the trailer but it did look good. People talk about dittering in gears and clipping but yet I seen that in the trailer. Yea its pre alpha but still its there. Until they...

6283d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

that this game is making alot of PS3 owners happy. Being a non-biased 360 owner, I think that Bungie should go buy a bunch of toilet paper and go find a corner and cry in it, at least in regards to graphics. Not saying the H3 graphics are bad... but d@mn they're no Geow. KZ2 didn't really below me away like I wanted it too, mostly because I told EVERYONE that this game would be close to the CGI trailer. Check my previous posts. In that same breath I honestly think Gears is a stronger gra...

6284d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

are most people starting their post off with "Being a black man or being a white man."? Who gives a $hit what race you are. This article is dumb. Epic isn't racist. If this gets enough heat then I'm sure they will modify the map or something. The reason that Epic sterotyped Cole train and Dom is because...ready for it... those races ACT like that!! They use that terminology. Not EVERYONE from those respective races act like that but the general populus does. H3ll you can't t...

6285d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And where are the mods? Dreamer61- The people who support the KKK and all that bull are cowards. Same thing can be said about some gangs. I believe that any group that wants to overtly supress someone because of a "fear" or hate are sissys. They're only "tough" when they're with there buddies. I seen a guy with a white power tattoo on the other day and he was scared in his boots when I asked him a question about it. We were alone in the parking lot. Yep, its cool to h...

6287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

transform and roll out away from this topic. Its starting to get tired. Alot of people are making valid points. The lesson learned from this post is that everyone of us have prejudices.

There is a distince difference between being racist and prejudice. Racist basically mean you hate an entire race and prejucice means that you just have a dislike for certain things about a race. Not to the point of dislike. Like I have a prejudice for dating extremely fa...

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

AN 'A' ON MY COMPUTER SCIENCE EXAM!!! Sorry guys just excited. Now I can tell you guys why the ps3 is more powerful than the xbox360 and vice versa lol. Just kidding guys. Ummm.... I think its pretty kool that the majority of people on the site aren't racist....well at least to humans(the sure are to game systems ha ha).

6292d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

is a double edged sword. Affirmative Action was very much necessary back in...what the early 50's. The reason? Because miniorites weren't even being considered for certain jobs or universities. Over the years AA has succeeded in creating some sort of level playing for minoirites. But it is actually being highly debate(by educated blacks actually) that AA is no longer needed or not in the capacity that it is in now.
I agree that quotas and all that crap is unfair to pe...

6293d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

to stop people from flaming people for either loving the PS3 or the 360. lol. But no, on a serious note. I'm a human of darker completion(I would would say brown) and I take SERIOUS offense not only to being called a n*gg3r but when friends of mine from a different race is being slurred. These racial slurs where spurned out of ignorance so now that we, as Americans, h3ll as a human population have made it to the year 2007, we are more aware of different nationalites and why they do the thi...

6293d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

gaffyh I'm not saying this to be funny or anything like that. Just trying to seek knowledge because some people say one thing and others say another. I just want to get some input. I think it depends on what "side of the fence" you are on when a person talks about 1st gen, 2nd gen. Like for instance, if I was an xbot I might say that gears is 1st gen while MGS is not. But if I'm an sonybot then I might say that MGS is 1st gen and since gears is not. I just want to hear someone...

6297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

will both have great graphics I can asure you. Who knows which will be better. Anyone that states that MS isn't worried or keeping up with what Guerrilla games is doin with KZ2 is kidding themselves. EVERY developer looks at what others are doing to either get ideas or to see how they can further push an idea that a previous developer came up with. I really don't understand why people dont believe that the PS3 isn't capable of the "CGI" trailer that came out in E3 2005. I don't ...

6297d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sitting here reading the next gaming holy war. Don't you guys see that the games that YOU like to play are naturally going to be better than crap that you don't like to play. I LOVE my 360 to death. Could it be better. Sure. Of course!! Same can be said about the PS3(which I think I'm going to get this Christmas). I just don't understand why people are so blind that they don't that acknowledge the good or great in other systems. I see stuff on the PS3 that I know that I want to play...

6299d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh $hit! All cross hairs are on me now huh? The xbox live is the best online service that I have played. From the gamer tag to the free downloadable movie stuff, M$ really delivered on this feature. But guess what? I'm not going to bash PSN. Why? Because I haven't even played it. I don't own a PS3 but as a gamer, if someone who owns the d@mn thing says its kool then I, as a gamer, will have to take their word for it. Why bash. If PSN is anything like LIVE I know they are having h3ll...

6306d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

just wanted to say that I respect you for not making a fan boy comment and acknowledging that the 360 is getting alot of exclusives simply cause, like you said, "its where the money is." Look at the PS2 and it was the same thing. Over time things will change and I think the exclusives will even out a little more. And no I'm no fan boy of any console and I HAVE a 360 that I LOVE to play. I just wanted to give props to Mr. Montoya.

6348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment