Crying Freeman


CRank: 5Score: 29340

Watch out lot's of brainwashed 'mature' Kinectimals incoming....oh Kinect is SOOOOO futuristic i'm going to be part of the minority reports disagrees, yeah!

4006d ago 3 agree31 disagreeView comment

Well spoken GreenRanger! Me too.

4007d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Thanks clonerz!

4007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Nocado Being critical about semantics reeks of weakness and is pointless envy. What are you trying to accomplish? I speak about serious issues that affect us all and in favor of the good people, you talk semantics? it is not entirely unrelated why mention this? Can't stand the truth? You took the effort to still comment so you must really thought is was necessary to down us gamers for doing the right thing. I ain't no high & mighty intellect like you consider yourself to be, beca...

4007d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will buy it soon after the PS4 launches, just because i love the remoteplay feature & the psn plus with it. It will be awesome with the nextgen games! can't wait.I was put off because it didn't have the remote play feature on PS3 with all games. It will become an integrated part of the nextgen games...but it will hold it's own too, the games on it like gravity rush are exceptional and fun! PSVita's fanbase will come to full fruition with the PS4. A sure buy for me.

4008d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Everybody related to Microsoft tries to make this look like a fanboy argument. It is not, it is even beyond the realm of gaming. Is it so hard to except that customers/ordinary people can have criticism on the actions of a company? I play on both platforms.... Stop making the outcry look like a fanboy war or whining. Companies must respect people's freedoms/right, the console is just an entertainment device and a service to the people. It shouldn't be used to hijack constitutional rig...

4008d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Bathyj Those presumed lost Xbox fanboys are present, but speaking in a different tongue...favoring the PS4.

4008d ago 21 agree3 disagreeView comment

@S2Killinit Well said!

4008d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Gekko36 Oh the difference now is that the outcry started by us GAMERS/CUSTOMERS (not Sony or Microsoft fanboys or haters or whatever you brainfarts make it out to be) It started because they wanted to steal our freedoms/rights as customers/ordinary people and threatened the whole industry....Can't you get that into you thick skull? The newspapers followed after the initial outcry....not preceded....Besides more is happening at the same time in the world that relates to the loss of these ...

4008d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You know what the wack part is? Don Mattrick is just fleeing, if the XB1 fails, he will face a shitstorm. Now he doesn't have to face anything and MS can just use him as a scapegoat, he saved Microsoft a whole lot of trouble. Instead of excusing and an honest apology to the gaming community, he bails. Is it to hard to face the consequences? Typical Microsoft, no acknowledgement of their wrong doings, reinforcing their disconnection to the customers. He & MS will die before making an a...

4008d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Logical conclusion, if you ignore the vague Microsoft 'future' Jibberish/fake demand statistics/'superficial innovation' mandatory Kinect TV. Sony's PS4 is the only Game-console that is delivering true nextgen gaming. Most people agree, so does Edge.

4008d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

I knew you guys would come up with the Blow is biased & but Microsoft has servers! Jonathan is knows more about MS & hardware than we do. Even if the cloud will help edge out the hardware disadvantage in Microsoft's mind (Do u want to wait a couple of years?), it still is an acknowledgement that the XB1 is technically less than the PS4. Sony will use the cloud too in the future and has a technically more advanced terminal (PS4) to do so. PS4 will just as well take advantage of clo...

4008d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@MarkusMcNugen I'm speechless...Where have u been the last couple weeks? I've got news for ya kid...leaks/scandals heard about it? It is all out in the open....PRISM Program? Sounds familiar? Microsoft was the 1st one in, that garantees that they are handing over all their data to the NSA on regular basis. You're living in the past...get with the times. How do you still come up with the conspiracy argument? I'm amazed...i guess old habits are hard to get rid of. You can't...

4008d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ColD FiRE You didn't watch the whole Vid did you? You're really serious? or did the IQ just drop since you entered the comment section. Let me explain it to you...This is a presentation FROM Microsoft on Qualcomm ABOUT THEIR FUTURE VISION ON ELECTRONICS/SOFTWARE & ENTERTAINMENT. Windows 8 is all stamped on it. Don't make this into something that looks unrelated, nice try.

4008d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Grimhammer00 Well said dude! But tell that to that DumbFK georgeenoob....somebody needs to shut him up. Were has he been the last couple of weeks with all the scandals and all?. ALL suspicions have been proven correct and then some...pfff but this dumbFK still rants like it's 1999.

4008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Rusty515fOrlOnhOpe57 I Reckon you watched that short compilation of the keynote Qualcomm CES 2013? It confirms your statement wholeheartedly. lol

4008d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

No agrees? I Reckon you liked the keynote? lol

4009d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Rusty515 No you not, i am too. Munch Odyssey is also one hell of a fun game! I am excited to play it in HD glory! Great choices of games all around...mmmm Metal Slug is also still cool! Battlefield 3 will have most DLC included with the game (most games come with the 2/3 DLC for free on PS+). Awesome Sony!

4009d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@SignifiedSix91 Watch Microsoft's Qualcomm at CES 2013 'out of touch' keynote => see if you still respect em then. I swear the most bizarre & pathetic keynote EVER!

4009d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Nice try MS, keep lying & spindoctoring again, but the truth is you're under-delivering on purpose and asking more money for cheaper tech. Developers and a lot of people call your bluff, Jonathan Blow says your lying about your cloud claims => http://www.escapistmagazine...

4009d ago 12 agree14 disagreeView comment