Crying Freeman


CRank: 5Score: 29340

@femcr Stop making fun of this, it is all fact. You are either incredibly stupid/ignorant or deliberately blunt because you hate your fellow gamers. These are true concerns that are based on solid evidence, stop acting like nothing has happened. The accusations are real and solely about the spying. PEOPLE FOUGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM in the WWs, the hard-earned freedoms most companies & governments wipe their @$$ with. This is not joke or a matter to make fun of, the point of theories has been ...

3994d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

@WishingW3ll You can't it will be always LISTENING and besides the 'low level' software settings won't garantee that MS will not have deep layers software settings (like in all their products it appears via hard leaked facts) that simulate it being off (the camera). THE ONLY TRUE GARANTEE IT BEING OFF IS A HARDWARE DISCONNECTION. Why are you people still acting like nothing happened? The facts are solid now, they can't be trusted.

3994d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nobody kept the NSA at bay, Yahoo protest as one of the few, but gave in eventually via a (secret)court order. Microsoft on the otherhand never protested, was the 1st one in bed with the NSA and actively HELPED them bypass crypted securities...bought companies and embedded backdoor(which weren't there before they bought em) in their products (Skype) for the NSA to freely enter and take every data they wanted. Microsoft left zeroday leaks in all their products on PURPOSE for the NSA. They ...

3994d ago 12 agree10 disagreeView comment

Leave the 24% of the worldwide games market that is mobile/tablets out of the equation and the title is correct, Europe console dev favors PS4 over Xb1, but it seems Europe dev accounts for a very small slice of the worldwide console/pc market that is the biggest. 76% of worldwide gamers are playing on consoles/pc. Very revealing. Most europe dev can't afford/have the expertise to make AAA console/pc games. Anyways this article is more trolling than relevant.

3994d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

They were booing about their partnership with Microsoft, so Microsoft got booed at. Rare & Killer Instinct had nothing to do with Microsoft in the 1st place, gamers know this. The 1st Killer Instinct is fantastic, they should have remade the original not change the settings. Anyways Microsoft deserves to be booed at. DH should know they are partners with a Company that wants to hijack the gaming community. Hyping the wrong company. Who's the bitch now?

3995d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No doubt in my mind the games on PS4 will look better.

3996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@2pacalypsenow The PS4 price was already fixed & decided upon before E3 and regardless of what the XB1 price would be. Check interviews with Jack Tretton from february and on E3.

3997d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well Said! mydyingparadiselost Bubble for you! The disagree must be moron with a huge @$$hole.

3997d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just in How Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages Nobody should support them anymore =>

3998d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

More news

3998d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@RM-TatoTiburon You think the 'low level' software settings is control? Microsoft has the control in the deeper layers. Don't ever be so naive. The only garantee that it is off is a hardware/plug disconnection between the device and the console. You think you have the control when MS tells you? They also left unpatched leaks in Windows for the NSA to use(fact you should follow the news)...haha

3998d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@RM-TatoTiburon 1st comment Because everybody has been spied upon we should let them continue? The fact that it already happens with less capable devices shouldn't be an argument to condone these practices in the first place, are you really that daft? It is time to no longer tolerate this. We shouldn't have let them hijacked are hard earned freedoms in the 1st place. 'the problems of the future can't be fixed with solutions of the past' (Einstein). Legislation has been abu...

3998d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@S2Killinit Well said, that's why this discussion matters more than anytime in history....It will be banned in Germany at 1st...other countries should follow. People are finally waking up to the consequences of these devices. Microsoft shouldn't have made Kinect mandatory and loaded with 3D HD scanning/biometrics/voice profiling capabilities. Xbot fanboys need to shut the F up! This isn't about fanboyism or gaming this will have dire consequences for everybody in the world. This i...

3998d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved all systems BEFORE Microsoft unleashed their Xbone...but now? Sorry, they started it, people are totally justified to be disgusted by them. Sorry Microsoft defenders y'all desperately wrong, stop trying to feel sorry for a bunch of misguided businessmen. You guys are trying to blame the fail on everything EXCEPT Microsoft...dudes you're all in the wrong...THEY DO NOT GIVE A S^IT ABOUT YOU OR GAMING! They wanted to forcefeed us BS, we didn't want the future to be like this....

3999d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Too easy. You failed by making it personal. No hard feelings, you apparantly truly believe their intentions are in the interest of gaming. Wake up i also enjoyed every system...every gen but until the late introduced Xbone. This is something that goes beyond gaming. In the 1st place they made arrogant remarks/lie about their true intentions/features/their greed speaks louder than their service does good to us gamers & they behave like control freaks. Their own behavior & suggestions a...

3999d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is complete BS. We can also compare every modern music to any piece of Mozart and can instantly hear that no modern music will ever reach the same level or have meanwhile inventions that contributes to how we make music today. That doesn't mean modern music can't have it's own uniqueness and progressions that are meanwhile to the art in general. Too easy and a totally irrelevant discussion.

3999d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Google & iOS devices? This news is just in The NSA has been embedding spycode (for a couple of years already) into the Android OS with permission of Google, enjoy! =>

4000d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

You didn't understand what they are doing...the MS points are already CONVERTED away from the old system. On your live account it now displays in normal currency. Why the expiration? There is no reason. Are stupid? ADD an expiration after already converted points??? It makes NO sense. Think. Besides their intentions are already WELL established as being in favor of making unjustifiable profits and treating their customers as ignorant livestock. Go on defending a bunch of disgusting suits....

4000d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You guys know that they also made your 'money' EXPIRE with this update? It is not the pricing, it is the expiration of your account money that is worse. You have to spend it within a certain time otherwise you loose it. This robbery. This means your 'money' will turn into vapor if you do not spend it when Microsoft tells you to spend it. WHY FOR F SAKE? These guys use every opportunity to screw. Microsoft must have thought: 'Let's cache in before they all leave'. W...

4000d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@prototypeknuckles You either like their games or you don't, it seems. I like the whole atmosphere of their games. I do not compare their games to God of War etc. nor did i mention that in my comments. I just like the artistic value and effort of their games, no game is perfect.

4000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment