Crying Freeman


CRank: 5Score: 29340

Smart, but drop the mandatory 'always on' kinect. If the customers can optionally disconnect the Kinect and completely control the console with a controller. No not 'low level' software settings with off settings....actual hardware disconnection. This dropping of the DRM sounds great, but do not think that they cannot change it back in a flip of a switch. We know what they want now, they are just scared that they cannot create an install base. Still PS4 only sorry.

4114d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well Said! Finally someone who gets it too. What a bunch of morons still willingly defending this crap....unbelievable how people are brainwashed in trusting the ones that trust no-one & these people will get unprecedented power like we have NEVER seen in any state in history before! No government should ever have this overwhelming control over peoples lives. Finally the politicians are acting like they should in a modern western democracy 'working in the interest of the public & ...

4115d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well said, bubble for you! and the guy beneath me is a clear example of fanboyism...he who accuses others 'with serious concerns about the future of gaming' of fanboyism but in fact he himself is an obvious fanboy and oldschool Sony hater. Wake Up dude

4115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@dbjj12088 Off course, it is obvious that it is exclusive, but if it's not published by MS, Capcom will wait and see....and if the install base of PS4 is more than 10x than that of the XB1, it will be hard to stay 'exclusive'. I like Deadrising 1, but since i've played 'The Last of Us' and i'm so over these kind of zombie games. Once i was blind, but now Naughty Dog has shown me the light!

4115d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The thing is all spying devices you mention are indirect & mostly in your control and the cctv is not in your living room. Kinect is a highly advanced 3D object/biometrics scanner/voice profiler...hell it can even follow your eye movements to see what ads your watching and accordingly send you ads, see what brands your wearing etc. None of the devices you mention have that capability or are 'on' without your consent. The reaction by people is finally a healthy and sane reaction. I...

4115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Jokes on You Unbelievable, It is a shame that some of still think we're saying this out fanboyism. I've have a PS1/2/3 an XB Original & 360 since launch, i've got a huge library of Xbox games & almost the whole library of XB360 games...i absolutely love it but this goes well beyong gaming and MS is giving the wrong impulse to the world in all facets of services to the customers.most example/ They R just hijacking the relationship to the customers...this bad for the gamin...

4116d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

He's a big Hollywood movies fan, i love the guy and no doubt MGS5 will be his amazing(looking forward to it) but i'm affraid he is just as misguided on Kinect & Motion Control as MS is. Interesting read for anyone interested =>

4116d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry dudes above me(Bai & Captain Qwark 9), we all are getting played by the spindoctors of MS. Major Nelson in an interview with Angry Joe specifically left out the most important details on the purchase of a game (like they all do at MS, stay vague till after everybody has bought the X1) he said 'If one family member buys a game, that doesn't mean every family member can play this game' Kinect will make sure the IDTAG to the licence is tied to one person and will c...

4116d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

He's a big Hollywood movies fan, but i'm affraid just as misguided on Motion Control as MS is. Interesting read for anyone interested =>

4116d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Who would willingly put the shackles on? a single game for the X1 can only be shared once with someone who’s been on your friends list for at least 30 days. That effectively puts an end to game rentals, and X1 games will be tied to your Xbox Live account as well. Not only that, you can only trade-in and resell your used games at “participating retailers,” and the X1 requires you to check-in online every 24 hours and Every game is region locked. People who are pre-ordering must be asleep....

4116d ago 15 agree7 disagreeView comment

You just don't get it. Democracy works from Down to the top, not top-down like a Dictatorship. What the majority of the people want goes, if we all vote with our wallet...they have to change their strategies. The strategy of the XB1 is one out of many possible policies. It is not what companies are portraying all the it is some sort of destiny (in their dreams, yeah). People like you make it possible for all the greedy Fs to endure in the onslaught. Don't believe all the ...

4116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@jmc8888 Well said! Bubble for you!

4116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm half way through and it deserves every praise it gets. As a gamer you should've at least played this game. Naughty Dog on top of their game! This is not just a game, it is an experience! My muscles ache from the tension and immersion...shed a couple of tears, no movie can ever hope to match this, this IS the new medium, WOW Naughty Dog, just WOW my deepest respects!

4117d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

The one mentioning the fanboism reeks of fanboism himself(Foxgod).

4117d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

UNGR and all others prepare for a shit storm check this out it is REAL and no nut job was even prepared for this WAKE UP!

4117d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said! Glad to see someone still has got some brains instead of helluvaguy(his behaviour reaches the point of eternal denial for the sake of conformity) Dude, i've got tons of articles to proof that what i'm saying is just fact, but even if YOU read them you would still say the same.
I'm not going to waste my efforts again on this Jarhead. History repeats.

4118d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Helluvaguy sprouts the old Bush junior retoric and probably his employer is Microsoft or The US government. That people are still obsessed with this terrorist fairytale is amazing. MORE PEOPLE DIE OF THE ORDINARY FLU than of terrorist attacks. Most of the security measures are for the protection of government properties instead of the protection of ordinary people. Experts in the field also say that surveillance doesn't work in preventing assualts. Still people reproduce this media myth t...

4119d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hell no, 'the price of freedom is eternal vigilance', these articles are made by shills. Their 'immersive obedience box' is a wrong enterprise. Their vision of the future is faul. period. We must never tolerate these attempts to steal our freedoms from under our noses. Their business model is one many and they chose in favor of the greedy corporates & paranoid governments instead of what's better for the customers/people. Their choice is the easiest & laziest route...

4119d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

@Kran Remember the gameplay demo Patrice & Jade showed at E3 with Assassin's Creed 1 running on Xbox360? It froze/glitched and all other sorts of other things happened that were not expected. It happens just because the product isn't yet finished. The AC4 has been ported to PS4 but it essentially is the version for current gen with a few graphical upgrades. It probably had trouble with the engine running the game on nextgen.

4120d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

We both get disagrees? there are still a few people who cannot read in here? The article clearly explains why these glitches were not related to the hardware...typical isn't it Cell989?

4120d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment