Crying Freeman


CRank: 5Score: 29340

@S2Killinit Well said! Bubble for you!

4121d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Excited2play Well said!, that is exactly what MS is doing...Bubble for you!

4121d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Solidmic above me. Yes, unbelievable isn't it? They like to take it up the PEEEP!

4121d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow indeed! Just Wow. It speaks for itself. MS gets shown what people think of their restrictions.

4121d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

Great to hear the freezing wasn't a hardware issue with the PS4. I'm stoked for this game! Looks awesome!

4121d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ylwzx3 Well said! bubble for you! Great gif! LMAO

4121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@nosferatuzodd Well said. bubble for you!

4121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Hellguy I'm not going to argue with you again, because it is clearly that your faul in your intent, you knew damn well that you blocked me, yet you act in your reply as if i'm a child. Listen dude, only a fool trades in his expensive earned freedom for some little terrorist acts. Terrorist attacks did not increase since the seventies. The RAF & PLO hijackings went by and nobody even considered to give up their privacy for false security(these 'socalled' for the greater g...

4121d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

in reply to your ignorant PM. OH man, your a blind fanboy http://www.washingtonpost.c... and didn't your read about PRISM? Do your research ignorant fool. DATA ON INDIVIDUALS IS THE NEW CURRENCY. Keep trusting the ones that trust no one.

4121d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Tugly pati BS We all make money. If you want to make a quick buck...go be a prostitute. Most of the developers do it out of a passion. In the entertainment business, creative people with passion are essential. That's why you get new IPs and Good games. Cliffy is just as wrong. They are all misguided by the end of the console cycle/economic crisis & their religious misguided believe in mobile business models & DRM (especially Cliffy cause he worked so close with Microsoft). Mobile...

4121d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hell yes! This is what you get Larry! This what you get, when you F-'peep' a stranger in the 'peep'-ss.

4121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said, bubble for you too Reborn!

4122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pintheshadows Bubbles for all your comments in here! Well said dude!

4122d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Holy crap, open world! that's a dream come true! I'll be getting this for the PS4.
Getting Mirro's Edge for the XBone is a contradiction in itself, LMAO

4122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Loki86 This makes me sick, they R just flat out are patronizing consumers! Shameless. And there are no benifits to the system compared to the PS4. You must be a complete blind fanboy if you think MS has A. more games B. a better system. MS is SOOOO out of's not even funny. Spying Kinect/Visual DRM/Fees/24 hour check-in/Region Locked/No BC/less powerful hardware/Most of their socalled 'Exclusives' are timed-exclusive or not exclusive at all(coming to PC or PS4 on a late...

4123d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Mainman Your crazy! It's time to get that myth out of the loop..With XBL you can't do ANYTHING without a membership and with a membership you won't be having a service like PS+. Every month you get a mix of PS3 games(not old some are just 2 months after release on PS+) you CAN keep and some are rents. I already have been inbetween renewals of the PS+ membership and i saw that i had $300 worth of games i could keep (no time limits). But PS+ is SO much more than just the full games...

4123d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's time to get that myth out of the loop....Every month you get a mix of PS3 games(not old some are just 2 months after release on PS+) you CAN keep and some are rents. I already have been inbetween renewals of the PS+ membership and i saw that i had $300 worth of games i could keep (no time limits). But PS+ is SO much more than just the full games for example:Most of the times you get ALL the DLC that comes with the games for free including the newest games. Free Dynamic Themes, free A...

4123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thx Sony. That just saved our hobbies and did a lot of other good. Amazing! It is a fantastic moment for gamers. Getting TLOU this week. So happy, You did right thing!

4123d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly, It was a nosebleed style conference, they didn't say a word about Kinect & the DRM. They hope to mesmorize everybody with the cool games and cancelled all 1:1 interviews hoping it will blow over, but that has nothing to do with the restrictions build into the system. The games looked cool, too bad. They had a chance too come with honesty and speak about the worries head on. The 'thank you gamers for making us money' to the gamers is also a way to not mention the backl...

4124d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nosebleed style, they didn't say a word about Kinect & the DRM. They hope to mesmorize everybody with the cool games and cancelled all 1:1 interviews hoping it will blow over, but that has nothing to do with the restrictions build into the system. The games looked cool, too bad. They had a chance too come with honesty and speak about the worries head on. The 'thank you gamers for making us money' to the gamers is also a way to not mention the backlash and make it look like the...

4124d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment