Crying Freeman


CRank: 5Score: 29340

Only 5 comments? This is one of the more sane articles out there! thx for posting. Sadly only a few will take notice....sad state of affairs. People are too busy being lied to by conservatives and dealing with the overexposure of negativity by politicians ruled by fear & money instead of taking time to think more clearly as their position in society mandates.

4045d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah that's what i em all since 2007 on PC too. The funny thing is you got 3 agrees and i've got only 1? People are strange when you're a stranger.

4048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks fun to play, but hardly NEXTGEN. I'll be getting this on Xbox360.

4049d ago 6 agree19 disagreeView comment

@starchild I'm just telling you my honest opinion. You should watch the 1080p videos of the recent Gamescom gameplay...It IS NOT NEXTGEN. You sound like you're trying to find reasons to make me look like a fanboy, but i'm getting this game on Xbox360 for sure and i'll bet it will look almost identical. Open your eyes this game looks current gen in gameplay and graphics, this game isn't worth to buy an XB1 for. I'll be playing this game for looks like fun, bu...

4049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love em all, Crysis 3 is technically a marvel on current consoles, but the campaign was too short. I would have loved some missions. I hope they will re-release the original PC versions(including Warhead) on PS4/XB1. Crytek plz do it! Crysis belonged on NEXTGEN since 2007.

4049d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You guys all lost it...i will get this game for the Xbox 360, this games has current gen stamped all over it. THIS GAME HAS LOWRES TEXTURES!!!. No need to buy a NEXTGEN console for the LEAST of all Nextgen games. btw it is just pathetic to want this just on XB1...gameplay looks VERY familiar and the clunky animations look so 2005 IT IS just CoD...CoD with mechs.

4050d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@killcole You meant TitanfalI, right? Sorry but Titanfall is not Next Gen, it has lowres textures for crying out loud! I don't need an Xbone to play Titanfall, i can do that on my Xbox 360. BTW which stride is the Xbone on? The fake insecurity stride? Sorry, but Xbone is DOA in Europe. MS is trying to save their key markets, but even in the US there are more people dissappointed than hyped and pre-orders are PS 4 : XB 1. Stop faking the hype, please. And people stop confusing the critics...

4050d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

It is never too late Sheep Oscarcat95! People like you are why this has been all possible in the 1st place. Disagreeing with me won't matter...abuse of these surveillance WILL affect us ALL and we need to re-instate privacy. It will be crucial for the future of western society to remain flexible and dynamic. This constant surveillance will eventually stall healthy evol...

4056d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@EsotericAnomalyThx for making this article, people should stay on their toes and the world needs to re-evaluate the current surveillance practices otherwise it could literally make the world and our last bastion of privacy into a prison, well thought out and most likely in accordance with the current reality, sadly. People should realise that we are at the mercy of a minority of people with powers at their fingertips unlike anything ever bestowed upon humanity in the the history of our civil...

4056d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@xHeavyx "Why spend so much money when you can just get a PS4?" In the countries MS left out of the launch schedule for 2013, most people are getting a PS4 instead of an XB1. Microsoft has seen the pre-orders and in most countries it is PS 4:XB 1 Now even more people are getting a PS4 in those countries for the holiday season 2013, because XB1 simply isn't there to be bought.

4058d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Rhinoceros You are the kind of people that make all these practices possible. The fact that it is happening is no excuse to be all fine with it. It is time for a reestablishment of people's privacy. A reevaluation of the spying practices of the governments. They are chopping away at your personal freedoms and your okay with it? Take some history courses and you will understand where all this abusive power will lead to. Otherwise your not worthy of all the freedoms that are still left in ...

4059d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are the kind of people that make all these practices possible. The fact that it is happening is no excuse to be all fine with it. It is time for a reestablishment of people's privacy. A reevaluation of the spying practices of the governments. They are chopping away at your personal freedoms and your okay with it? Take some history courses and you will understand where all this abusive power will lead to. Otherwise your not worthy of all the freedoms that are still left in our modern c...

4059d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

How did these morons come to this conclusion when this Kinect 180 is an acknowledgement that spying is possible. The only way for Microsoft as a service to the customer is to make sure they cannot use Kinect is by making hardware disconnection possible. Anyways the mandatory Kinect would have never made it passed the privacy laws in Europe so sooner or later they had to do this. Germany was ready to ban Xbox and the EU commission was looking into a law to ban it. Seriously have you guys ANY c...

4059d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

So laughable to see the few die-hard xbots in here with their delusional comments. 80% of my friends care about cross platform chat between 360 & XB1. Another mistake by Microsoft....Getting sick and tyred of these force fed strategies. Also another reason to not give a sh1t about leaving Xbox behind. Thx MS for all the love towards your longtime customers. Why haven't they tried harder? Forcing us onto the Skype with modified NSA backdoor servers? You could at least safe some of your...

4061d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

@MassEffect23 Like all my Xbox friends on my list...We're all buying PS4 instead of a Xb-one. Most of their friends too. That's the real truth and nothing but the truth. Don't believe it Xbox gamers here on N4G, keep denying reality. Most gamers are abandoning Microsoft for Sony.

4063d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

@N7Lukas Me too, the best comment in here. You are absolutely right. Microsoft are just pretenders now. So fake.

4066d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kinect leads us into a world of bad interfaces & poor interaction, yeah thanks Microsoft! I've always said these motion control hype is just a superficial innovation. Thx Carmack for stating the truth.

4069d ago 34 agree7 disagreeView comment

@SilentGuard Well said! Well said!

4072d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

HyperBear, exactly. Making it optional will show they mean business in relation to the snooping and will remove all customer concerns about their integrity.

4072d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@N4rc You keep telling yourself that, to make you feel better. I hate to burst your bubble, but most people i know (including me) were certain to buy the next XB UNTIL after the reveal, so we all had intentions to buy it. Not wanting it was because of the DRM & Mandatory Kinect. The Mandatory Kinect is the final argument. period. This is no simple hating, can't you get that through your thick skull? if Kinect is optional, i'll buy the system, it is THAT simple. I'm a gamer and...

4072d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment