Crying Freeman


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I couldn't agree more. I felt sorry for the developers that they had to endure this behavior. He acted like it was all about him, pathetic actually. Full of cliché, no decency & was so out of his league. The aim of the show to give more time for interviews and attention to the developers, was a good aim only hopelessly ruined by the unpleasant Joel.

3942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Stsonic Couldn't agree with you more, i'm loving it! Best Killzone to date, love the freedom & open levels. Lot's of replay. Different approaches to the levels. I see a lot of criticism to the game like people had with Crysis I see a lot of influence by Crysis here, i guess people just want to be guided all the time without room for experimentation. Anyways great game feels fresh and certainly does a lot different than most shooters! Better than CoD/Battlefield.

3943d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Finally someone has the guts to do a modern day version of Paul Woakes' Mercenary/Damocles games. I'm looking forward to this game! BTW Mercenary/Damocles was as huge as this game(in 3D and it had celestial mechanics & also could take off with your ship and fly to every planet etc) it was pioneering work done by 2 man in the eiighties/nineties.

It seems you all like hipsters then. Sorry, but his show tries to associate gaming with loud mouthed ignorance, cliché comedy and has a low esteem of it's audience (personified by Joel). I do not want to see this ever again. I'm only interested in the new game footage and i could care less about self-centered bad jesters. Again, Joel clearly wasn't up to speed. Don't fall for the backwards logic of Hollywood hipsters. They still think they are the center of the universe....

3943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Geoff shouldn't have asked Joel, period. Joel behaved like an out of place badly raised moronic hipster. I never want to hear from this guy again. I feel sorry for all the developers and Geoff for having to endure such a F-up. Joel is exactly why Hollywood and gamers don't mix. All the cliches in his behavior, Hollywood will never understand games. pathetic. Next do not invite someone from Hollywood ever again...they are so outdated and full of old cliché.

3943d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Hell Yes! Gears of War Trilogy coming to 70 million potential new buyers on Playstation! I and a lot of fellow Gears players would instantly buy Gears of War on PS4 if it would be released! It would be a smart move to release some sort of 'Orange Box' version. The PC version of Gears 1 (with alll the PC mp maps) & 2/3 in one box. As i said before there are a lot of hardcore gamers on Playstation that would love the franchise to come to Playstation. Look what bioware did with Mass ...

3954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe it is self-evident that Journey WILL come to PS4 as Flower. Both Fantastics games! Sorry, for the double post.

3959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, i believe it is self-evident that Journey WILL come to PS4 as Flower. Fantastics games!

3959d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

His tactic is reducing everything to zero, so as a journalist his opinion is often opportunistic rebellious and it amounts to nothing...It's easy & lazy journalism, everbody can do that and look smart. There is no magic in a breakdown. Gamers can do without these journalists that above all have a low opinion of their audience. Sessler is too cynical and needs to take a break from gaming journalism. He sounds saturated and bitter. Sorry, he played himself.

3962d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ice-T switching to PS4 and Ice-T has done a lot for the Gears of War franchise...but i bet he wants to play the superior version of COD Ghosts on PS4 too(after the 1080p update).
Anyways, i would love to see Gears of War on PS4, it would be a smart move.
Epic could sell a sort of 'Orange box' type version with Gears 1 PC edition and 2/3 and judgement day in one box. I know a lot of playstation gamers who would love top have the franchise on Playstation. Epic could make...

3966d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's beyond stupidity if this game will never see daylight. See what i did there....anyways this game was perfect for Nextgen hardware. Still hoping they will eventually make it. Fingers crossed. So loving what i'm seeing in the artworks, but i'm also feeling sad about the 'cancelled' would be 'the best Star Wars game ever!', sigh.

3982d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i love this game! Such a well made fresh game! Buying this for PS4 & Vita on PS4 launch! Thank god it is still being released for Playstation. I still hope Phil Fish will continue to make games, anyways FEZ is a must buy!

3990d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game looks good, screen-tearing? The better questions is:What on earth happened to the water physics? Looks like Tombraider 1 from the 90ies....with the easy circles around the feet when he steps into the water. The former videos show impressive physics, but they seem to be removed. Also the lighting looks great, but the face of the main character looks less impressive than in the Xbox One event showing. All in all it still remains a great game for Xb1 buyers. Not for me though, because i...

3993d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

@srd4484 What Kinect is capable of is beyond any current device. We should defend our rights to privacy and freedom of choice. Resist this incentive from greedy corporations. Our living space is turning into a corporate data-minig hell and we should turn back the tide. Besides, why mix this BS with a gaming console? We do not want this crap. Corporate business wants this, not the gamers.

Your comments smell like a roll-over mentality.
We finally have turn a company ...

4002d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again JMC8888 great comments in need to 'AD' more. lol

4002d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Joe913 This is not a fight over consoles and this is way beyond just opinions, don't pretend to be ignorant. You guys make me laugh and you make gamers look stupid. MS & sheisty manipulative ad companies are trying to seize OUR living space and make it into a corporate hell, we can not let em do that. Wake up before it's too with your wallet or just don't be fooled by the trojan spy construction cloaked as a 'game console'. Shame on MS. Have some respect...

4005d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

In other words they finally say that they DO collect biometric much lying, sickening. Really. Kinect's only real purpose, scanning, profiling & making money on people's privacy with us paying for it too. That people are still defending Microsoft, is unlogical, they do not give a $hit about the gamer/consumer. The gamers should be getting payed by Microsoft instead of them using our lifes to make money in their sheisty data-mining industry. Luring people with a cloaked s...

4008d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Star Wars 1313/Heavenly Sword 2 & Wardevil

4033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They tried to remove the indie section on XB360 by removing it from the front to way in the back and they only implemented the indie section in several countries. The indie dev protested 2 years ago, Microsoft moved the section back to the front(in the Dash), but only because so many people protested. Again Microsoft lying about supporting the indies wholeheartedly, pfff. They still think people are morons. We don't suffer from memory loss yet. Support was minor...and with ridiculous upda...

4036d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

You clearly are delusion & do not know the meaning of paranoia. Kinect's sole purpose is to make money on Data-mining & snooping. Microsoft should be paying us for all the private info. This clearly has nothing to do with gaming, but all to do with extending the corporate reach in making the customers the central piece of their dirty data-mining schemes. I've said this since they showed Xbone for the 1st time. Kinect serves to make your living room into a corporate hell. Info ...

4037d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment