
CRank: 5Score: 6920

Even that pre-rendered scene in crysis 1 looked bad apart from character models and other details (animation), it was blurry, screen torn, and just generally low res quality. Is anyone who has both a console and a decent pc even considering choosing the console version? I mean, I'm keeping my eye out on the PS3 version, as that's where I do most my gaming and my macbook pro isn't the best of rigs to say the least.

5246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the dualshock is pretty perfect, maybe tweak the shape, the triggers and the resistance of the analogue sticks. Then again, I thought the SNES controller was the height of technological achievement back in the day... a d pad, 4 face buttons! AND shoulder buttons! with smooth curves so much better than the boxy NES pad that cut into palms... to be young again...

5246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't even have Final Fantasy 13 and yet I'm checking the price right now...

look above if you're confused

5246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I told my ps3 not to become sentient and nuke the planet ala skynet, and it hasn't happened yet. That said, I ordered it to grill me up some steaks, and all I got were fries. :(

5246d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should sell condoms sealed in one of these:

Then again, that'll probably just make it worse. :(

5247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Based on what, exactly? A cool logo? I'm looking forward to hearing about it as much as the next person, given Rockstar's track record, but best game this gen when we've heard nothing? When their last game was GTAIV?

5247d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's funnier to laugh at someone when half the world is laughing with you.

5247d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

With LittleBigPlanet 2, they don't have to. Someone else will make an original experience based on a similar concept no doubt, and when you're sick of it, rather than buy a different game, simply load a new free level.

5247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't believe the gap is that big at all, but it's getting wider everyday. From the beginning, back in 2005 when we saw the specs and what the companies were working on, and from their respective histories I saw that Sony were aiming higher and in it for the long haul. The PS3 is very future proof, with technologies like the Cell, Blu-Ray, default HDD, default WiFi... Paired with Sony's First Party studios and I knew what would be the better decision.

5247d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Where do you guys see better animation? The animation in both games looks pretty atrocious actually. But when the dude from UC climbed on the balcony and pulled the bad guy down, the animation was beyond bad."
Play the game. Uncharted 1 was pretty groundbreaking in its use of animation, and 2 continues to set the bar with regard to that technology (layering animations).
There are certain animations that stick out like a sore thumb (some of the clim...

5247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly what I'm saying. I'll never say I'm a veteran gamer, I only recently played the original Half-Life, but I started back in the days of the NES, and that's long enough that I can tell apart the true quality experiences that stand the test of time... It's just such a complete joke that popularity almost never dictates quality, look at films; Would you really say that Titanic deserves to be higher than say Fight Club, The Matrix, Snatch? It's a good film no doubt, ...

5247d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

fifa is sick, especially these last few years. although I see your point, I think this sort of list should exclude the sort of games that have incremental releases year by year... It's just proof that this list is popularity over quality, and the fact that 90% of the games listed are from the last few years shows this. There is absolutely no argument one could make to put Halo over Half-Life (as a series). Half-Life was and continues to be groundbreaking. Episode 3 will only add to this. ...

5247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 was sick. i still remember free bird... now though. sigh

5248d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

its true. We're waiting to see exact details, but the devs assured us that although it was a bit of a work around, it was entirely supported and offered a lot of possibilites. They've specifically talked of recreating classic arcade games with entirely different controls and mechanics to Sackboy.

5248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd expect dual layer blu-ray, ala MGS4, up to about 50 gigs. This game is so huge though that even that may be a stretch... But I wouldn't expect 2 discs, after the Forza 3 criticisms. I haven't heard of a ps3 game using 4 layer blu ray (100GB) before, as I understand its possible, but introduces a good chance of reading errors and bad sectors when writing the blu ray...

5250d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I wouldn't remotely consider Halo the videogame of Star Wars, thats more Metal Gear standard, or Final Fantasy maybe, its sold a lot, and sure people still play it. But it ages quickly (look at Halo 3), and has become increasingly lackluster (hoping Reach is a break from this).
I say Metal Gear, as it is the only series I know that can be considered as epic as Star Wars in terms of scope, and it has such a huge and diverse universe behind it, you only ...

5250d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"The MGS4 ending was beast."
I can just imagine the blank faces on any PS3 fanboy faced with the dilemma of your comment. Should I disagree for the Alan Wake suggestion, or agree for the positive MGS4 reference?
How is AW btw? looks great from what I've seen, and its one of the few 360 games that I'm interested in. Too bad my cousins 360 broke though, reckon it'll come to PC?

5251d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disliked the final boss battle, at least it was more difficult than U1, but it was also pretty boring. Liked the ending though, not too much drama, some humorous batter combined with some beautiful scenery and the promise of more to come... not so emotional, but I was grinning madly anyway. left me pretty satisfied.
This list (even with SotC at 1) is completely rubbish as it did not mention either Metal Gear Solid 3 or 4 anywhere. Both are easily top 10 material, if not number 1.

5251d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

And for those of us without internet access? Open your eyes and see the world outside America and Europe. The majority of PS3's do not have a corresponding PSN account. It is unacceptable to deliberately release crippled software. Whether or not the load times in MNR is a form of this is irrelevant. Patches should be used to increase functionality or fix minor problems/ complaints that can only be discovered after mass market.

5251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

off topic -
How friggin annoying is that Alan Wake ad? seriously, it was so obtrusive that I quit chrome n loaded safari with flash block just to be able to read 1up's review. What kind of ad takes over the page? even temporarily?

5251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment