
CRank: 5Score: 6920

Thanks, +bubbles

5083d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're right, market cap is by now means the only way of measuring the size of a company, but it's often the most common one. Obviously it's a lot more complex than that, but there's people out there stating "No way! Sony is X times bigger than Apple!" which, when you consider market cap, is completely wrong. I'm just saying that's Apple's in a much better position to take over a company like Sony than people realise (althoug...

5083d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just about the only intelligent reply. Yes that's true, and it could be a potential problem. But Apple is in a much more advantageous position than Sony at the moment, and they could very likely perform a hostile takeover with their available revenue. If Sony has enough "disinterested" shareholders, (disinterested meaning not involved directly with the company), then they would likely sell out if Apple were to make a good enough offer, which they clearly are cap...

5084d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

They forgot one:
The Legendary Demo Disk.

5084d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Sony is many times bigger than Apple.
Not ever gonna happen."

I don't think it'll happen either, but you're dead wrong. Apple (AAPL) is almost 9 times bigger than Sony (SONY) by market cap.
AAPL: 282.1 billion
SONY: 33.71 billion
Apple have almost 51 billion in "cash" at the moment.

5084d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just in case you didn't see my post above, do some research. Facebook are privately owned at the moment, so their corporate information isn't available. Howver, you are correct that Microsoft has purchased about 1% of the company, valuing Facebook at ≈27 billion.
While I agree that Apple will not buy Sony, Disney or EA, you are completely wrong about them being "too big to absorb".
Sony's Market Cap: 33.71 billion

5084d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

While I agree that Apple will not buy Sony, Disney or EA, you are completely wrong about them being "too big to absorb".
Sony's Market Cap: 33.71 billion
Disney's Market Cap: 67.82 billion
EA's Market Cap: 5.159 billion

Whereas Apple's Market Cap = 282.1 Billion. Apple is in fact larger than all three of those companies combined. In fact, Apple is almost 9 times larger than Sony by Market Cap. Apple has over ...

5084d ago 11 agree17 disagreeView comment

Now there's an idea... Halo could translate pretty well, if not better on the PS3. Although I'd imagine Live might have a few features that PSN doesn't in regards to online multiplayer, but they'd have fewer limitations with the core game at any rate.

5087d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"This is a joke.
An article about not playing an OPTIONAL mode in a video game... Let's start writing about unicorns and leprechauns."

Unicorns and leprechauns are "optional" now? Unicorn - I choose you!

5088d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Could they not have used bluetooth rather than IR? I suppose it's the bluetooth drivers for Sony's controllers that haven't been emulated yet... something that could probably be done with a hacked ps3 though.

5091d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

GT4 was much better in every way, but I still had more fun with GT3. It was my first PS2 game...
Just a Day by Feeder during the intro, anyone?

Waking up at 12, in my clothes again,
Feel my head explode, from a night of gin...

5092d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Something to blow minds:
Just think of all the unbelievable music levels and any levels in LBP1 displaying logic (such as the LittleBigCalculator), these were completely unsupported idea's but the community found a way. In LBP2, just as a small example both these features are supported and streamlined so that any person could use them, and they can be compressed down to be nigh invisible. Just imagine what people will be able to do with this, Direct control, Paintinator, Camera co...

5092d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I missed the orignal as although I was hyped when it came out, I wasn't sure that I'd have access to online, and the price where I could get it was almost $100!
I'm actually still thinking of getting the GOTY edition, especially if I can find it cheap. Want to play through the original levels, and also it comes with a bunch of DLC thats compatible with LBP2. If I can get it for $30 I'm sold, even if LBP2 is only a few months away. It's a great game to have in your ...

5092d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've often thought about that, but not limited to gaming. How sick would it be if when you die a nice stats board came up saying : you've slept with 106 women you dog!
or - Trophy! Ran over 1 million miles in your lifetime!
I used to be a swimmer, and at my peak I'd swim 15 hours and 50 kilometers a week. That adds up to 32.5 days and 2600 kilometers a year. I'd like to know how far I've come exactly.

5092d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles down for immaturity.
I'd agree with Spydiggity. I would rather play Halo Reach than Killzone 2, but theres no getting around the fact that Killzone 2 is a technical marvel. What GG did very well was to make one hell of an atmospheric shooter, and thats for me what made the game enjoyable. Reach has (finally) improved upon Halo 3's graphics, but it is not K2 quality, and it's not the CG trailer we saw at it's introduction.

5093d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Really? A high end PC that costs many times more than a PS3 is capable of better graphics and higher resolutions? Wow, that is a startling revelation that I've only become aware of right now!
Sure sucks that PC gamers can enjoy games like Uncharted 2, MGS4, GT5 and God Of War 3 with much better graphics than we can...

... Oh, wait...

5093d ago 13 agree11 disagreeView comment

Ahh, ok. I get the idea behind the plane. Sounds pretty cool.
Sorry, you weren't specific about area, I thought you'd meant Africa as a whole. I understand what you're saying, we've got loads of problems here that most wouldn't think about. Corruption is a huge problem in most of Africa. I'm sorry to hear you had trouble here, but it's not the norm for tourists. At least, it never used to be. Crime has only really begun to be a problem ...

5094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why the hell would you rent a private plane to get from Jburg to Malawi?
More to the point, what did you find wrong about the country? Where did you visit? I happen to live here (Malawi), and despite many shortcomings, It's a great experience.
I can see where you're coming from, especially if you were expecting some luxury holiday, but there's many parts of Africa I've seen thats pretty developed. I could take pictures of Cape Town, Durban...

5095d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was going to get both black ops and GT5, but now I'm just getting GT5.


5096d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


He was being sarcastic mate, any real gamer knows that Half-Life is just about the best experience there is.
"Granted Episodes 1 & 2 flopped in comparison, around 2 million each at retail but what about Steam again"

Episodes 1 and 2 did anything but flop. The reason critical reviews are lower than other titles in the series is because many reviewers were treating them as full titles. Which, as Valve has stated, they're not. E...

5096d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment