
CRank: 5Score: 43530

Dishonored is more forgiving but I think the game's setting and story appeals to me more the Deus Ex's did.

4353d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

No reviews and the game hasn't been released but we get a trailer for DLC. Nice! #sarcasm

@ grailly

It's free if you preorder the game. From what I've seen, I'll wait for reviews and a consensus before considering picking it up.

4355d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You haven't played the game, have you?! SMH!

4361d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

The PS3 version only has 27 reviews while the XBox 360 version has 59. The PS3 version has 18 positive and 9 negative reviews while the XBox version has 25 positive and 34 negative. It's averages. The user score for both are about the same, horrid!!!

4366d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

How? The article is hollow and completely incorrect. Call of Duty is still the most played online multiplayer game on both major platforms with the last 3 titles consistently in the Top 5. The competitors he mentions, have a fraction of the online community Call of Duty has and even splintered across the last 3 major titles, each still far outnumber the "competitors" he mentions. The assumption that Call of Duty isn't as popular as it once was is perception, not fact because the...

4388d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

What would be the point? Why would there be a need to identify yourself as a gay gamer? We're all gamers, we play the same games.

4432d ago 102 agree12 disagreeView comment

Honestly, it's EZ mode if you're a competent player. My biggest problem with Call of Duty is not winning gun fights where I have the clear advantage. Whether it's lag or weapon balance, it's not a good feeling losing a gunfight where you obviously had the drop on the other guy. The problem with Hardcore mode is, there is no competitive balance. It seems like the guys who play are they guys who have problems being consistent in the normal modes. They suck, period. If you suck a...

4448d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Writer is another person with a blog and an opinion. SMH. I was really hoping he had something more than, "it's not special!".

4452d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm not sold but I am intrigued. I will give it a try and that's more than I could say before seeing that video.

4453d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some people have the means to not limit themselves.

4457d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pre-order details?! What about game details!? There has been so little information about what this game is actually about and no gameplay details! SMH!

4457d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Why should any character in fiction have a sexual orientation if it isn't important to the story? Sexual orientation rarely comes up, during the course of a video game's narrative so gay or straight isn't of any relevance. Context is more important than political correctness. It shouldn't be done just to prove how tolerant a developer is.

4459d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm with you. But they seem to be keeping a tight lid on the single player and the episodic, story driven content. I think 343i have focused on multiplayer to assure the Halo community that while the game's different, it's still the familiar Halo formula and the community has really responded positively to the changes.

4460d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I saw was a strong woman fighting back. How is that not the theme to take from that trailer. Instead you have those who can't see the content in it's context. Vulnerability in that situation is a reality. What I saw was a character pushed to challenge herself and fight back and it was riveting. I can't wait to see the story unfold. If Crystal Dynamics caves and deletes the scene, it shows a lack on integrity to the story and to the game they're creating. People will alway...

4484d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ kevnb

That's a bit unfair. Uncharted hasn't become a pop culture, crossover hit but it's successful with gamers. Not every game has to have the public profile of Halo or Call of Duty. Frankly, the fact that my Grandmother knows what Call of Duty is is a turn off and a clear indication Call of Duty has jumped the shark!

4485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought the scene made sense in it's context and given the darker, mature tone of the game. She's being overly sensitive and rightly so but just because it makes you uncomfortable, doesn't mean it should be addressed. It's a reality and it works within this context as shaping Lara's character.

4486d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for this game! November can't come fast enough!

4487d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

The app is a failure. I don't have cable but I need to be a cable subscribe with HBO to use HBO go?! That doesn't make any sense. If I had HBO, I'd get the same content on HBO on demand.

4513d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Jesus EA, it's like Kotick slept with someone at EA's mom. They stay keeping Call of Duty on their minds. Sound like a jilted lover. Are they also going to mention Call of Duty shipped almost twice as much, or that 3 separate Call of Duty games have larger online communities than Battlefield 3?

4522d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

You can't knock something you haven't played or experienced for yourself. It may work great or it may fail but I find the criticism of it, when we haven't even tried it, a bit stupid and immature.

4522d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment