
CRank: 5Score: 43530

I play Domination because in previous Call of Duty games, it was the easiest of game modes to predict the spawns and not be frustrated by a broken spawn system but it Modern Warfare 3, it's just random. I a team is holding A and another team is holding B and C why is it that, when players on team A are killed they're spawning behind me at C? The spawn system is rubbish. I just don't play the game anymore.

4660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would have to disagree with you there mate but I am enjoying Drop Zone. It's a great take on King of the Hill.

4660d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This actually looks like it could be a lot of fun. Nice spin on the growing popularity of Survival modes and fits perfectly in the Alan Wake world.

4662d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

What advertising? There is a small ad at the bottom of each slide that you don't even have to click on. I haven't watched 1 ad since the update. People make the ads a big deal when they're not. It's just something to bitch about. There is an ad at the side of the page as I type this and you know what, I've never clicked on them or scrolled over them. How about you do the same?

4666d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah, Microsoft is doing a great job of integrating entertainment options into XBox and XBox live but where are the game? It is first and foremost a GAMING console but the focus seems to be moving further and further away from core gaming.

4667d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

Rising never looked promising. The expectations were based solely on KojiPro and what they had done with the Metal Gear franchise. I think it's more promising as a action/slasher concept with Platinum at the helm.

4667d ago 31 agree8 disagreeView comment

I like the Youtube app. You can link your gamertag to your youtube account and view your subscriptions, which is great. The most popular video and trending categories are great for random videos as well. I heart radio isn't much of an addition without talk radio like ESPN radio.

4668d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand how this can even be an argument when each installment is growing the franchise's base. None of the writer's arguments has anything to do with the game's appeal or growing community on all platforms, including the PC.

4668d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Plus 1 for that comment man. Spot on. The VGA either needs to become a more serious representation that celebrates the industry or done away with.

4668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA are delusional as fanboys. How did it steal market share from Modern Warfare 3 when Call of Duty grew it's base from Black Ops to Modern Warfare 3? Come on Peter, get your head out of the sand!

4672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How does that make any sense when consumers are spending money on those titles? Of course it counts. It counts to those consumers, and it counts to Activision.

4674d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it's probably a safe bet it's a shooter. Sadly.

4675d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The XBox 360 dashboard updates have and continue to, refresh the XBox 360 experience. For better or worse, we're a culture where everyone feels they have to share their opinion on something.

4675d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Criminal

It's terribly slow. More style than substance like all the dashboard updates. They make finding content more cumbersome and it's never very intuitive to use.

4675d ago 9 agree37 disagreeView comment

It live on the East coast but expect a few error messages before it's downloaded. I do find it incredibly slow and have gotten a few XBL connection errors as well.

4675d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pump action shotguns need to be buffed. They aren't viable until you unlock Damage proficiency which is a grind. The only viable shotgun is the Striker because of its rate of fire, which is why it's the most commonly used shotgun.

4675d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

A grenade from C Dom spawn on the A Dom spawn in seconds you have a multi-kill. I admit, many of the maps are poorly designed in Modern Warfare 3 but this is a horrid example. Dome is a small map. He just jump-shotted someone running from C Dom spawn towards the A Dom spawn.

4676d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

@ Jason143

Then you're a moron or a liar. Pick one.

4680d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

While I disagree with the score, his arguments are well thought out, well written and valid. The problem is, his criticisms aren't weighed against what the game does right. The polished presentation makes up for the lackluster narrative and game design. It's not the defining game Uncharted 2 was but the writer lets his criticism get the best of his common sense.

4680d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think what matters most and what has happened, is the fans have spoken. In the number of games sold, in the size of the communities. There's a clear winner. The quality argument is subjective. While I feel Modern Warfare 3 was a lazy effort. Battlefield 3 still didn't do enough to make an argument for itself with a lackluster campaign and coop and a multiplayer that doesn't distinguish itself from previous efforts. Modern Warfare 3 may have rehashed a now tried and true formula ...

4680d ago 4 agree19 disagreeView comment