
CRank: 5Score: 43530

I have tons of exotics. Euros, plan c, ice breaker, bad juju, thorn, multitool you name it. I have a hundred strange coins and nothing to spend the currency on. Same with crucible and vanguard marks.

3601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's the problem with Iron Banner, it still doesn't reward me for being the baddest mofo on the planet. It's a penis size contest, and if I got the biggest one, reward me like I got the biggest one swinging. But no, it's just another vendor to rank up to get cosmetic loot. I'm level freaking 29, I spent 3 weeks grinding, reward me like I just did!

3638d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because you keep hoping it gets better. That the grinding has its reward. That playing the game the way Bungie intended would add clarity to a morbid struggle. Unfortunately, eventually you finally have to admit, Bungie are trolls.

3638d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

^^^^^ THIS

At level 24 and higher, loot exploits make no sense. At that point you already have your legendary and exotic armor pieces. You're likely to get more legendary engram drops from Vanguard Strike playlist and the raid. I don't see the point of spending an hour loot farming when you could have simply played a handful of Tiger strike missions and receive twice as many rare engrams and a few legendary engrams.

3638d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

How does Titanfall have a metascore of 86 and Destiny get's slammed by critics for being hollow?? SMH, the gaming media continues to make itself a joke. Gamespot gave Titanfall a 9/10 but turns around and calls Destiny shallow! What a freaking joke!

3664d ago 61 agree30 disagreeView comment

I never looked at Games with Gold as an entitlement. I pay for Gold as a service and knew exactly what I was getting for my money. That's my choice. I don't complain about the Games with Gold offerings. Some I'm more appreciative of than others. I hadn't played Dishonored since the game launched. Now I've had a chance to go back and experience the game in news ways. I'm not comparing Games with Gold to any other service. Like I said, I pay for Gold, that's my choi...

3667d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'll admit, I haven't bought a current gen console and I probably wont until February. I love that Microsoft continues to support the XBox 360 but that may also be the reason the XBox One lags so far behind. Many of my friends and family haven't bought a current gen console. With the many sales and Deals with Gold, I'm finding myself playing older games I may have missed. When games like Destiny offer the same content as current gen versions, I'm not enticed to upgrade for...

3667d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

A huge number of gamers haven't bought a current gen console. I haven't. I see no reason to, yet. And as limited as the options are this year on current gen consoles, I probably won't until February.

3675d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awful list. Subjective yes, but God awful.

3686d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like Titanfall, like Destiny, the game will play the same while looking only marginally worse for wear on last gen consoles. That's the biggest problem. What incentive do gamers have to make the current gen leap?

3686d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Totally misrepresented at E3. No longer excited about this.

3694d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft's Gamescom is better than their E3. Better concept, content and structure and announcements.

3695d ago 23 agree11 disagreeView comment

I think it's only in 2015. It was carefully worded. I think the exclusivity is timed.

3695d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'll pass. Looks like rubbish. And I've long been a defender of the series.

3696d ago 30 agree57 disagreeView comment

The game is so unoriginal, I don't get the hype. I'm seriously trying to figure out what started the hype train other than Destiny being a multiplatform Bungie game.

3713d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ venom06

At this point there is no misconceptions about what Call of Duty is. It's a tried and true formula and for better or worse, fans like that. I think it's the exactly opposite. Recent Call of Duty titles haven't faired well with journalists but at this point, you know what you're going to get with a new title in the franchise and surprisingly, fans continue to speak with their purchasing power. Even micro transactions for the game is more popular than ...

3793d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is a huge population who consistently chastise fans of the series for not being real gamers. The truth is as many gamers that have moved on from the series, there are many more new comers to the franchise. There was on average over 200K unique users playing Call of Duty at any one time over the weekend on XBL. It is consistently the most played game on each console. It's popularity continues to dwarf it's competitors. Facts.

3793d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

By Call of Duty's continued popularity, gamers don't hate the series. A pretentious internet majority do. They believe they determine who should be considered gamers and what you should enjoy to be considered a "real" gamer. News flash, they're the minority.

3793d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

How? Neither provides a gameplay experience you could not have on last gen consoles. Infamous certainly looks the part but lacks substance or any real evolution of the open world sandbox. I bought a PS4 at launch but I'm still waiting to be "wowed" by this generation's games.

3810d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

@ jmac53

I'm sure you've hit the nail right on the head. I'm certain both versions are far more similar than anyone expects.

3849d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment