
CRank: 5Score: 17820

Doesn't sound extreme at all for such a title. And does that include development of the Fox Game Engine?

3240d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly, both machines are GPU-centric and the PS4 is quite a bit superior. In raw Teraflops, and in the pathways and bandwidth also.
Not a big deal, but the stupid assertions made in the 'article' tediously demand answering. Yawn.

3249d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

Remember an early showing with the fox and xof badges being thrown. They were as circular as a breeze block. Circles and round objects don't exist in the universe of MGS.
The game looks the same today as then, maybe better. As you say no false tessellation and super computer fakery and it looked great.

3265d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't blame Sony. They tried to sell a high spec piece of tech with PS3, but Joe public and a lot of the media were not impressed. I purchased a PS3 at 12:05am launch night, so I am also not to blame. And I lament what has become...…

3273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was great having those cars. Physics and driving was the same as the fully rendered cars, - that out numbered the cars in any 360 Forza title. No big deal, but you needed to know.

3273d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Arrows, not thorns.
Creature, not an animal.
Muppets, not Journalists.

But a great looking game and I am excited.

3286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My favourite part of the interview was the end stating how the Trico (is it still called?) might not have behaved in a way to best show it of during a live demo. Brilliant. Cannot wait. I might just boot up the PS2 this weekend and play the first 2 games again.
(Yes, it looks like a PS3 game ported to PS4. The visuals were always good, the scope was the issue. This studio create beautiful worlds, so it isn't a problem).

3287d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are correct on many points, including my inner PS fanboy being a little shrunken by the XB1s ability for BC.
But, they didn't beat Sony to anything. PS2 played PS1 discs. PS3 played PS2+1 discs, then Joe public disregarded this feature. Credit to MS for not wanting to push the envelope with the 360 development. They released early and forced PS3 design changes and then it was expensive upon launch, even with only one Cell BE it was costly with Wi-Fi and Bluray in every box. So...

3288d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It was good. (but no Gran Turismo! sniffle)

3288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Loved it. Was always in my top 3 of anticipated titles, since 2007?
Although watching on a stream it looked like it could run on PS3, visually at least. Think the evidence is there that PS3 just didn't have the grunt for the development teams ambitions of interactive environment and NPCs??
Would have been glorious on PS3.
Will be glorious on PS4.

3288d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But but but your profile picture is a bear! And in MGSV you can capture and tame a Bear!

3299d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Loved the idea of bringing animals back to Mother Base, but the opportunity of bringing back a 'Bear'......yes. Diamond dog got an eye patch, (and a vest??) I want my bear to have stealth camo body armour, and a back mounted rail gun.
I am a little dissapointed about lack of cut scenes, but I liked the cassette tapes in PW, the sounds which accompanied the voice acting set the mood nicely. (I found Kaz's constant chatter over the com's in GZ annoying but it was a demo...

3299d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Show me another cross platform, cross gen title in a sandbox environment looking as good as MGS5.

3300d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

XB1 smells blood? No.
XB1 swims in its own faeces! Indeed.

3308d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I hope Kojima 'owns' the Fox Engine, so that he can easily get up and running with his next project(s).

3319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ahh, great. Will compliment the Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov doll that was also 'squeezable', if you wanted to pretend you were Volgin.

3324d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Metal Gear Solid 2.

3374d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ICO. No... SoTC. No... Onimusha 1 to 3. No, GTA VC. No, Legacy of Kane Defiance. Darn it there are too many to pick a favourite. (I wish I could say the same about the PS3/360 genereation. Bought PS3 on launch night!)

3374d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well.….., I hope they can take the Fox Engine with them. In other words stop Konami from using it.

3375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


3377d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment