
CRank: 5Score: 17820

I'm in the same boat.

3311d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The main danger from hero worship is when said hero fails to deliver or live up to expectations??
Not applicable to Kojima in regards to today and his latest project that's been years in the making and has so many expectant gamers eager to own it.

Forbes? 2+2=4. A Great game + hype = money and sales. 'What's the problem with Konami' would have been a good article to read.

3312d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Kojima fell out with Konami, partly because MGSV cost a bit of money to create.
If everybody takes the view of 'stuff Konami, I'm not buying that Metal Gear game', then Kojima will never be allocated funding by any game publisher to create another triple A title ever again.
Its a false logic and would do more harm than Konami.

3313d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why would we listen to a Konami Exec??
I will tell you why, not to read the arse kissing crap in the article, and Mr Konami claiming credit for the greatness of MGSV . We read the stupid article for real answers about micro tansactions and paywalls ect!!

'All of your concerns put to rest', they claimed.
No, no they werent.

(Im getting sick of this now)

3314d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am a Sony PlayStation only gamer. And I am immature 'cause I'm a man. Banter with XB1 owners was fun. But now things have changed. We all new the differences between the 2 new consoles before we purchased them. So forget the PS4 performance edge as we all new before we chose a machine. Indeed both seemed under powered fueling an argument over who had the better or worse of 2 weak consoles. No longer.
What I mean is that the XB1 is proving itself a capable machine. MGSV as a ...

3314d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In actual motion the difference would be there. Especially with both sources being a solid 60fps.
Otherwise go back to an old CRT.
None the less we should all celebrate. I have a PS4 and I am happy. If I had a XB I would be equally happy.

3315d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Mmm. Describe it to me. What are you wearing??
Shit I mean cool! Can't wait to pick it up for PS4 myself.

3315d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

??? Enough of this shit. FPS are identical during gameplay. You cant actually call the performance on any of the two of them anyrhing other than 60fps. Literally a single drop here or there. Great job Kojima Productions

But if you want to play silly buggers then PS4 MGS is in HD.

3315d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

The news all of us have been waiting for. And its very good news.

3315d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

As long as we get to create, and destroy, Metal Gears' with penis guns then I will be happy. Favourite bit of the new trailer was the second half.
As for story, let us hope people who have played missed out on a lot of in game Intel such as cassette tapes. I will miss the long windedness of Metal Gear Solid of old too.

3315d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


3315d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I want this to be ridiculously good, to show what kind of sim can be done exclusively on a console. I will be watching with enthusiasm to get my fix (no sign of GT7 yet).
I only have Sony Consoles. But this is surely one of the more important launches of this gen so far, when it arrives. All of us who have invested in a console need to see the difference between this gen and last in terms of a sim racer.

3315d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

We have all played Witcher 3, great game.
Bloodborne didn't grab me but I appreciated its merits.
Fallout is no different from GTA and TES,-its just better, but inferior to the Witcher.
We have all watched gameplay from MGSV. We have played MGO previously, we know Kojima productions' work.
I think you are deluded, and for whatever reasons a little bit butsore??

3315d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And its the gameplay I always loved.


3315d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The best open world game I have played. I found it to be better than GTA, Fallout, and the Elder Scrolls. Those other games were incredibly tedious and boring at times.

3315d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sometimes its crap, yes. But sometimes its great. For example in MGS Sons of Liberty I loved the story and all cutscenes from them tanker mission. Especially when Revolver Ocelot reveals himself and steals Metal Gear Ray after,killing Gurlukovich I think it was, ' When did you betray us, Ocelot?'
'I abandoned Her during the cold war, Commrad.' Great.

3315d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it lives up to what has been promised, from every video and play review we have all watched and watched... then No, I don't think any game can compete with MGSV or its status as game of the year.
MGSV isn't just amazing in its own right as a game. Look at previous titles from the series. No other series has added and expanded in such a way from one main title (MGS4) to the next. The scale, the freeform gameplay, the refinement (which is divisive I know in terms of lack of c...

3315d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

His artwork is always amazing, but the suggested artwork-while beautiful-is a bit messy in the present colour scheme. As for the actual box art, its good, it does what it should. IMO.
Box art is the least of my concerns. Possible Paywalls for this game worry me!

3315d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know this. Doesn't stop me thinking of a ZOE freed from the constraints of mediocre hardware.

3316d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm immature and couldn't resist.
Really though imagine a ZOE game just on XB1 and PS4 with a decent game engine and hardware.

3317d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment