
CRank: 5Score: 17820

Oh, I see. Pointing out facts is called 'trolling'. Got it. Thanks.

3819d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never finished Uncharted, it was uninspiring. 2 and 3 I completed and enjoyed. TLOU was purchased as soon as it released and I am struggling to finish it. Its linearity and stupid enemies ruin it.
These short comings will be even more apparent on PS4, no?

3819d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

'Splinter Cell Clone'? Hilarious.

Edit:And Xbox doesn't deserve any compliments when the XB1 version is in between PS3/360 and the PS4 version. No. Kojima Productins deserves the compliments for Fox Engine looking good across 4 Platforms. I would hope an open world title exclusive to the XB1 would have better draw distance and lighting ect? compared to a cross gen multi-plat!

3823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That really is patheticly sad, ......... yes, I want one.

3823d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does it matter? It will be like games that have already used the 'cloud'. Meh

3823d ago 6 agree22 disagreeView comment

IMO (ignorant opinion) 360 would be easier than PS3 to emulate on next gen. This would be one thing that XB1 has over PS4...... although I still opt for the PlayStation console, as I always do.

3825d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ahh...... cross generation, multi platform MGS Ground Zeroes looks good everywhere, but XB1 version isn't really pushing beyond PS3 or 360? Explain that to us, please.
Funny and ironic that you mention 'cloud' when only the PS4 version of MGS GZ has dynamic sky and cloud simulation. Ha ha haaa.

3826d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly. But we MGS fans are connoisseurs.

3827d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I cannot disagree with the author of the article, but I feel I must jump in and say that MGS Ground Zeroes hurts so much because it is so good, Phantom Pain is promising to blow all of us Metal Gear fans away. I am still hopeful that we will get some more missions in within the confines of Camp Omega, as Phantom Pain is still some time from release.
As for other series? I don't think I personally give them a free ride. The first Assassins Creed was so pathetic (-great visuals and ...

3827d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its a bit more hard hitting than previous games, but not new to MGS. Remember Volgin in Snake Eater, he abused Raidonavich and Eva (under cover which means she allowed it which makes things complex), not to mention torturing and cruely killing other characters. I disliked Volgin immensely. There was humour to soften his and others' actions , but the cruel and the perverse was still there.
Nuclear proliferation, child soldiers, torture, its all here in MGS5, I am looking forwards t...

3829d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can see it now....

Buzzzz. Bzzz

SNAKE - 'Miller, I see Paz. She is wearing fly Cammo......'
MILLER - 'Nice. Like you wore in Groznygrad?'
SNAKE - 'Yeah,.......wait! She's, she's dead.......Paz, why?'
PAZ. - 'Hello Snake!'
SNAKE. - 'PAZ? What's going on?'......... 'Damn it Miller. She's full of Introvenus Nano
MILLER. - 'Care...

3830d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

That is what we are to do...... so how is it not a demo?

3830d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never shot all pigeons in GTA or whatever waste of a life 'extras' are in games. Stuff like that is depressing. Why I find most games suck, they are incredibly shallow, too many 'game' elements.
I completed MGS, Sons of Liberty, and Snake Eater multiple times. I know how to play and appreciate these favourite games of mine.
Ground Zeroes is SHORT' I stealthed through it all in 2 nights. Nothing else to see, covered the whole Camp Omega on first playthroug...

3831d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

If he had quit then perhaps MGS4 might have been better but...... we now have the Fox Engine, KJProductions LA (MGO), and the game play of MGS5 is better than any stealth game. GZ is one of the most beautiful PS3 games, best enemy A.I ect ect. Its all looking good.

'Kept you waiting, huh?'
"Yes you did, but it was worth it."

3831d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nonsense. We have not seen what PS4 can 'do' yet. XB1 is in the same position of course, but when we saw a disparity between their predecessor consoles, then we shall witness more performance gaps this gen.

3832d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

And don't forget that clones inherit the genetic age of the parent subject. So even if Solidus was created later he would still be the same age as Solid and Liquid at the genetic level.

3833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

rodiabloalmeida I don't care what happened to you, neither does Kojima. You only just finished MGS4. Why should you dictate how the series progresses?

3833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You finally finished MGS4 only yesterday? You are not a fan then other wise you would have finished it long ago. If you didn't finish it sooner because it was stale then relax, MGS is back on track. I am a fan of Metal Gear, not just Solid, I liked the Acid games ect (but actually I hated the Raiden Rising game). I am really liking MGS5 so far, even as a non console specific game engine on PS3 the visuals surpass MGS4, the A.I is improved, the gameplay mechanics are superb. So fans will l...

3833d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know it is but they won't spoil Phantom Pain by releasing parts of it before launch. I am coming at it from a value argument, I love MG but GZ is a rip off. We should get free updates of some kind if PP is a year or more away? A good thing about GZ was ........'SPOILER ALERT'......... being able to have Kojma sans blown about the battle field to vent our anger, he hee.

Edit. Its not just L.A working on MGO. I liked the original, a perfect antidote to COD ect. MG...

3833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A lot of us who purchased Ground Zeroes are fans of the series. We don't need anybody to explain how to enjoy Metal Gear. And enjoy it I did, but it is incredibly short. I explored the whole Camp on my first play through.
I hope some online component becomes available to us before the release of Phantom Pain, perhaps temporarily recycling a few MGS4 levels to compliment Camp Omega, they can call it beta testing or whatever they want. If not then some more missions need to be cre...

3833d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment