
CRank: 5Score: 17820

I think that its hilarious when certain gamers are uncomfortable with picking a team. "Oh let us all hold hands". I'm a Playstation fan boy, yessir, but importantly this is only because they provide the best games for me, and with PS3 and PS4 the best hardware. Its a good laugh to shit talk about Xbots and vice versa. Its just a bit of fun.
I've just thought, - I do feel that when I consistently choose only 1 console per generation its because I'm fully getting...

4225d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why would GT6 exist for PS3? The answer is that it wouldnt. There is no room for improvement that deserves a full PS3 release. The consoles limitations have surely been meet by Polyphony already, no? If they have anything it would be DLC for GT5. I obviously don't know, but I would imagine that the digital recreations of vehicles and environments used for GT5 are detailed enough to be used more fully in GT6 on more capable hardware.

4226d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ha ha ha listen to the PC brigade, "We know absolutely everything - you console gamers are thick, listen while we tell you."
No PCgamers!! You listen to us. We will enjoy the PS4. Why don't you get away from the keyboard wash your hair and go outside, you might get to speak to a girl or make Vitamin D when the sunlight hits your skin or something.

4226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, if they recoup or not is somewhat irrelevent because PS3 followed 2 financially productive market leading consoles. Indeed, while PS3 is currently second in sales in its hardware generation behind the Nintendo Wii, it is none the less a sucess and the leading console in its demographic - ahead of 360. This is a valuble market position.
Anyway, I'm tired of all the doom and gloom 'experts' on PS4. Did any body actually pay attention to the details available on Sony...

4226d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can support PS4 not being backwards compatible with games on discs from older generation hardware, or to put it another way after Feb 20th I appreciated were Playstion has changed Tech wise for the good of itself, and the industry.
But if this non support for the CD format is true then I am one very disappointed Sony Fan-Boy. This just looks to be an unnecessary backwards step, plenty of CD's have found their way onto my PS3 hard drive.
I hope Playstation 4 'Only do...

4226d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I care about the performance of a game console, I care about the performance/cost of everything I buy, wether its my car, aquarium filter, or energy drink ect ect. I would have thought of myself as a normal educated consumer in that regard.
I love playing Total War and Age of Empires on my Desktop, but can't afford the time or money to be a serious PC gamer. I get the best console instead, Sony. Just buy a console, plug it in and enjoy. I loved PS2 because of its library, but b...

4227d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I purchased 4 driving games for PS3, GT Prologue and GT5, Motorstorm, and Dirt. I was not impressed with Dirt, it felt all wrong to me and I traded it the next day. I love GT, well its Gran Turismo, enough said.
And Motorstorm, I remember getting that game home with my 60G PS3 in the small hours and loving it. That launch title visually matched any 360 game and the fun factor was very much there. It succeed at what it was meant to be. Yes the menus were slow, as was getting onlin...

4229d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Epic_Troy I'm just hav'n a laugh. Seriously though, these are quite exciting times with both console makers with still so much to reveal. It looks like the 720 and PS4 will both be good.
I have to be honest and say I hope PS4 is the most capable of the 2 because I like Sony franchises, ND, Santa Monica, GG, Team ICO ect. They will maximise what ever hardware that they get to develop on. But both machines should be great for developers. Will the Metal Gear universe finally do a...

4229d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I laugh at people calling for peace and love amongst gamers, ha ha. A console is a big investment, I personally have neither the time nor money for multiple consoles. They are competitors, Sony and Microsoft, playing for big stakes. If I wanted to eat yoghurt and wear sandals while preaching peace then I would choose a Nintendo. I don't. I choose a Sony console. Its fun, like being a fan, and supporting a football team.
Also XBots need to realise that while its perhaps irrelevan...

4229d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

After all of the crap that they pulled, and talked, this gen its funny to picture the lot of them at this internal showcase with red-eyed despair and sweat marks on their shirts.

4230d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

Let us be realistic regarding BluRay. Microsofts goal was to trump Sony's game console dominance with XBox 1 and 2, and to hurt Sony by defeating its new media BluRay by any means so they latched onto HD-DVD. There is no way X-Box division want to use BluRay, its got to be humiliating. These two are engaged in a battle. but that doesn't mean they can't be gentlemanly about it. Competition is good. Sony just succeeded with BluRay, Microsoft failed whatever they were trying.

4230d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

How is there disappointment? It is only February and we now know that its the most capable console coming out, and development of software for it is as easy as on any other modern platform, - none of the negativity from developers which greeted PS3. And a whopping amount of Ram, 8g of GDDR5. How will they manage that?
Whereas the PS3 fustrates with 15min software updates ect, and a painfully slow UI, in the future, PS4 owners will be ripping out hair if they have to wait 3 seconds t...

4230d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really like the look of DS4. Of coarse it will be a little odd at first, but a new console will allow my subconscious mind to absorb the different dimensions of the controller. The fact that it is a non-glossy finish is a plus, much grippier texture combined with larger size, nice. Interested to see how the speaker is utilised, in MGS4 I wore an ear piece so that Otacon (I know he's not real) could talk and provide battlefield data staight to my ear. This could be a similarly immersive ...

4230d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand all of this talk about PlayStation as a game console , and XBox as an entertainment hub ect ect. Correct me if I'm wrong but Sony did both better than Microsoft with PS3, and look to do the same with the PS4.

4232d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Stop talking out of your Ar$e Crytec. If consoles are so poor then why bring your software near them? If Sony's technical trajectory continues with the PS4 then many millions of gamers will be happy.
I don't understand the silly argument of PCs having so much power, its usage is so wasteful and inefficient. And big deal 'I paid £3,000 to play a console game with a higher resolution blah blah'. It is the inferior consoles which set the pace, not PCs.

4235d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got a PS3 at launch, but only just purchased Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 a couple of weeks ago. After Uncharted I wasn't that fussed on the series, or any other NaughtyDog titles. Of coarse I now know I was wrong. The evolution of Uncharted games is amazing to see. The first game wasn't poor, I just felt that it was lacking a bit but 2 and 3, Wow. I am really looking forwards to The Last of Us.

4236d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

How do you know Nintendo will ever even release a Next Gen console?? They have only just launched the Wii-U, and haven't mentioned or hinted at a Next Gen successor............ oh.......... wait.

4236d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

When the PS3 launched Motorstorm was better looking than any 360 game, even with a 1 year head start and the fact that the 360 was an 'easy to develope for' platform. It was also great fun to play, and because it was the best game of its type it felt fresh. So I am looking forwards to what they will deliver with the Orbis.

4237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like to see this game fulfil the ambitions of Team Ico. No matter which console it comes to it should be good. Ico was originally to be a PS1 game, Im glad that they changed course and produced one of the best Playstation games. Even if it appears on Orbis as a slightly polished PS3 game graphically it will be great. I don't think it will not be about visuals, if there is a change then it is memory and A.I necessitating it to become an Orbis title. Look at the things team Ico brou...

4239d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only problems that PS3 really had were:
Launching in a global recession
Media mistruths and bias against PS3
Its competitors short changing gamers by not trying to push the envelope and
forcing Sony to launch the PS3 before they wanted.
PS3 was still the best console IMO, even with the initially high purchase price, remember that to bring the cheaper 360 hardware up to par you needed to buy a yearly subscription to play online, HD-DVD ad...

4239d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment