
CRank: 5Score: 8270

as a ps3 fanboy it doesn't matter whether the console works or not your gonna find fuel to add to the fire, if not they will start one.

Faoys like one console of choice and when there is a threat nothing is ever safe. attack at every chance or minuscule issue.

so bathy it does not matter this bs will go on for 5+ years until one dies. sonyfanboys hate MS so let it be and thats that....

your just as bad playing the peace pipe when you have had "xbo...

6101d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

considering the fanbase of the xbox 360. imagine the 360 is not yet at the same number as the original xbox so there are probably more gamers that are waiting to make purchases for xmas time.

imagine after the holidays and the halo 3 bundles and a lower price console, whihc ms have yet to match sony on their second price cut.

6101d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

N4G turns even the non gamers to fantards.

you never ownwed a PS in your life and you call urself a gamer...haha

where have you been , and to call me noob. lol

I made a statement and every gamer wants a Demo regardless.

forget the, "they need more time to work on the game BS" do a comparisons on xbox 360 demos and Sony ps3's lack of content and youll see why gamers love demos when they can get one.

6101d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

sh#t cutting something that has been a staple for your success because of threatened competition and a bad strategy as well as a market price is not acceptable.

sony is feeling the heat a $200 cheaper console in less than a year.

without competition and if there was only sony and nintendo we would never have seen these uncharacteristic moves by sony, the market leader. they denied having multiple skus but now have had a 20, 40, 60 , 80 gig machine and you know a ...

6101d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

no BC on the 40 gig for who? gamers....hahaahah

-some of the gamers that have been waiting for a cheaper price are the same gamers that have been feeding the PS2 cash cow up till now and all the sudden they are suppose to forget their 40+ PS2 games did not EXIST?

-some do not own HDTV's as of yet or they would of gotten the high priced model since HDTV are not cheap.

yes imagine the Xbox 360 downgrading an important function when it comes to buying...

6101d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

probably never heard of XBL.

Demos galore..why you ps3 fans think its OK, to not be getting DEMOS, that's so last gen lol.

"shut up guys ,oh yeah they need to work on the game so who needs a demo? "Right

6101d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

was HOME a game?

I honestly do not think for one moment that ads will make the slightest difference to the game. "

If fanboys on here are confused, I can't imagine simple casual gamers that have no clue what this sh%t is..

Ads stink even online they suck while browsing pages but if you want something free than its gonna come with ads, people will deal but no , Ads suck.

6102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why don't they reveal Master Chief as Sephiroth, and it would sell 1 million copies in a week...

6102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the original XBOX, that sh#t would of bounce 3 times and land

6103d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

"No games on PS3 just doesn't cut it any more bots. "

very similar to ms and its rrod issue, when the new falcon consoles are coming, just like PS3 and Games.

funny ps3 lemmings continue to hold on to the notion, "the ps3 continues without games but swear it has games."

do me a favor look up the sales of

heavenly sword,

of course halo 3 has surpassed all 3 which was expect...

6104d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

the only people that it effect or who should care is xbox fans.

i don't see why anybody else cares, especially if they have never touched halo or liked bungie's most successful game?

this will be similar to insomniac and sony, nothing more nothing less.. i don't care.

good luck bungie make anew game...

6104d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

dmc is the only game that can have GUNS..

what fools...

"Look it looks like dmc it has GUNS"

better yet

"Look there is a guy as the main character like dmc"

even better

"Look it has some RPG elements, like other RPG's"

nuting better to do, i suppppose, any new blu-ray movies out?

6104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

by the looks of the comments on this article probably NOT.

6104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"sony now has competion"

6104d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

how many gamers said that they would never buy a Next-Gen console unless it was able to play OLD games?

Fanboys on n4G don't count, they too far stuck up sony's sh#thole..

i bet you if you take a POLL, you'll be surprised at the results..

this site is ridiculous and every gamer will swear they don't need BC. just like they didn't need RUMBLE. It's a good thing 99%+ of real PS2 gamers don't come on here and let Fanboys make decisions for them.

6104d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

sony downgrades the PS3 as well as its price and every thing is fine.

ms upgrades the core systems and offers a free year of xbox live with a cheaper price but ofcourse this is a negative sony lemmings eye.

The gamers that will never ever own the console have the most complaints.

fanboyism at its best.

6104d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gamers that currently have the Ps2 and probably no HDTV were waiting for a cheaper PS3, well sony gave them just that now they can even play their 40+ game library.

The longer you wait to get a PS3 the longer you continue to buy and support the PS2 titles. Now you have waited for a40 gig SKU, now your out of luck.

if you gonna introduce a new SKU, at least one of the main functions should not be taken away. Those that do not play PS2 games anymore, well thats fine b...

6104d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

a 100+ gig version of the PS3.

this is a rumor but come one who ya kiddin...



All too predictable..ofcourse whenever sony denies something it is probably coming. let's see what they say about this one.

I remember everyone blabbering about xbox offering HDMI and it's sku's, at least it was an upgrade, Sony taking sh@t away, is cruel to its PS2 fanbase.

just wait...

6104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

envethough ps3 fanatics never questrion , care or see anything negative aspescts of sony's strategy, it's good to know some can still make sense of it all from a business pov.

the single most important thing to ps1/2 fans before purchasing a next-gen, has to be, being able to play your old games with a console that you can FINALLY afford. notice I said "finally".

If not, then what is the point waiting for that magical price drop or atleast for the sku you ...

6105d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

but isn't that what you expect, since most games for the ps3 have extra development time, as well as the console itself had extra time to work on sh!t, well a whole fn year.

so what would you expect?

if something goes worng with sony and it's devs, than thats on sony, it has nothing to do with ms decisions.

no one is wiling to see that both consoles have weaknesses. just FTW and "wait you'll see"Comments.

would be nice to &...

6106d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment