
CRank: 5Score: 8270

"Buy One
K-Mart K-Mart that's your store, you shop there because you are poor."

Does this guy know that this store is in the same realm of Walmart and who do you think shops at Walmart Tiger Woods?

does fanboys know that there is less rich people in the world then there are middle of the ladder income families?

Price matters and so do these stores...

6172d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it willnot be that successful.

The BC issue will scare many gamers away and they will be scrambling for a 60 gig or a 80 gig which is already more expensive.[back at square 1, and back to waiting]

If you look at a lot of gamer boards and threads you'll see what some gamers are thinking..gamers that have the 60 gigers don't care much or they don't play ps2 games ever again, i wonder if they would ever trade their 60 giger for a 40 giger?

BC will p...

6172d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I do know the PS2 has a humongus library of games with plenty aaa titles.

Now if th ePS2 sell like hotcakes to new gamers, and with a library of so many games left to be played when will these gamers move unto next-gen?

I guess sony is right after all the Ps3 won't be worth it 5 years after release. If the original ps3 came down in price and that was the strategy, to keep BC in there then there would be no point of buying a ps2, as your "Ps3 does the same ...

6174d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

" Yeah she is HOT if you like the whole UGLY ghetto hoochie mama thing."

I'd take her to dinner..

6178d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

turtle but how many times we have seen others call halo 3 halo 2.5? see ps3tards can look at games that way but one honest guys opinion doesn't matter...

6178d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

gamers are really using that video replay in halo 3 eh....

now you can't imagine halo 3 without...

that was awesome tho, all of these are freak timing events, i wouldn't try this

6178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

every consumer will come on this site and read teh first post with the SPAMMING review then say I'll pass.[end sarcasm]


Fanboys are funny as if they or this site matter or have any word in what people buy. People got to walmark for a reason. Taht same reason they will pickup one of these.

They dont care about 51 gigs or 1080p when them 1080P tvs are to much money righ tnow, most will have a 720p/1080i and on a 40 inch screen you wont see muc...

6179d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And you are SPAMMING.

I didn't come here to read why you think the player sucks or your spamming review.

how many cheap made DVD players by sharp, insignia,GMX(somethinglike that) and others are out there and people buy them because, "WELL IT' S AFFORDABLE. SIMPLE AS THAT." Most HDTV as of now are 720P/1080i like some stated, 1080P is at least an extra $1000 and does make much difference if you go out and buy a 40 inch.

Stop the damage c...

6179d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lets post Microsoft CHARITIES VS SONY's?

Let's see who donates the most.....

anyone has numbers?

It disgusts me how people cannot give bill props for other things other things but bashing his console.

6179d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

when did Sony daonate to charity?

They ofcourse continue to feed LIES the ungreatful Trolls they have created with their last 2 gen consoles.

6179d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

did you jsut magically appear from under a rock? go do some research on al the games that are or might be delayed unto 2008 for the Ps3.

It's bad becasue sony will miss a chance to capitalize on big holiday sales with the enticment of new IPs and games.

yes the games eventually come out but during cold months for console sales.

imagine UT3, AC, and army of two delayed well you have uncharted and racket and that card game. mind you the xobx has ple...

6179d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

these kids understand x-mas time is the best time for SALES.

they think after x-mas time when parents and grandmas and most kids are out of cash that sales are going to sky-rocket.

Don't you know how important big sale months are?

just cause a game is delayed till 2008 does not make it alright for sony. Well it is Ok for those that doesnt have money to buy most games but console sales are big around certain times of the year. Spring and summer is ...

6179d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

at lest you bring something new instead of PopEmUp's boast about PSs being free even if there is lag and claiming every xbox game has lag. which was no surprise at that defense mechanism, I posted earlier.

Like I said Konami the new EA. with their horrible programming.

6179d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

no f$%kin Way, Sony's PSN is way above everyone else and it's free even if there is lag.

When we all know LAG depends on so many factors...

Maybe Konami is the next EA?. Maybe Ms paid someone?, some food for thought..

6179d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

me that knows sh#t about game development. while all they can do is whine like little b#$ches about a ps3 game getting one bad review, as well as blaming developers for sony's pos architecture as well as gamers that tell the truth.

why don't you, save the whiny drama fo your mama.

now on this article: sony better get their sh#t together.

6179d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PopEmUp - 13 Minutes ago
Lol Bloodmask doesn't slept with his girlfriend but he slept with his boyfriend


What a dirtbag..

6179d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

now we need 2 more top reviewers to give it below a 9 then Ps3 fan will no longer trust anything but a Playstation Mag.

I never seen Fanboys cry so much, as if one score is totally gonna change it for them.

the game go pretty good scores seems like all around.

What retards.. u Ps3 fans are so sensitive and insecure. look sony got a aaa, title go play the damn game.

6180d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

as some have said look at EA.

EA swallows Ubi, then Activision and Take-Two. Sega and others join the fun.

Peter Moore AKA: the MOLE does his dirty Work.

MS signs a deal with EA to bring games only to PC and xbox.

Sony and nintendo left in the cold and bows down to the huge comglomerate. 1st party titles not enough to sustain sales.

we see pswii60 come to reality.

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

tha tone day I'll be able to afford a Ps3 and it will have good games in 5 years and by that time the hardware will be sh#t compared to what will be out and you guessed it, the new xbox and Wii will be the talk on ADVANCE.

just wait and see..

remember this dream..

6181d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

bullsh#t before.

The dumb fanboys will think sales went up 960%.

Percentage of rankings is BS news.

6181d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment