
CRank: 5Score: 8270

not everybody is into card games. even though it looks nice but leave that to the yugi-oh(however it's spelled) crowd. the game is not a potential system seller, so it gets no hype.

that list right there are the only games i hear people talk about on the ps3, really thats it for sony in 2007.

6247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

learn to play..

it's like saying i hate car damage in a racing sim...learn to drive will ya.

6247d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the PS2 over the PS3 because the PS3 is still pricey for little "Tiny Tim" and gramps social security check this holiday. Still has issues with the programming. The game coming out are ok. No HOME does not count, casual gamers dont have time for sausage fest, and doing sh#t. they wanna play games.

The ps2 has huge game library, much cheaper price, hey you can get a ps2 and like 10 games.

1.The Ps2 was last-gen's leader and is still doing well.

6248d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you purchase a 360 and it RROD on your first attempt, and you send it to MS instead of bringing it back to the store?

You lieing sack of Sh!t, how is anyone suppose to believe that?

Logic tells us, you bring it back to the store the next day. Knowing these consoles does have issue, you would even get an extended warranty.

Oh yeah and whatever "KN" said.

6248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's all they have gotten in the last 3 months. "what if it breaks down "

Hopefully the new MS consoles come out for the holidays and put this RROD jokes to rest.

really, I don't have to post the games but the 360 has some great games coming. It has a cheaper price-pont, and very close to the Wii now and bigger gaming library.

for the casual gamer/tiny tim and parents, thats what it's all about. the ps3 doe shave some good games but...

6248d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

the sku strategy of MS is actually working. If nobody was buying all 3 skus or just they are just buying one, then it would look negative but one sku go down and one goes up, either way, an xbox 360 is being sold, so not too shabby.

i wonder how the ps3 will fare, after it's highs after the price-cut, it's been nothing but a decline.

the wii has ssb and mario coming which will boost sales.

6248d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this thread, I thought whether 3 red rings or 4 red rings, was that, the console was fryed. Who reads manuals?

Initially I thought it was all one ring together until I looked closely.

Well you learn something new everyday. So maybe some consoles are fine after the 4-red rings once, but because of the hysteria gamers probably freaked out.

6248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

doing anything for themselves, it seems like their whole network will be OUTSOURCED.

Not that it's a bad thing but Sony can't afford to maintain their own infrastructure, since it is free.

Is this similar to steam?

6248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what do you think I meant, when I said that about the PS3's architecture... get off stupid will ya..

The Ps3 was suppose to Murder the 360 at launch...oh look at where we are now.

The Irony..

6249d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 fanboys had to say on this matter, and as far as what Cuppa, themart stated, I still saw no substance from their direction. Just you suck, Ps3 ftw, and other weak and unrelated comments.

Truth Hurts don't it?..

you betcha it does..

PS3 is not worth Jack squat right now. Maybe later on but def no right now. Yes some decent games are coming out,

-goddess or war(thats exactly what it is)
-rachet (but thats nothing new, just b...

6250d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

and seems to be another shooter plus nector. Well I'll probably buy it since I like shooter. Halo Killer...haha come again please.

give me a fn Break..

Nothing new here...move along pls

6251d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

"Maddensraiders" to disown Madden 07 for PS3 or just this year's madden, and who knows maybe EA like all the other fanboys, then something is wrong here, and I got a feeling it's not MS and the Xbox 360.

Game on players, game on..

360 Madden Pwns this year, maybe Fanboys will go buy the PS2 version. It's cheaper. Save some money, for another Blu-ray movie.

6252d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Madd Demos..over the last couple of weeks. I can't even keep up.

This is why I pay for Live.

We get all the good demos, what does the PS3 get?

6252d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

360 gets "Strangehold" now "COD4 Multi-player" demo, great to have a Xbox360/XBL. Oh yeah, this game stole the show at E3 2007, while there were other games that served their purpose, as diversions.

Can't wait..

XBL is on fiya right now..

Enjoy the Demos

6256d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

HD-DVD the best version out.

High-DEF Digest


For a ...

6256d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

and was like f$%k this, were not loosing money like Bandai.

6256d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

prices will not back peddle, like going from $600 to $500, then back to $600, now that I call a "clearance".

6256d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS seems to be pushing RTS on consoles, with the success of that LOTR game which worked great with the control scheme. MMO's are probably next. Have PS3 gotten any RTS/MMO in their line-up?

I think it's a great Idea...

6256d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"there stealing your money
there just trying to find a quick scam to steal people's money, but then again they got kicked in their ass and lost billions. lolll"

I see your on a Crusade to enlighten Xbox fans about MS stealing their money...
What a "WEAK@SS" Rebuttal, even a "chimp" could come up with something better than that.

" tapdis " THX for Playing, you have been PWNED, now have a nice day Sir.

6257d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What does it take to be a contributor?

The heading is misleading, the game is also for PC/360, who runs this site?
This is good news indeed, but seems like "fanboys" approved this, as well as "Mr, contributor" as if, it was Exclusive to one console or something.

Probably never even clicked on the Article or Read it.

NEWs 4 WHO again?

6260d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment