
CRank: 5Score: 8270

they even started a joint venture with "samsung" to produce their latest lcd tvs, and we all know the samsungs hdtvs have surpassed sony.

now leaving this factory for toshiba, which they are dueling in the format war. ofcourse IBM, Toshiba and Sony slept together under cell technology.

Sony is last in the phone market, and their slr cams stink, they owe madd money in the laptop market with their batteries, lawsuits have not gone to court.


6220d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

this has become another rental...$60 bucks for a hack n slash 5 hour game.

at lest with gears there was more tactfulness, in here, you just hack n slash away like most of them games without thinking. pulling of combos and some special moves.

this titles I repeat is not pushing the genre in any way. besides the motion capture but thats nothing new. oh wait 10 gb of sound, and what does that do?

good game if you have been waiting...heyits true.

6220d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

What he said...

you'll see....

but for now whats he use of 51gb or 200 if you can't get any use from it, well hd-dvd can with the extras and the features while bd is not even final. haha

reminds me of 10gb sound on ps3 games that are not AAA, there is another game too, anyhow a f#$kn joke.

that means gimped BD players soon for all...

6220d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Name me one "Console FPS/Online/Multi-Player Game" that have fared much better

or just as good as the Halo Franchise, in terms of SALES, POPULARITY and


Get back at me....

6221d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember that Title? Anyone

This game falls in the genre of DMC and probably God of War.

I don't see this game soly pushing Units out the stores. It's the first next-gen god of war type game and even manages to beat out DMC and Conan.

It will be a good game, but really nothing spectacular. Nothin new here, it's not pushing the genre in any way. Again Ps3 dosn't have much games so all these early games will sell well.

It's really nex...

6224d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

they have snipers already in position...picking them off, just waiting for General Walmart for the big offensive...

6226d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

we all know you can get anything in china, and pirated software, as well as cheap hardware spreads like a virus over there....

If this would be something to do with the HD-DVD brand, it could be huge...

we all know Hd-DVD has the best features, qualities are the same and BD has more space. As far as movies 50 gig is usless. i rather go with features of the hardware.

Your gonna start seeing $200 Hd-dvd players at Walmart pretty soon...Price will w...

6226d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Or you didn't see nasim's post? He's on every xbox article flaming..

Besides your exactly what I'm, talking about...

your a fool, this is Ms doing, so it has nothing to do with PS3..

Does it make sense MS would be working on thing that they cannot do on their own console?

What douche bag..yeah, you make much sense, MS will alway shave doubters, really that's all I said, and there you go yapping nonsesne. Maybe you have not heard of...

6226d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

everytime you POST negative PS3 news...

" Before anyone flames me for posting this i just want to say i don't agree with anything in this article but as a contributer people think i unfairly post only positive PS3 news and negative 360 news. I saw this article and decided to post it even though i completly disagree with it.

Never have you said anything like that. when you post 360 News, actually you never really comment on them.

6226d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This game is not AAA material, for the simple fact the m ost important aspect of the game is f$cked. You can't enjoy a game like that, plus some technical difficulties.

I've never seen a game be reviewed, then have the reviews be reviewed, then, only to have a guide that reviews all the reviewers, including reviewers that reviewed the original reviewers...

don't forget the n4g fanboy reviews, a game like this get 9's and 10's ofcourse on here.

you g...

6226d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

or can never "see" anything happening when Ms is working on it. Usually a cast of "DOUBT" set in. Look at the comments.

If it was sony, there would be plenty of wet dreams and boners, asking when will this be available or more curious to see how this works.

On this Article: We'll see how this plays out, it sounds like a neat Idea, given it works. I wonder how long they have been working on it?

Maybe it will become popular, then...

6226d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

AAA titles like Bioshock, more to come, sales, games, XBL, Demos, oh there is a lot of validation.

This is just one article, and really it is nothing new.

PS3 last place in all positions, why fanboys try to validate blu-ray and cell, beats me...see nothing new.

obssesions all over the place..Deal

6226d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"x-kiddies and sales figures, funny stuff."

i know, they are like cackling school girls anytime they get positive sales figures.

can you spot sour P$ss#$s when you see one..


6226d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you contribute news. Hiding behind the fact that you un-biased is the Bs, we all hate.

The number #1 Bs is "CENSORING" the news...

good news, bad news this is n4g we know how sh%t is on here. this is a fanboy site, with biased new fit for personal agendas.

as well as articles with titles changes, to entice flame...or GREED

nothing new here but STOP CENSORING the news...this is not communism.

This is what ha...

6226d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

That firmware was made to have a "Placebo effect" nothing more.

To make gamers think sh#t was fixed..

Look see nothing was actually fixed...

6229d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder where very on is from on here, some people are shell shocked, when they hear things. Like wtf it's 2007

6230d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

game music, then yeah, but your complaining about this damn video, and raggin on the music. would be easy if it was just about halo.

Oh yeah I didn't know " all halo fans" had some common knowledge..or did you just make that up..

6230d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never believe PSN or PS3's a Pole for godsakes now you got firmwares making gamers act delusional,

Call this firmware a Placebo.

6230d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Panzer dragoon, then it can't be that much different. Plus you've seen the Movie ERAGON, I'm sure.

6230d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So..lovely lady, you look great. Now why is your game getting mixed reviews?

6230d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment