
CRank: 5Score: 8270

Hip hop is all over the damn place helping everyone sell sh@t.

I agree, that music is not so great but stop raggin on the genre/culture.

6136d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

"heavenly sord will sell over a million.
uncharted will sell over a million.
ratchet will sell over a million.
killzone will sell over a million.
gt5:p will be downloaded over a million times.or bought 1 million times.

While your at it, can you give me the SCOOP on some LOTTERY NUMBERS? Mr. CLEO..

"motorstorm sold over 1 million.
resistance sold over 2 million. "

AMazingly, the only th...

6136d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 fanatics demand you go out and by the game, so they expect nothing less when they need you to support Sony's struggle of AAA titles.

No do as Taker_129 and buy the game and be Happy.

Ps3 FTW always...

6136d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

COD4 owned E307. but that up to fanboys to decide.

everybody haven't said sh#t, Halo is not a new franchise and will beat KZ2 sales and KZ 1 failed at life.

stop spurring BS. let not forget Ms has come a long way to securing new ip's/exclusives and have gotten multi 3rd party devs to make games for it's console, after from swinging on sony balls for years, so it's not just halo, you dipsh#t.

if you wanna write MS off after this last halo then go ah...

6138d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

how is the series of XBL menus boring?

it's a Menu blades, that are quick and responsive...all is there for you, more than PSN currently since they are playing catchup.

is Xbox 360 the only platform/software that have menus?

it's the content that counts here, not how you get to it or access some people SIMS is boring as hell....

i smell a turd..

6138d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

is more like it. Use your Brain for once..

first Party Franchises could never make it on other Consoles, unless one went under.(SEGA)

plus he is right, if and when MS's console gets these two, then 3rd-party becomes less important in grabbing market-share for either console.

first-party this gen becomes much more important...

6142d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment twisting needed..

or technical specification of a demo..

actually what about 2 + 2 ?

i wanna learn more thats why i come on here, to listen to quack quack attack and arithmetic.

remember no twisting needed

6143d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

im not really into movies but i know a good deal when i see one.

besides the lack of games and the promise of future aaa titles, that have yet materialized, this is a damn good deal.

fanboy of any type of not...

sony is really pushing it's best bd player..

yeah and what this guy said in the forum:

"this has nothing to do with buying a ps3, amazon is having a buy 2 get free deal on blu ray and hd dvd. The only cat...

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

stop the bs..that's all i hear from ya.

JUST as William said 1.2
paying for an official demo.'s just that simple. twisting needed..

6143d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fisher339 - 26 Aug 2007 00:42
2.2 - "The best things in life are free"
I guess the old saying is true after all lol.

wasn't that you...

if you look at that article we see lots of stupid comments, but it's the norm on here with fake ps3 hyped rumors and stories..

6143d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since sony can't sell consoles based on the strength of "supposed AAA titles" they might as well give 8 free movies.

after all the PS3 is a HD movie player first and foremost before a gaming system.

Shiiat, I'd buy one too if I was into HD movies.

Make me

hurry up and go get the cheapest BD player out there..we all know its another temporary sceem, after the unsatisfactory july NPD numbers.

6143d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

is going out of business, didn't you hear about that marketing ploy, when they boycotted hd-dvd for no reasons?

especially, when netflix is kicking their arse online. somehow they still offer hd-dvd movies figure....

this is a long war and is far from over, the consumers will pick the best affordable hardware. [in the end]

6143d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

PureGamer...i dont forget names but you must be working on your score or something...not bashing ms are we today.

yes bioshock = GOTY

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it is doing nothing new in term of expanding the genre..

yes there is new technology in using motion captures for some of the action but thats nothing new and like i said its the first on next-gen platforms..

having 1000 monsters on the screen(not all at once) is nothing new..

her fights stance is different but uses the chains and all, well its so god of war, so i see why they compare, because they can

6143d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

like a gow rip-off. i'm not saying its a bad game since gow is the sh#t. really it falls in the same mold, with what this article stated.

eeew kratos wearing a thong...

this game nevertheless looks like a fun game but still gow-like.

its just so happen, they beat gow3, to be the first on the next-gen platform..we'll see when gow 3 comes out and make the comparisons..

6143d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

because in the END they will have the best hardware which have the Best features, with the lowest affordable consumer price...simple as that.

sony paid for studio support early on...

toshiba will earn it the hard way, while also resorting to the same tactics Sony used early on...

the best consumer/market friendly/ priced hardware will prevail in the end..

6143d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The fact that your implying "we" when I said Ps3 Fnboys, you know exactly who I'm reffering to.

who cares about gears of war, the game is old.

"stick with your half complete gears of war and wait a year for Unreal 3 while we play it soon. "

awww you finally get a game first, aaw am I suppose to cry..wah..wah..wah

trust me there is plenty of games for the 360 in the comin months. come on..360 gamers won't be carin...

6143d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

these developers spend probably 12 hours a day making games, I wonder if they go home and got on their PC's, to play more video games... what would their GF/wives or family would think?

pretty much at WORK is where they get to also PLAY.

6144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are never bothered by anything...haha

I'm sure some would like a DEMO, it's nothing to be "not bothered" about. It's really, "aaw Demo would of been tight."

don't you see Xbox360 gets all the Demos..and probably will get this too.

demand more Demos..instead of being content with everything.

good thing we have competition this gen..

6144d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

cept one is proven and one isn't. That's what makes one side of the flame stupid. There is nothing wrong comparing two games that are in the same limelight, while keeping things in perspective, as far as development time..and so on.

some games just shouldn't be compared

KZ vs Halo = No comparisons

different types of art and color choices, One is proven and one is not..

let the game speak for itself when it does come out..plenty of ...

6144d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment