
CRank: 5Score: 8270

whine whine whine just like the ps3 devs

like little girls...

6079d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well put together...

best part of the video DEJA vu and introduction to WOW.

6079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is awesome, everytime i see that game the music makes me wanna play..

that game is like a movie form start to finish

thats one cool editor

6079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you proved my point..tard

6079d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

the PS3 the lead platform for VF5 ?

really does not mean much..well maybe a little but as you can see the 360 gets the better version of the game.

Plus the PS3 was the lead for PES 2008

so if Konami still making errors, what makes you think being the lead platform, things get easier or any better.


6079d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

so everyone believe Patcher now....

Yeah that guy is always right isn't he...

Stop agreeing with analyst. then disagreeing on another prediction.

sony is still taking major hits after 2 price cuts and the software for the ps3 is not selling well. If the 40 gig does well yes the price can drop and if not what are they going to do? can it? and drop the price of the 80 giger?

6079d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

every developer wants great scores , hey even Lair devs....too bad

just like Halo 3 scored werent all perfect but did it matter?

the game spoke for itself, I have not seen bugie coming out with hurt feelings because of one or two scores..

6079d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

important topic at hand here.

stop instigating turd.

look i didnt say it, are you happy now, here have a cookie.

move on will ya.

Mighty, I posed a question? is that OK bud? Do you own the internet?

6079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PSN home can eventually foster?

we'll see, sick Mofos.

6079d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360 has been dead upon the PS3's arrival....

Power of the cell...yeaup

somebody forget to tell developers..

meus Below

Now wil the average gamers have the setup to see such benefits..hmm probably not but MONSTER CABLE company will love you.

6079d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

proved my point.

6079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

toshiba player coming out soon?

anyways besides everything thats going on and cetain retailers and studios taking sides..

What would happen if it will if HD-DVD players start to sell like hot muffins, at retailers that sell a lot to casuals?

regardless of the Ps3, sony is confusing shoppers, thats why they do not count the PS3 as a stand alone. most consumers will not get a ps3, they will look for a cheaper verion that plays HD.

I w...

6079d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

jsut like a job they do what they do.

some might not agree with their reviews and some might.

some hang on to one review when the game got good scores all around and some can actually sleep on it.

the problem that I have seen has been with Ps3 fanboys that think every PS3 gamer deserves a 90% from everywhere, and of course MS pays all the reviewers in the world.

reviews are still somewhat a professional opinion. fanboys that tthin...

6079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the only ones that whine about reviews?

As a dev i would not even say a word if the game speaks for itself..

you Ps3 devs are just like your Fanboy counterparts..

Whine Whine whine, as if everyone is suppose to like your kiddie game.

nonesense this game got high reviews leave it at wold are these devs.

6079d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im sure a Ps3 fantard does not mind....

in their world a DELAY can only be a good thing. If it's a different console then it sucks or something is wrong.

Oh yeah!!

fanboy 1 "they must be adding new features one fanboy tells the other."

fanboy 2 "Of course they are adding features, they have to fill up that Blu-Ray disk you know and that takes extra months, similar to GTA4."

fanboy 3 " actual...

6079d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Anytime i play resistance or warhawk or tekken, i hear people online having good, MATURE fun."No racial slurs, mindless bashing like you pricks do on the message boards and no excessive swearing."

I can't stop laughing..

do you fantards really believe that sh!t you make up?
whats the average age of a Ps3fanboy on n4g?


6079d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

and other fanboys, do a little research go over there to the AVS forum and see how the PS3 is being used...

you'll be surprised, hey I was.

Many has the thing as a blu-ray player and nothing more. hey nothing wrong with that, but you'll begin to wonder why the atttach game rate is so low..


The real gamers are getting lost in the shuffle of a HIGH PRICED CONSOLE and a CHEAPER PRICED GIMPED one.


6079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

not sure why you responding to a fantard, his post reaks of Ps3 and KZ2 FTW statement, can't you tell..

funny how he post all the main aspects a just another FPS title..

when Crysis cannot, I repeat cannot be done on any console known to man without degration.

6079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


6079d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

headsets can they talk while gaming?..

6079d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment