CRank: 5Score: 16390

well despite the similarity, the "mii" in wii, is what you may call just the tip of the iceberg that is the miiverse. it had minimal social interaction...

so you might say, they expanded on the idea of having miis, and added social networking to it. but of course, these "social network" thing with miiverse may just be the beginning of something bigger. like i said, there's always room for improvement.

4259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you do, you might as well give up almost everything. i'm not saying Foxconn's good, in fact they're obviously not. to say the same for the big 3 in consoles, is just being hypocritical.

the truth being almost every electronics and even non-electronic products somehow involve Foxconn, if not as direct manufacturer, but as manufacturers of parts used to sew your clothes, shoes, bags, etc.

obviously Foxconn is at fault here, you can't blame co...

4259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no offense, but how can someone say miiverse is crap when the console hasn't been out yet...

pretty sure there's always room for improvement when it comes out. it's not as if xbox360 and ps3 came out "perfect" when it was launched.

4259d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the ad may just be one of many... first, they wanted to address those who confuse the Wii U with Wii. but I agree, if that is the only ad they have, it does look crappy... but i doubt they'd be dumb enough to stick only to that ad.

wouldn't stop me from getting a Wii U anyway.

4260d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i don't believe that's the case... going back to interviews with Reggie, he mentioned that as soon as you turn on Wii U, Miiverse is the first thing that you see. so I doubt they would not include it; also with Miiverse being a significant aspect of Nintendo's social network.

as for NFC, it was admitted by Nintendo that no Wii U launch window games will use it yet -- so it doesn't necessarily mean they will exclude it at launch. Nintendo's been known to ad...

4260d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

the real core gamers are those who appreciate games regardless of the genre; these are the people who appreciate any type of game, whether it be a casual game or not.

these are the people who love and appreciate games, regardless of what platform it is on.

anyway, the article's justification for Nintendo not being serious about hardcore gamers are, well poorly justified. "Region-lock" was mentioned, for example. Region-locking is a business mode...

4261d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

how can you justify saying it won't be for core gamers, when we're still 29 days away from it's release. just coz it has TVii and Miiverse with it, doesn't mean it will not be for core gamers.

it simply means Nintendo is increasingly broadening their audience. anyway Miiverse is an option for developers if they want to use it or not, and TVii is an added bonus.

4262d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

exactly what I was thinking! people who brand themselves "hardcore" should just, well,... grow up!

is anyone less of a gamer just because he enjoys more platform games than shooters? or because he prefers art style over "realistic" look?

just because you're playing on an XBox360 or a PS3 does not make anyone a "hardcore" gamer.

4262d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

may not look like that much revolutionary now... i'm pretty sure it will evolve in time, depending on how users react to using the Miiverse... if it does build enough heat and people start appreciating it's function, everything will fall into place.

4278d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

aha, but this time she's not kidnapped... if you've watched the trailer, you'd know Mario and the gang were forcefully thrown far, far away from the castle; and that the whole point of their adventure is to go back and rescue the Princess.

so technically, she's not kidnapped, but rather a hostage... :)

4279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i used to believe that EA was... the reason I got into FPS was because of the first MOH. I loved how games like FIFA would start off with "EA Sports ... In the game!" (or something to that effect. then along came COD (again, the original), and I was blown. MOH follow ups just became forgettable sequels for me after COD.

nowadays, I wouldn't totally say they're not innovative. it'd be more like hit and miss.

4279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hope Miiverse is just one way to establishing a proper network. Knowing how the social networking works, it's not just the whole "social" aspect of it that needs work on. a good network backbone is also essential, so I'm positive Nintendo's learned its lesson with the way they handled "online" for the Wii.

4279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you never know, maybe they are already secretly porting to the Wii U. apart from spoiling the surprise, would not be a sound business decision, knowing that Wii U's already got a "zombie" game with ZombiU (with full support from Ubisoft), and in a way BLOPS2's zombie campaign. avoiding the obvious comparison.

personally I love RE games (yes even RE5), so I'll probably get me one when it comes to Wii U.

4280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like how Ubisoft gives you bonuses you can use for GR Future Soldier when playing the FB Ghost Recon Commander. You just need to link your facebook to your UPlay account. Don't go much for the facebook games nowadays, but this idea will surely appeal to those who do.

4280d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I believe it will be released during the launch Window. But it will be multi-platform...

4280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

following through articles lately, I read that it's cheaper to do a port, as opposed to creating a game from the ground up. so it's understandable for a company to go with a tried and tested product like Arkham City and port it to Wii U, just so it can provide support to the new platform. of course, obviously there are other factors for WB to decide to port it, but that is just my opinion with regards to ports in general.

WB, is also publishing ScribbleNauts Unlimited...

4282d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@BuckyBarnes it's just sad to know that you're done with consoles; i disagree with you though about casuals flocking to the Wii U on the basis of presales.

i myself am a PC and a console gamer, and although PC gaming will always be ahead of console platforms in terms of technology, nevertheless it has its own share of shovelware; in fact, I reckon there are more shovelwares for PC than on any of the 3 consoles. don't get me wrong, I love the games I get to play on...

4282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Gaming headphones will be available from Turtle Beach, and the headset's connect to the Gamepad.

4283d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

that's the sad thing about this wii-hate-u articles, because the points they raise are still based on the nextbox/ps4 will be more powerful this and that; or that the 3rd party games are ports of old games...

yes it is true that the xbo720/ps4 will most likely be more powerful than the wii u, but the question everyone should consider is by how much? remember putting too much "power" into their consoles will also drive costs high (not to mention more expensive ga...

4283d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

COD is one of a few FPS that I actually love simply because it was one of first that I liked. from the original Medal of Honor, and COD (which I found to be better than MOH).

but i have to admit, the last COD i liked was CODMW. After that, I felt that the subsequent ones were just shoot-fests of this and that (though i did like the zombies and spec ops)... i don't play online multiplayer also.

BLOPS2 however would have strike force and branching missions ...

4283d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment