CRank: 5Score: 16390

good news for the second-hand buyers. and this good news doesn't get much attention... oh well...

4315d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@lilbroRx, i agree...

see, the comments here don't even reach 2 pages (as of now)... but the other news claiming Wii U is weak is reaching 5+ pages.

funny thing is, the two articles comprises statements coming from the same hacker. the difference a small headline makes.

4315d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

good for you man!

4315d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it doesn't mean it won't still be a challenge for the others. those who finished it had enough speed, skills, strategy and luck to finish it quick. also, if you read the article, he didn't go for high score and all, only survival. which means, if you aim for high score + survival, finishing the game would naturally take longer.

4315d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, coz you really need that "bragging rights" huh? jeez...

4316d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

how "vast" would that be, is the question? and how sure are you 3rd parties will abandon Wii U?

the problem with your analysis is that you make it seem that the "graphics-power" difference of the Wii U and the nextbox/ps4 will be similar to that of the Wii/PS3-Xbox360. the reason devs seemingly abandon the Wii was that porting a game to it was too costly, and will immensely affect the quality of the game because of the major difference in hardware specs. ...

4316d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

coz it's a port, and Ubisoft says they're the same...

4316d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

first of all, we're talking about a port here. a port that was developed for other consoles first. secondly, nobody's saying it is the ultimate or definitive version, not even Ubisoft. in fact, Ubisoft mentioned that they are 100% the same. so it doesn't say anything about what the Wii U can do.

4316d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

my point exactly... and the article, if you can call it that: quoting a description, and literally copying an electronically-translated set of text without even bothering to fix the context of the content, is just well, like you said troll-baiting.

4317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously, if you bother to read the article, you will see that this only in Japan.

the article was obviously (also) translated from the Japanese text using (probably) Google Translate or something similar, coz it has "...gamers can watch the pictures as they fly through the air...". if Wii U does that, that would truly be next-gen. pictures flying through the air.

anyway, it has already been mentioned that in the US, TVii is free. of course, this d...

4317d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

have to admit that some of those in the list are just plain stupid (isn't it obvious). however, it also includes some of the awesome things, like making your birthday a little more special. see Nintendo does care for you. you just don't know it.

4319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

some people haven't realized it yet. but once they're already into it, everybody will be asking for Miiverse-like apps into their consoles. Heck, even MS and Sony may already be doing something similar for their next console.

the sad thing is, when that time comes and everyone's getting into their own "-verses", the fanboys will still be saying, "oh nintendo didn't do that first", or "our avatarverse is better than miiverse".

4319d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

given that all of the editors from the site agreed that those are the most disappointing; nevertheless that is still giving an idea that those choices, made by a small group of people are rather disappointing for their taste, and hopefully will be the same for others.

the title could have been "Our 5 most disappointing games of 2012", that would at least make it more honest.

4319d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i agree. but given the reputation of Nintendo for online play, with Wii, hopefully in time there will be better online experience for the Wii U.

if i understand correctly, Nintendo invested a lot into the online infrastructure for Wii U, and in time improvements will be at hand, and once more and more Nintendo gamers get online, we'll see more games (hopefully first party ones) get good online presence. even BLOPS 2 for Wii U allow online play, albeit the fact that there...

4319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

see. it's articles like this that tend to "impose" an idea that these are the 5 MOST DISAPPOINTING GAMES OF 2012, yet each game having mixed reactions from gamers, reviewers, and the general public.

why can't they just say "Here's MY 5 most disappointing games of 2012", coz essentially that's what it is. A list of games the author found disappointing.

4319d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't see any difference from any PS3 or Xbox360 exec/rep saying the game looks good on them, or saying their product is better than others. it's not lying, it's called marketing. given a scenario where each company rep is asked
to comment regarding BLOPS 2 in their console, what answer would you get, naturally that it looks good on their product. no one will dare say, "oh hey, theirs look better than ours", otherwise you get fired.

jeez, get ...

4319d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

played this in my PC, but with the added content, may just as well get it on Wii U. beautiful and superb game.

4320d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

regarding Flash, everyone knows it is slowly fading into obscurity in terms of video playback on the Internet. This is being replaced by HTML 5's video playback capability, and YouTube supports HTML5 vids, which is what's currently supported by Wii U, so chances of it getting Flash on the browser is nil.

and before it gets out of hand, let me clarify the bit about not able to play at 240p. the article said, if there are options you CAN PLAY the video IN HD, otherwise ...

4320d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

good vibes for the Wii U port, nice!

4321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

something to extend replayability now. see miiverse functionality is getting to be the killer app that it is.

4321d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment