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in time, Wii U will prove itself, especially to the haters.

4321d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

he did forget to mention that a third way of playing the game is for one to play with the pro controller, while another one who holds the gamepad can run plays like a football manager.

4322d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

funny how before Wii U came out and it was announced that it will support native 1080p at 60fps, everyone was saying PS4 and Xbox720 will be so powerful coz it will support 4K HD... but after realizing the implications of going 4K, mainly costs, and recent news indicating that PS4 and XBox 720 may only aim for 1080p @60fps, everyone seems to be agreeing that this will be the standard.

anyway, no offense. i wouldn't mind having it at 1080p at all, if it means having still ...

4322d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

i'd say, relatively the same, although some does look better than the 360 version, and some vice versa.

i like for example the lighting effect on the first scene (machine gun). i dunno, i just find that the machine gun scene had too much reflection from the sun in the 360 version. Wii U looks more realistic. i'm no gun expert, but i don't think a gun that reflects too much light is good at all (too shiny). immediately after the sinking scene, coming up the shore, ...

4322d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i personally believe that EA is simply testing the waters for Wii U, when they decided to port this. And to make matters worse, the timing of the trilogy practically seals the fate of this version, thinking that Wii U games are exclusive gamers, when most are multi-platform owners and seeing a same-price trilogy compared to getting the Wii U with extra gamepad is a matter of simple mathematics/economics.

i just hope that when ME4 does come out, they'll also bring the Tril...

4322d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

first of all, i NEVER said that devs will ignore the PS3 and 360 install base, nor did I mention that the Wii U is significantly more powerful than the current gens. in fact, I did mention that the Wii U has been known to be underclocked compared to the two. the statement you quoted above, is referring to games for PS4 and 720. note that it is not guaranteed that a current PS3 user will automatically be a PS4 user. nevertheless, what I meant was the in the future, more and more games will be ...

4322d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the real reason devs find it easier to code for xbox360, is that the architecture closely resembles that of the PC. and like it or not, the PC architecture is generally "multi-purpose". so if you're a sloppy programmer it doesn't matter how de-optimized your code is, a faster machine can always handle it. it's a different story for consoles. you're stuck with the hardware for the next 5-7 years, and you have to do with what the machine offers.


4322d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

couldn't agree more. and I just hope the next Straight Right port/project would surpass this. just can't believe EA releases the trilogy immediately after.

here's to Mass Effect 4 being multiplatform including Wii U.

4323d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ah. now it's emerging to the killer app that it is. alas, the mighty nintendo!

4323d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

can you really blame them, when you have every ps360 fanboys and/or wii u haters bashing the console with every piece of news (good OR bad) comes?

it's not like they are making a big deal out of nothing, most are just commenting their praise; sad thing is, when you start praising the Wii U, suddenly you're making a big fuzz out of something (or joining others making a big thing out of something).

what makes it different from someone who comes in, sees...

4323d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They also ported Shift 2 Unleashed for the iOS.

I myself am taking their words with a grain of salt, however, like my comment below, they didn't do bad with the porting of ME3 to Wii U despite the short period of time, plus adding features on the gamepad. and yes like any business, they're not planning on burning bridges with Nintendo knowing that it's their bread and butter at the moment.

Also you should take note that they are developing 2 othe...

4323d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Have to admit, seeing the comparison of ME3 on Wii U vs. Xbox 360 vs. PS3, I commend Straight Right for having been able to port the game and provide extra gamepad features too, at such a short time. Not to mention the graphics is at par with the 360 (better than PS3 in fact), albeit some framerate issues.

in time Wii U will prove itself.

4323d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ah, because everyone thinks when zombies do happen, it'll be like Resident Evil 6.

Fact is, are you even ready when zombies do come? Look behind you...

4325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i do admit the gatorade biometric stuff, is just sort of "gimmicky". but this is not nintendo's fault, it's the devs. and this is just a port of a current-gen game, so I won't use it to judge future games on Wii U.

good review though.

4325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. but most of his arguments can be resolved by a system updates. also his arguments about TVii and/or netflix may only be true for now, since TVii comes out in December, which in effect also improve Netflix.

it's not like Microsoft Windows get released without bugs and errors that constantly require updates.

i do hope future Wii U's will be released with the 4-5GB system update pre-installed, and improve the transfer of data from Wii to Wii U. ...

4325d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hmm, why not Capcom Vs. Capcom?

4325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

funny, but the headline did mention Wii U. is GraveLord reading it at all?

no offense, i know you can read.

4325d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

can't believe why the so-called "hacking incident" is suddenly a sign of Wii U's weakness? fact is, security is more serious than anyone thinks. even large corporations get hacked, yes those larger than Nintendo. heck, even Sony's PSN was hacked, oh, several times? obviously they learned from it, and made more countermeasures.

so really, hackers will and will always find ways to expose the weaknesses of systems; and this for me is good for nintendo, beca...

4325d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

and this is just the tip of the iceberg. from now, we'll see more and more games that look better on the Wii U compared to the 360/ps3, and this "war of words" will not end. of course we'll also continue to see some flaws in ports or games for Wii U that look crappy compared to others. but what console doesn't? pretty much every console has highs and lows, which means 360/ps3 are not excempt to this. in the end, everyone enjoys their preference.

make no ...

4325d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

well, at least you still have the old sensor bar. pretty sure they will replace it when needed.

4325d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment