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i've always said this about ports: the only reason we have more ports on Wii U now is because the console is new, and that it's the first time Nintendo's going HD on a console. thus, you have developers opting to port games to it, to test it out.

anyway, not all of the games are really that old apart from Arkham City and ME3. the others are only a few months, weeks or days ahead.

by next year, we'll be seeing more multiplat games that include...

4333d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well as they say, can't win 'em all.

funny thing is, these are also the same people who predict that it won't have the games core gamers love when we're still days away from its release and devs saying they still have unannounced games for it. given that yes, some devs are on a lets-wait-and-see mode, but eventually they will come. if they don't, well, i'll still have exclusives; and it won't stop me from getting other systems.

4333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, I didn't care much for achievements. But it does feel good to have it once in a while. So although a disappointment, I think it's something that can be implemented on a per game basis. So perhaps what Mr. Iwata is saying is that, let's leave it to the devs to implement it.

Or as almost everyone's stating, it may be something that is included in an update later.

4333d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

don't care... i have a couple of external HDD's to spare.

4334d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i agree, but not all business models were introduced by them.

my point was simply to emphasize the need to adapt. i'm not saying they're not, in fact they are. thus i also mentioned that "i don't believe console gaming is dying".

4335d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't believe console gaming is dying. however, i do believe that the big 3 would have to adapt to the changing times. the business models are changing, a lot of indie developers, free-to-play games, microtransactions.

Nintendo's approach for the Wii U is a clear evidence of that: greater support for indie devs, the Wii U as the total entertainment hub (TVii), better browser experience, digitally downloaded retail games, and their support for DLC's. eventually ...

4335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

good. i was worried i wouldn't be able to change the batteries when it expires.

4335d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the problem is not the console. the problem lies on how the developers are smart and creative to make use of the gamepad. and we should emphasize that the gamepad's use is really optional to the devs. if they want to use it simply for inventory management/map, that's their call. if they want to use it extensively (like ZombiU), then that's also their call. in the end, it boils down to how the devs use the gamepad, and to use it with functionality in mind.

pretty s...

4335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i can understand how some people can leave a game in a "paused" state for like 15-30 minutes, saving the game before doing so. but leaving the console for 90 minutes without saving? that'd be dumb and/or careless.

anyway, it's act'ly a good feature. i'd probably set leave it to its default of 60 minutes, or even less. anyway, most often i only leave a game in paused state after saving, so doesn't affect me. if i do forget to save, then it's m...

4335d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

don't really want to say this, but only an id--... ah, you know what, i don't wanna stoop down to your level.

keep it up Mika, someday they're bound to notice how ---- you are.

4336d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

can't be far behind. Ubisoft did say they still have unannounced games for the Wii U. and if the rumors about "Splinter Cell Blacklist appearing in games listings for Wii U" is proven to be true; then we should expect more games from Ubisoft coming to the Wii U as well. honestly don't mind them being multiplatform, it would keep everybody happy; including whining fanboys.

so Watch Dogs could come. having seen it, i myself would be happy to have it appear on ...

4336d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to answer the question: of course it will have, otherwise we'd be back to SD.

but seriously, at this point, every other comment about wii being underpowereed are mere speculations. for one, we can all compare how it's CPU is like this or that, or it's GPU is this or that, but the fact is it's a customized CPU/GPGPU chip which may only have traces of the series it was based upon. and being customized, not to mention efficient at that, we can't really say h...

4336d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

really now, like the PS3 and Xbox 360 games have the best AI...

even games with the best graphics have lousy AI. it really depends on the devs, not the console. a console can have the worst graphics, but still have the best physics and AI.

4336d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's all making sense now... How U will play next!

4337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

although the gamepad as a second screen does present itself to be the main selling point, it doesn't mean it's the only way of playing the games for Wii U. thus they also have the Wii U Pro Controller and support for Wii Remote (and Motion +), and other Wii accessories. and developers have the option to use the gamepad or any other accessory.

the idea of using the gamepad as the main selling point is that Nintendo has always been about being different. they've alw...

4337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And this is exactly why Nintendo is holding information until very close to release date. And it should be noted that Iwata did mention at one time that they're holding off info, because they want to avoid having the competition know what features Wii U will have. So they tend to share info slowly.

I'm just hoping this is not the last "surprise" Nintendo will have for us.

4337d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i don't think so... the challenge mode comes with it; and since NSMB2 does have 'em, NSMBU should have 'em too.

nevertheless this is exciting news!

4337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ah, pepakura... papercraft, nice!

4337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

updates is not equal to patches.

4338d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

there's a difference between a day-one-update, and a day-one-patch...

there are reasons why the day-one-update... one example is, they usually send out in advance consoles to reviewers; so they want to avoid pre-empting any announcement or reveals of console features such as Miiverse by these reviewers. imagine what would have happened if all features of Miiverse are included in the package, and IGN who already received the console, starts publishing everything they know ...

4338d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment