CRank: 5Score: 16390

Chris Hecker did mention in his blog that the whole "Two GC duct taped together" was a statement he did make, but was taken out of context. naturally, out of sheer professional "journalism".

4276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Rupert, thanks

@TongkatAli. did i say anything about other people using the iPhone? i was talking about the author. and although i'm no iPhone user, i have lots of friends who are.

4280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i wouldn't mind if Nintendo does. however, I highly doubt it. they could however buy out one or two of THQ's IP.

the problem really if any of the big 3 (Sony, MS, and Nintendo) buy out THQ is that it would mean that their IPs will most likely end up as exclusives for the platform, which in this current situation would not really help the gaming industry. so yeah, i'd prefer if some other 3rd party buy out THQ (which atm looks more likely to be Ubisoft), and churn ...

4280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

all i can say is, the author's an obvious iPhone/iPad fanboy.

4281d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

"U touching your Wii!"


4282d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have to agree. i was excited to know that AC3 was coming out, and got excited when all those teaser clips appeared. but once i got into it. i felt a little betrayed; mind you i'm just at around 45% of the game. i intend to complete it, but you gotta admit, but i feel like everything's just drags on.

there's no sense of progression when playing a Connor. at least Ezio slowly progressed from a lowly inexperienced assassin to a master assassin. but Connor, is just ...

4288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

on the contrary. if the development cost of making games increases, Wii U may just be the fall-back console for smaller dev companies. this is also the reason why there are more mobile game developers, since dev costs for mobile games is smaller, and they'd have a broader access to more users; with Nintendo eShop's significant improvement over the old eShop, the same reason why Wii U is increasingly getting attention from the indie game devs.

Epic games did predict a ...

4289d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

no offense, but Sony has been "over"-charging their stuff since, since they've become household names with the walkman.

if you compare any Sony-brand items, you can clearly see that they're not in the cheapest category. they're mostly above mid-level to high pricing levels. take for example TV's, DSLR cameras, and even laptops. of course you can always claim "it's the quality", but compared to other items of the same or better quality, ...

4290d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

they said it will. but since Miiverse is strictly moderated, most messages are deleted. :D

4291d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm not sure this can be considered a "rumour" when there's confirmation from the creator himself, that they're already making a progress on it.

4293d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

game of the year or not, if you enjoy it, doesn't really matter. it's just a "title".

4294d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i loved Ghost Recon, and loved the tactical shooter of the first games.

comparing Future Soldier, it would seem though that GRFS swayed a bit away from its roots, but i still love it. I agree with Summons75, taking time to play through and looking at your options, GRFS was act'ly quite good as a tactical shooter.

early on, i'd take the time to use the drone to plan out my attack, mark targets and ensure not to raise alerts even if not required. all i...

4295d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well, i guess Santa will be missing 1 douche this year...

while it's true that the GameCube didn't sell well its generation, however it wasn't the least powerful the author claims it to be. in fact it was powerful console during its generation. and it having the worst sales of the 3, prompted Nintendo to re-think their strategy of going head-to-head in the graphical prowess of their next console. resulting to the less powerful, but innovative -- the Wii.

4295d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

and this one will remind you Vita/PSP...

from the same company

4299d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not necessarily. sometimes it's good, sometimes it's plain exploitation.

patches for example is good if it's meant to fix an issue for the game for bugs that wasn't evident during beta testing. unfortunately, business factors are usually the reason why games are released even if testing and/or fixing is not yet complete, usually because of deadlines they have to follow. the worst cases for games are day 1 patches, meant to fix stuff that should have been there...

4300d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

actually sugiura mentioned that he believes "today’s Japanese gaming industry has lost its touch", and that they (Monolith) would want to change that.

and inaba said that they want to show that "...Japan can still keep up with the US when it comes to next gen technology".

i don't believe it was a "challenge" to the US per se, but rather more of an encouragement on their own part.

as for following Bethesda, i...

4300d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

same here. don't quite understand why people are irked about it. i believe it's more hate for nintendo rather than hate for the "demo limit".

and people are talking about online passes like it's nintendo's fault. isn't it that online passes are not needed for Wii U games in order to play online? that Wii U games won't require you to get an online pass, to play online? thought it's supposed to be a good thing, jeez...

4301d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

like i said, it sounds reasonable. if you don't like the limits really, then it's up to you. if you really enjoy playing demos like forever, fine so be it, it's your call. you may not find it on Wii U.

@CalvinKlein. Apparently you haven't read enough about the restrictions in Europe. NOE is situated in Germany, and as such, they are bound to follow the rules and regulations. Mature games are not to be sold until around night-time. some other countries in Europ...

4301d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

sounds reasonable. if you want the game badly, then you should buy it. can't live with demos forever you know.

4302d ago 13 agree36 disagreeView comment

the whole article is basically troll. site's got nothing in it but that so-called "article".

4302d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment