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it's not that they don't buy them. it's that they have little incentive to get the 3rd party software. take for instance BLOPS2. BLOPS2 for the Wii U was considered by some as even better than the other consoles' version; but with the Wii U's install base currently at over 3 million only, the online community is naturally not high. not to mention, if all your friends are playing it on the XBox360/PS3, even if you have a Wii U, why would you g...

4211d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

no Nintendo is not forcing every developer to make use of the tablet. why would Nintendo release the Wii U Pro controller if they were.

like deafdani said, they can simply map the controls and add a simply off-tv play feature and voila you're done.

also, developers are not to be blamed here. the sad reality is, the choice to make games for a console do not lie on the developers but to the man in suits. just like what CryTek's head said, they've al...

4211d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

not anytime soon. the reason is that the alternatives have not yet proven themselves to be worthy to take over the console market.

take for instance gaming with tablets and smartphones. although there are lots of console-quality games that come out for these devices, the most popular ones that end up selling millions are casual games like Angry Birds that only serve to satisfy the fast-paced lifestyle of people who play them. people who prefer to play games to kill time.

4213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looking good!

i always believed that the Wii U would be a great platform for strategy games, especially with the gamepad. now, i only hope 3rd parties also believe that. perhaps they're looking into the success of pikmin 3 and see if it's really that good.

4217d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

for every one complaining about Nintendo rehashing and/or their characters, there's Microsoft's Halo and Gears of War, and Sony's God of War and Uncharted. Then there's 3rd party franchises like COD, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, etc. need I elaborate more?

these other companies are as guilty as Nintendo when it comes to re-using their characters. at least Nintendo attempts to freshen up their characters by introducing something new to the franchise most ...

4217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the article mentions "People who were not fans of Monster Hunter 3 on Wii are not going to pick up the same game on Wii U a mere three years later, and those who did and invested a lot of time in the game will be split between those who will play it again in an heartbeat and those who don’t feel like paying and playing the same game twice."

except that he may have failed to consider that unlike other "remakes" MH3U has lots of added content to it (somewher...

4217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

on the contrary. if you read the article, he's clearly making a point that some people are confusing GDDR5 with DDR5, which are two different things. and he's saying the PS4 is indeed using GDDR5, but this is not the same as DDR5 because there is no such thing.

DDR4 won't be coming out to the consumer till 2014, which means we have yet to see DDR5. there is however a GDDR5 and I'm not arguing that PS4 is not gonna use that coz it is gonna be using exactly that...

4217d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

glad someone clarified this... my only concern is that if Sony's using GDDR5 which is fairly expensive compared to the supposed DRR3 that will be used by the next XBox, then we may need to brace ourselves for a more expensive PS4 compared to the XBox 720.

4218d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

in all honesty, the only reason i didn't buy many 3rd party games for the Wii was not because i was too "smart" to get them, but there just weren't that many for the Wii that were not shovelware. yes, it's me a nintendo fan, and I admit that Wii had plenty of shovelwares.

however I can't say otherwise for their other platforms coz I equally enjoyed 3rd party softwares from the NES to the GameCube (in fact, I have more 3rd party software for them com...

4219d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

not really a fair judgment. first off, COD Black Ops II came out later on the Wii U, oh yeah the date difference was not much. not to mention most people who were interested with the Wii U version had to re-think whether they should get it on Wii U or the other platforms where most of their friends are gonna be.

the reality is, this is a matter of a smaller install base, coupled with early launch woes (later release dates compared to others, DLC releases are not same with oth...

4223d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

my hunch is their gonna sell at a loss for $400. But may slightly go higher to $450. Beyond that is already risky enough, because whether you agree or not, a $600 console like when the PS3 released nowadays is not gonna look good even if you have all that graphical power to show off. at a price point higher than 500, you're most likely getting initial support from core and PS fans only.

not to mention, we may just get that Wii U price drop when the PS4 launches, making Wi...

4226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have always thought that this is just a DLC for AC3. AC3's already got naval missions so it makes sense to make a DLC for it.

as for AC4, what i've read is that they mentioned that it will feature a different hero and a different timeline.

4226d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

ok so when he says something bad about Nintendo, it makes sense, but when he says something that makes sense about Microsoft, he's just being ridiculous? jeez!

honestly, i don't believe both Sony and Microsoft can afford to go too expensive these days. at the least they will both target $400. coz business-wise that price point would be best compete with Nintendo's $350. they'll probably release something with less specs to go for that 400 price tag (less HDD s...

4226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so may nintendo should have a bayonetta bum-dle instead...

kidding aside, bayonetta 2 bundle would be awesome.

4226d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i know they have. that's why i "hope".

don't get me wrong, i love Assassin's Creed (1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, and 3, etc.), but you have to admit, the AC3 development also took a long time; and it turned out to be buggy.

4227d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A slow start yes.

But dead, i doubt it. Unless you count all announced, yet-to-be-announced, dated/undated releases games as a sign of being dead. recently Watch Dogs has been (finally) confirmed as coming to Wii U.

but again, a slow start. we will see in time.

btw, more rumor/confirmation pointing to a Splinter Cell Blacklist port coming to Wii U, check it out: 4227d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

very nice indeed. I just hope it won't be as buggy as AC3.

4227d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

why does it always have to be about "war"? the reality is the only war that is going on around here are the war of words from fanboys.

the fact is, for the big three, being no. 1 doesn't equate to winning the war. when they recoup their investment in their consoles, they've already won the war. every dollar they earn above that is just icing on the cake.

most core gamers also go multiplats coz they prefer not to engage in this so-called con...

4228d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

if MS does have exclusive rights to it, then that's just bummer. minecraft would be perfect for Wii U's gamepad.

4228d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nintendo did state that they don't care how "more beefy" the other consoles will be. they preferred to offer a different experience. thus asymmetrical gameplay was their route.

of course, with the sales of Wii in mind, Sony and MS knew that just being a powerhouse machine would not be enough, so as early as now, they've already implemented similar touch capabilities with the controller, streaming and remote play, vita integration. with Microsoft, it's al...

4228d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment