
CRank: 5Score: 17950

I agree...

Whoever is posting these stupid things is just doing everybody a dis service.

Can't some one keep this crap in check? It's not even a matter of trollish content this time.

It's simply useless junk, and a complete waste of time.

5740d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be an idiot.

Go to gametrailers and you'll see plenty of Media Molecule's own levels which look insanely fun to play. LBP is platforming at its best. If you don't like platforming then WHY THE HELL would you even be in this thread? Is it useful to you if some one who doesn't like shooters goes into a Gears thread saying "this looks crap because the gameplay is not for me!"

Again and again you fail (whether accidentally or deliberately, whatever..) to ...

5740d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said.

The article is a trollfest, and in all honesty of wreaks of desperation and insecurity.

It seems like the more the PS3 comes into its own, the fiercer some die hard 360 fans become. How long will they be able to dig their heels in and rant like fools before even the other 360 enthusiasts tell them to stop being ridiculous?

In early 07 the PS3 was a shambles but today, especially with the lineup about to hit, the PS3 and 360 are equal contender...

5740d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why does this lame hater drivel keep getting posted and approved?

This was clearly thrown onto N4G by 360 fanboys who have nothing better to do than have a dig. Don't you have better things to do? Don't you have good games to play?

The fanboy console "war" is a figment of your imagination. Stop being retarded and enjoy games.

5740d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A new Marathon game would be made of so much win I can't even put it into words.

I'd love to see Bungie back in that space. I have a lot of respect for Halo but the story and events of the Durandal campaign were just f@#king awesome.

I don't even care what platform. I'd buy a 360 for Marathon.

5743d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just had a game of this on the PS3.

It's good. Just in the opening parts there were some visceral, very enjoyable gun fights. The Sound is superb. Throwing grenades at sheep will take a long time to get old :D

I'd recommend it.

5745d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You completely missed the point.

This has nothing to do with 360 value vs PS3 value.

My issue is purely a 360 issue, and the fact that Microsoft has built its name on features that the arcade SKU is largely missing, and roping the masses into that model carries an air of deception with it.

Why make it about PS3 vs 360? Is it SO HARD to look critically at a system in its own right?

I doubt it was even worthwhile replying to you anyway...I sho...

5745d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't mean to fuel the flames for no reason here, but...

The Arcade SKU is simply a shifty, crappy, sly angle.

The 360 has a reputation for many things - online gaming, HD graphics, Video services, arcade downloads, media playback, etc. A lot of this functionality is missing from the arcade, and regardless of what people intend when buying the system, the appeal for it is at least somewhat hinged off the console's features as a whole.

Consumers are stupi...

5746d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't know how Americans got this wrong version of the saying so widespread...the mind boggles.

It's COULDN'T CARE LESS god dammit :)

I'm glad to see other people saying so.

5746d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It makes the iPhone irrelevant because it does ALMOST AS MUCH?

Excellent logic.

I might sell my car because my bicycle makes it irrelevant. Sure I'll get wet in the rain and it'll take me five times longer to get somewhere, but it can do ALMOST as much as my car. It's awesome!

5747d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wish my home had gunfights along a rigid axis...

5747d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, but if the 360 sales don't top the PS3's after a price cut then it could only be described as massive tragic failure on their part. You have to expect an obvious boost for a little while.

If the sales only stay level or comparable between the two, then this is only the 360 'hanging on'.

Don't forgot that Sony has pretty good demand currently for their 'high priced' PS3, and a price cut late this year would have a massive impact as well, if they even feel t...

5747d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This article is horribly written.


5747d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


HOW is this news?

My god...I know a guy at Team Bondi, and I checked their web site out about six months ago, which prominently displays both 360 and PS3 logos alongside this title.

Since this is neither Sony or Microsoft first party, isn't it just a no brainer that "one of the biggest budget games of all time" will be multi?

5748d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah cool, sorry I didn't realize WKS was being published by Sony.

Could still be a new IP perhaps?

5751d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not this again...

This is the third time I've seen a rumor article about Crytek hiring for PS3.

I hope they do make a PS3 Crysis, but I've seen this uneventful story enough times now to ignore it until some kind of announcement happens.

5751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Flooding the 360 with JRPGs is all the rage these days.

If they are really saying to expect a "shocking" announcement, it'll probably white knight multiplatform, or a new 360 IP.

Honestly what else would be shocking? A new PS3 game wouldn't shock anyone.

Personally I would just like them to focus on getting the damn PS3 stuff finished. Maybe I'll get interested in their titles again once there's some idea when they'll be hitting.

5751d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's just a sign of the times.

A year ago the 360 fanboys were kicking PS3 owners while they were down. Naturally there's a backlash now that the PS3 has solid games and a fantastic late 08 lineup.

Seriously though man if you weren't (even just a little) a fanboy yourself you wouldn't even care which way the comments are skewed. Just play and enjoy. Why get bothered by people being "pro-sony"?

The "war" exists only in the minds of irr...

5768d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So sales for all three fell.

What an uninteresting week.

5768d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doesn't fall technically run right the way up to one day before December?

We could still be waiting a while.

Hope not.

5772d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment