
CRank: 5Score: 17950

This has to be fake.

Surely Microsoft won't sh*t on their arcade owners so blatantly?

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The engine in it's day was fantastic. the Multiplayer set trends and broke new ground. The gameplay was great, everything was great. Typical Bungie stuff really.

What REALLY set it apart for me was the story though. It had depth and a lot of character. Some really bizarre and genuinely entertaining reading. I always got the impression it was simply created by a really fantastic crew of people, and it really made me respect and admire Bungie back then.

I only have a P...

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

please be true... god dammit please be true.

it would be as though awesome had sex with some more awesome, only the awesome it had sex with fell in a radioactive puddle first, thereby creating mutations in the awesome offspring that became some sort of never seen before hybrid doom awesome.

5829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

coming a mile away.

It's good news for the 360, and I doubt it's going to burn any die hard Sony fans too badly. I have tekken 5 on PS3, and for the brilliant and well-priced game that it is, the players are very very few.

It's been long forgotten (5DR), so Tekken 6 being essentially the same old tekken, it would never have been a big hit as a PS3 exclusive.

I had a game of it at the arcades in Tokyo earlier this year. It's still Tekken.

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good ol' money bags Microsoft.

I have a question for 360 gamers (and being serious here too):

Does exclusive 360 content make you happy?

I view exclusive DLC (for PS3, 360, both included) as an entirely negative thing.

There absolutely no benefit to gamers WHATSOEVER. Think about it. The game engine is already built, so you can't argue quality by excluding platforms. It simply means some gamers miss out.

Mirrors edge DLC shouldn...

5830d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't look incredible. That's a drastic overstatement.

It does look very good, and the PS3 badly needs RPGs, so this is surprising and excellent to see.

Gameplay is make or break in an RPG, so lets hope they nail that. Visually I think it looks about on par with what we expect now that developers have their head around the hardware. With the current PS3 titles about to hit, these graphics are not going to be standout by comparison.

5830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

co op.


5831d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Some people are insensitive and don't care!

Stay tuned for more breaking information that you were no doubt unaware of until now.

5831d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree the PS3 seems to have an older crowd and there's less cussing, no racist d*ckheads (that I've heard), etc.

That said, in Warhawk and Resistance people just talk a lot of CRAP...rambling...annoying me.

I generally prefer to have voice chat globally disabled until there's actually a good reason like squad or team tactics.

No one deserves to have the power of spilling their ill conceived verbal diarrhea out of my TV speakers.

5831d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a PS3 owner, and I'm hanging out for R2 as much as the next guy, but SERIOUSLY. Leave it out of this thread.

Gears 2 looks awesome. Give credit where credit is due and leave it at that.

Personally I think R2 is going to be mind blowing as well, but this is a Gears Story so here's a shoutout to the PS3 owning nay sayers:

Live and let live.

Gears 2 looks insanely good, and it's going to ease the pain for a lack of LBP/R2/etc for any of tho...

5831d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is not news for gamers.

5832d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment



Why would you turn THIS game into a movie?

Uncharted is a fantastic, cinematic, block buster game. It did an excellent job telling the narrative and keeping a movie-like feel along side brilliant gameplay. WHY does there need to be a movie version? It's redundant.

Make a movie about a game that would benefit from a cinematic rendition. Uncharted is already its own cinematic rendition.

Also...Hollywood almost a...

5835d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The funny thing about Microsoft's exclusive DLC is that it's always for games that are MASSIVE already.

I haven't finished the GTAIV story and I never will, so that DLC would wasted on me anyway.

Fallout 3 I was almost certainly finish, but again after such an epic campaign I'm sure I'll be satisfied.

I know a lot of people will like the DLC (probably), but it makes me think that it would be better served and more useful (to Microsoft, who shells out for...

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that's a pretty bad attitude masterg.

People being able to try a game and realize it isn't for them is a good thing. This game has enough interest for strong sales without MM deliberately roping in people on the fence who'll later trade it in.

5837d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's complete nonsense.

"Not to mention some games are topping out what we can truly define, your render's aren't in realtime, and they're nevering going to be in realtime" <-- This statement is really truly puzzling.

I've been doing 3D work since 1995 (granted I was a teenager at that point). What was once only possible in a time-consuming overnight render (on a 66mhz computer) was long ago WILDY surpassed by in-game technology.
Again, look a l...

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a terrible and HORRIBLY WRONG statement to make.


I'm a professional 3D animator. Until game engines can run like my renders, they are NO WHERE NEAR "good enough"! Lazy blasphemy right there.

1. No game has real time accurate motion blurring. For the laymen, this means DEFORMATION based motion blurring that applies to character rig movement and 3D camera movement. The best in-game motion blurring available currently is the much lesser ...

5838d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment
5838d ago
5838d ago

Makes me wonder a few things...

If these are SCEJ games does that mean they're less likely to be things that would appeal to western gamers?

Me for example - I like JRPGs to an extent, sometimes, but they're not really my favorite thing. So should I take it to mean not many of these announcements will really blow me away?

Is it also possible that some of these titles will only ever be released in Japan?

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is funny...

"we decided to do a little detective work to confirm or deny the existence of the Xbox 360 Slim"

and yet you read their article, and the slim model is neither CONFIRMED nor DENIED.


It's a slow news day.

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment