
CRank: 5Score: 17950

R1's metacritic average is 86.

If R2, a clearly better game by a LONG SHOT only averages 88, I think it will show a bit of a failure on the part of the critics to accurately represent the value of certain games.

5804d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think Epic tested the waters on PS3 with UT3 being a timed exclusive. Since it was recieved badly (never mind that it isn't half the game Gears is), I wouldn't be surprised to see Epic fall under the first party wing.

Without Bungie, Microsoft does need some one in this genre of games.

Unreal tech has PC roots, and subsequently is a much better match for 360. I'm calling it. Epic and Microsoft will sign a deal.

5804d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment


the open zone is good value today.

5805d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it's a blog review I doubt metacritic will list it.

5805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, sorry about that.

was just making point.

5808d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment I too can be cool!

watch my super cool fresh hater antics! Ready?

""OMG GEars 2 flops! TWO REVIEWS from official XBOX sources neither 10/10! Gears 2 fails!""

See? Isn't N4G better when we troll threads? Now go post about how Resistance 2 is the worst game EVAR...YOU MUST RETALIATE!


Ahem...but seriously. Gears 2 will be an awesome game, and is a brilliant cap for 2008 for 360 owners. I'll be play...

5808d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You mean the meta score of 9.5 that was based one the grand total of ONE review?

Tell me, is that even consistent with the definition of META?

It's cool to be a hater eh? So sharp dude. Nice...

5808d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Breakfast, only the worst possible kind of fanboy could ever possible want a game to do badly.

What could have possible given you such a demented outlook on this?

Does it make sparkles in your glittery Microsoft pants? Seriously...what's the deal?

It's mind boggling.

What is it about game consoles that makes people succumb to such a stupid attitude...

also, Official Xbox Magazine UK "couldn't even give Gears 2 a...

5808d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This should silence the haters.

Gameplayer threw a barrage of negative feedback at this game. Nearly an entire page of their four page review was nothing but complaints, and yet... 9/10 (!)

Without a doubt, this games offers enough PURE AWESOME, that even those that aren't overly into resistence's feel (this reviewer clearly isn't) will stop and say "wow, this game has a lot to offer".

Good signs.

5809d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The field of view is too narrow. Took me a while to figure out what was bugging me, but that's definitely it.

A game with mechanics like these needs peripheral vision. At one point she's hanging onto a pipe and can't see the pipe beside her. You would never parkour with tunnel vision.

5810d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Seriously...this isn't a fanboy rant. I'm being compltely honest - those avatars looks horrible.

Microsoft scored some sweet games for their system, they run a great online service - credit where credit is due, for sure... But one thing that has always bugged me is the damn ugly console, ugly controller, and ugly UI.

The NXE looks like a step up - pretty good UI improvement I think, but the models of the avatars are just terrib...

5810d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Right, but say your spec ops dudes drop out, or you have none...

no spec ops = no game? Is that right?

I'm not knocking it (until I try it anyway), just trying to understand how it's set up.

I love co op. I'd play everything in co op if I could. I would have to say honestly that the ABSOLUTE life or death dependency on others in the team keeping you stocked concerns me a bit, but then I haven't played it.

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does that mean then that absolutely the only way to get ammo is via spec ops dudes?

In other words if your specs ops are dead, drop out, or none join, you will run out of ammo straight away and it's game over?

I always loved in R1 that if my carbine was getting low I always knew I could pry a good weapon and some ammo off my next couple kills.

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can anyone tell me:

With the three classes available all having unique guns, does that mean in co op you are stuck using only one gun? Or can you also use others?

Can you still loot Bullseyes off of dead Chimera?

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The author is a giant fanboy. I was just waiting for him to spin it towards an XBL plug combined with a PSN slag off. Boom, there it is right on queue.

Can I have those few minutes of my life back?

5811d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

That character is not the slightest bit sexy.

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's so much homrbrew for DS which has nothing to do with piracy. I'm 100% against game piracy, but I have an M3 for all the cool things it offers.

Tracker (music creation) software
Ports of abandonware games like doom/decent/etc
Cool painting app
PDA style organizer

They are great little addons for the DS. It doesn't have to be linked with anything illegal.

I find the back alley story strange too. I bought mine in a regular retail s...

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears 2 reviews are a complete waste of time.

Who would find them useful?

Gears fans know that this game is a must buy for them, and that they'll love it. For everyone else it hardly matters.

Gears is Gears. Epic was never going screw #2 up.

5812d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hating on Gears is just silly.

The game is looking to be awesome.

I'm not a fan of the Unreal Engine but the artists at Epic are some of the best in the business. There's no way this game will let down the masses of Gears fans out there.

I'll be playing (and loving) R2 at home, and Gears 2 at work. That's win squared right there.

5815d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This commercial is terrible. It's cheesy, a bit goofy even, and tries to play into a genre of marketing that simply isn't even SLIGHTLY appropriate for the Gears franchise.

Gears is a game for mindless violence. Gloriously brutal combat. It succeeds at this to a spectacular level, but FFS why would you pretend it offers anything deeper with any great quality? It doesn't.

It's adequate from a story perspective, but not exceptional.

If you removed the fund...

5815d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment