
CRank: 5Score: 73260

I was excited to get my hands on it after it's first reveal, played in the betas.. there is certainly a lot of positives for the game but there is also a lot of negatives. The game isn't ready for release, not by a long shot. There is some great ideas there but just doesn't come together. None of the modes in the beta really pieces all the strings together in say the same way OW did with their limited but focused game modes. Then stupid things like having the character's prono...

48d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can be forgiven, with a few exceptions like the Jedi games, we've been starved of great Star Wars experiences for a long time.

50d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Getting the same but for a higher cost is a steal.. it's a robbery. It's still good value for someone young who can't afford to buy new games on release but ultimately. how much do Microsoft pay to write this sort of drivel?

51d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even a lot of FGC pros play other games on the side. I've saw Mago stream Valorant a fair few times. Apples and Oranges though, one of the biggest reasons why people fall in love with fighting games is the psychological battles, that's just not something most games can offer.

55d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you wrote a list of all of the strategic mistakes made on Phil Spencer's watch, you'd have a book larger than Lord of the Rings. I'd forgive him for passing on Genshin though, I doubt even Mihoyo could have dreamed of the amount of success they'd get. It does seem strange they aren't making an effort now though, then again Microsoft tend to be five years late to most parties, took them long enough to even get FF14 to Xbox.

58d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow I can just imagine the likes of Activision, EA and Ubi etc having an army of AIs creating overpriced crap and the fanboys just lapping it up. I hope the AIs have a good union.

59d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Been saying it for a good few years now but Blizzard are dead. I had hoped the Microsoft acquisition would improve things but yeah, that's going great so far /s

59d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

SWG was so far ahead of it's time, if they took the sandbox of that and modernised the combat, it would blow the minds of a whole new generation of gamers.

61d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly feel bad for the developers, the amount of hate isn't really fair. There is some really neat ideas that just doesn't come together. They'd have been better going F2P battle pass route, saying you own the game, the game doesn't own you sounds catchy but Helldivers 2 shown you can do BP without FOMO. The game clearly needs more time to cook, best thing they can do is delay for a few months and re-evaluate their business model for the game otherwise this will be Lawbrea...

61d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

It needs a delay badly.. I had fun and there are some great ideas but it feels very raw and barebones, the devs need more time to cook, the game doesn't even have a backfill implemented yet. As it stands, the release is going to feel like one of those paid for early access games that is going to be f2p in the near future.

64d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Outside of the UK, Xbox has never had a large install base in Europe and even here in the UK, it's dwindled loads in the last 10 years. Like Japan, they probably just decided it's a waste of resources trying.

67d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most important thing, 3S is back!

70d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Terry_B Well if we're talking about facts, my savings are in triple digits this year alone thanks to buying the disc based PS5 and buying physical media in comparison to PS store prices.

73d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good riddance, haven't been in to GAME for a good 6-8 years and with good reason. I miss Gamestation, at least I felt like I was walking into a shop for gamers.

75d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hyped might be too strong a word but I've been eager to give it a try. The gameplay shown looked promising but then again I'm likely the target audience as someone who has probably played Overwatch for 1000+ hours at this point since it released. It's going to need to be something special to thrive though, so much competition nowadays and even f2p ones fall flat.

76d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, the game just looks bang average anyway. Predatory monetization is more than enough to keep me well clear.

85d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pretty sure to be over, there had to be some sort of momentum to begin with, outside of the UK, Xbox never enjoyed solid sales in Europe.

97d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They haven't implemented it into the game. There are adapters you can buy like Xim. It's common for competitive shooters to ban players for using them because they combine the precision of a K/M with aim assist of a controller. I've came up against players using them in other games and it's just a broken horrible experience.

100d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Xbox ceased to exist, it would give Sony an even bigger monopoly on the market. We have all seen what happens when Sony gets arrogant and full of itself on PS3 release. While it wouldn't be fair to compare current Sony to back then, it's starting to give off those vibes. For the first time in well over a decade now, Xbox have beaten Sony in the showcase department based purely on what Sony have shown thus far. That's a good thing in my eyes as it'll remind Sony about not ge...

105d ago 5 agree19 disagreeView comment

I can certainly see why fans would think that but I think it still has a distinct visual style that gives it it's own charm. I'm usually sensitive to generic cartoony looking games but thought this looked really good. The tone of that trailer though certainly didn't help.

107d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment