
CRank: 6Score: 100630

yeah thanks to the sony fanboys, they moaned louder then anyone else!

seriously though i was proud to make my oppinion known on every forum and protest site i could, and im happy with the result!

4116d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow still so many sony trolls on here, go read ps4 articles already GAH!

going to preorder mine today :D

4116d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

wow this is good news, and who said microsoft doesn't listen, I will now be getting an xbox one now, in fact I'm off to per order one now :), but its funny im sure not matter what microsoft does sony fans will always find something bad to say about xbox, everyone just enjoy gameing and if you can afford 2 consoles why not get a xboxone and a ps4, because if you are a true gamer you would. :) Master chef I'm back :)

4116d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i agree and understand why people have issues with the always online thing, but at the end of the day its just a console, and im not going to let that ruin my experience when it comes to playing games.

yes i think microsoft should change it, although i own both current consoles and prefer xbox i am not a fanboy, and despite my preference i have done all i can to help the cause on and twitter etc, i do believe the gamers should stand up for what they believe i...

4117d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

nice looking forward to picking mine up on launch day also :)

4118d ago 5 agree19 disagreeView comment

the mans nuts nobody should listen to him, sadly hes washed up and never delivered anything he promised, hes the last person that should be pointing figures.

4118d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

whats with all this greatness awaits BS?

4118d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment

im getting both, and i cant wait! and no im not selling or trading in either my 360 and 80 games or my ps3 and 25 games, i love that stuff way too much to trade in :D

4118d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think the price is great, i expected both consoles to cost far more, in fact here in new zealand i can buy BOTH consoles for the same price that the ps3 was at launch!

both companies can be incredibly arrogant, but at the same time words tend to get misconstrued on the internet, people tend to fly off the handle over comments that probably arnt meant with the level of malice that people take from them.

4118d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

seriously who cares what company sells the most consoles! oh yeah fanboys do!

i couldn't give a flying f*ck if sony or microsoft sells more, thats on them not me! i dont kick back playing halo or uncharted and think OMG this game would be WAYYYY better if X company sold more consoles!

people on here need to grow the F up and learn to just enjoy games rather then constantly bitching at each other over console sales!

i will get both console...

4119d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

if people truly want microsoft to pay attention then go comment on places like etc.

my main concern is the online check in, i know plenty of people that dont have the internet, the DRM is also a huge concern, lucky i tend to not lend or buy second hand games, but i often rent a game before i decide to buy it.

but as a gamer i still see huge potential in both new consoles, only time will tell but MS has a matter of months to put this right, if...

4120d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love my xbo360 and I really want to buy an xboxone, but if microsoft goes ahead with the 24 hour check in and the DRM restrictions then I WILL NOT BE BUYING THE XBOXONE, Dear master chief I had a good fight with you in halo 3 and 4, but im sorry we can not continue our battles together in Halo 5, if you want me to fight by your side in halo 5 then tell your creators at microsoft that we are your customers and you give what the customer wants or we go eles where, after all the customer is al...

4121d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

im actually impressed by how small the ps4 is, but in saying that both consoles look slick, great modern designs, i probably like the X1 look better but im giving ps4 the edge just because they made it so compact!

and with both consoles coming out at such good prices i cant wait to get both!

4123d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

if you love sony so much go read playstation articles idiot...

4125d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

its actually cheaper then i expected, seriously do people expect them to give it away?

and is it just me or are there far too many sony kids spamming xbox articles? i own both current consoles, i far prefer xbox, but that doesn't mean im going to read every sony article just so i can whine like a baby, mind you thats giving sony kids far too much credit i don't even think they read xbox articles, just flock in to spam, pathetic.

4125d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

First and foremost I love gaming, I do not like what microsoft is doing with their next console but what choice is there? I love halo and forza I could get a ps4 but I cant play halo or forza on a ps4, so the answer for me is to get both consoles I love games and altho im not happy with they way the xboxone is going ill just have to deal with it, im not going to give up my enjoyment of games such as halo and forza just because of the DRM and always on line issues, and by the way who is to s...

4126d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

i have a huge passion for gaming also, i have for over twenty years, i also love new tech, and innovative ideas, and the idea of bringing all the things i love together in one box excites yes i think far too many are being negative, and totally jumping the gun before we know the facts.

everybody is so wrapped up in rumors and half truths that they discount what could possibly be something great, the kinect always on thing has been cleared up so we can move on from tha...

4137d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

for years we have seen movies featuring future tech where you can interact with things by waving your hands and giving voice commands, and thought how awesome it would be to have that now.

yet the second it happens people run in fear. MS are trying to innovate yet all the masses can do is freak out thinking they are being watched, how many cameras do you get snapped by in a day? im surprised some of you even leave the house!

4137d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have zero problem with kinect being always on, its the way things are going, all our modern devices are designed to be always connected, smart phones tablets even TV,s, people need to either deal with it or go without, however i agree they need the option to use a standard controller. the DRM is a real pain though, i hope they seriously reconsider what they are doing, or at least front up and tell people exactly what the plan is.

but you can bet MS are in serious damage con...

4139d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

did nobody actually watch the presentation?? you know it was to show off NEW FEATURES right? also amazes me how nobody seems to have heard the part where they announced 15 exclusive GAMES in the first twelve months? or how we would see more on the games at E3?


4139d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment