
CRank: 6Score: 100630


what ms are doing is basically an experiment at the moment and may actually continue.


why people think PS+ is better value is beyond me, its like renting a car, you pay all that money but at the end of the day you OWN NOTHING, sure you may get discounts but yo...

4081d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

would suck to live in china :-)

4086d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

yep some stores here have totally dropped all nintendo products, and the ones that still do only have limited supplies and most games are in the bargain bin, people may say well thats just NZ, but its australian stores here that have stopped selling wii u here, so it wont be long till that spreads across the ditch.

sad to say but big N is in even bigger trouble when the new consoles release.

4087d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hammad dont be an ass, i play xbox more then ps but even ill admit this guy seems like the perfect choice in designing the ps4.

bout time people learnt to get along, the xbot comments just arnt needed!

4088d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

yeah super funny right? no its sad and pathetic that there are people out there that have the nerve to boo people, to show so little, or no respect is disgusting, these people went there to show off a game that im sure they are proud of, but no a few ass hats had to go and wreck it.

im sure they are real proud of themselves, pat on the back losers.

4090d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i dont know what you mean by "I don't wanna buy the internet just to play games"

if you mean pay to play online thats going to be standard on ps4 also.

ill get both eventually but will get X1 first purely based on the games and that if MS does one thing really well its the operating system, i got slightly put off PS3 with its menus and constant updates keeping me waiting rather then playing every time i put a disc in.

but both ...

4097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

firstly we don't know the full specs of either console just yet, we know the basic set up but how all those components will work together is largely unknown, and to be honest im not phased by which console is more powerful.

but im keeping an open mind, a lot of people seem to have written XB1 off as being inferior before its even shipped, that really is naive, there are so many things to consider.

as we have heard specs can change.


4098d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

the wii u is doing seriously badly here in new zealand, some shops have decided to stop selling nintendo products completely, sad to say it but nintendo need to get back in the game, unless they can hang with the big boys they might not see next generation.

4102d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I do agree with you on the DRM issue with xbox1, I was not happy when Microsoft announced their policy, Infact I was not going to get it because of it, but the fact they have changed it made me happy and I changed my mind, Yes you don't know if they will change it in the future but you don't know if sony will either, But hey buying a console is not going to kill me or anyone eles for that matter, so comparing a console choice and the choice of drink driving are totally not the same, I...

4108d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

yeah because all we have in new zealand is sheep, thanks for your comment I have not heard that one before, you should be a comedian.

4108d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

I am getting an xbox one, And I don't care what fan boys say , and i will get a ps4 but not at lauch but will after a year or so, I just cant afford both at launch, get over your self fanboys and just enjoy gameing no matter what console you choose, just stop bashing other people for choosing the xboxone, its about choice after all.

4108d ago 23 agree23 disagreeView comment

I do have to say tho, looking at the pics ps4 controller looks more this gen and ps3 one looks more next gen, just saying, but I'm sure it wont be a bad controller just saying what it looks like.

4110d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

OMG who cares its just controllers, ill wait till they are both in my hands, then ill say what one is better lol :-)

4110d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The difference with xbox free games is you get to keep them, even if you dont renew gold, with ps+ you only get the games free whlie you are still a ps+ subscriber, so to keep them you have to renew your account so its kinda like your hireing the game, and what happens in years to come when they close the ps3 servers down, you no longer have the game.

4114d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

godmars the games are FREE...i get to keep them FOREVER! hell i own over 80 games so there will probably be nothing for me anyway, but how can you act like giving out free stuff is bad?

i wont go down to your level and use these free games as a reason to take cheap shots at the competition either, they should be enjoyed for what they are, and at least they are full retrial games not arcade!

i also bought max payne a while back for $9 in a sale and RE6 for $5...

4114d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

damn straight convas, im sick of idiots on here trying to tell me what not to do with my money.

preordered :D

4114d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

There is always going to be hate and its just sad, why cant people just enjoy gaming and stop complaining, The next generation of gaming is nearly here why cant people just be excited, you have 3 choices, buy an xboxone, or buy a ps4, or if you want the best of both worlds get both, and just enjoy your console of choice and stop hating on the other console just cos you dont like it. by the way good on Microsoft for changing their policy, this is good news not bad.

4116d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

do you guys ever have anything nice to say? god this site is a mess now days!

i dont care what camp you are in, have a hug my Ps4 and xbox friends! lets all just get along! its been a rough few weeks so lets just play awesome games and leave the console wars to sony and microsoft!

4116d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

power to the people, we won so lets all just move on....

4116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just think no matter what microsoft does fan boys will always find a reason to hate no matter what, I love gaming and I love the playstation, but I do prefer the xbox brand but not cos im a fan boy, infact far from it I just like the market place way better than the sony store, plus the controller fits so nicely in my hand and last of all Halo, forza, fable and gears now these are great games, altho thats just my opinion, but dont hate them just cos they are not on the playstation, Now I...

4116d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment