
CRank: 6Score: 100630

skarlett its a shame this site is run by uninformed fanboy kiddies like you, put your crystal ball away and get a real job.

you are rubbish.

4139d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the one reason alone, beyond all other games is halo 5, XBOX ONE has only shown new features so far, with 15 exclusives planned for the first year lets just wait and see.

bring on E3!

4139d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

its sad that its come to this.

i should be able to buy or sell what ever i want, sure i think EB games etc suck, they rip people off, but at the end of the day game developers/publishers should not have the right to tell people they cant sell games that they legitimately bought, its really sad that we have come to accept this!

i am still waiting for E3, theres far too many conflicting stories at the moment its like overload trying to decipher this mess!

4140d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

your profile transfers to windows phones too, if you can play and earn achievements on your phone and 360 i dont see why that would be any different for XBOX ONE.

4141d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

despite all the fuss thats going on, yes day one for me!

i love new tech, and in the end im sure things wont be as bad as everyone is speculating.

my main frustration is people being so caught up with how they showed TV and other content features, what they showed looked great, and when so many sony fans complained that ps3 didn't have a simple feature like cross game chat, how will they react when they realize that swapping content on the fly could actua...

4141d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

this is just stupid, dumb, and killing gaming as a pass time, so ill never be able the rent a game now from my local video store, ill never be able to swap games with friends, I buy games new if I really want the game eg halo but what about games I'm not sure ill like, I would normally hire the game out play for an hour or so then think hey this is a great game so I stop playing it and go buy it, this was the case with fable 2 and forza, then there were games that I thought I would of lik...

4141d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

so many idiotic comments being made about XBOX ONE on this site.

i think its crazy how people especially rabbid fanboys will go on a rampage and tear the competition to shreds, i think people need to take a step back and realize it is just a console, newly announced and there is still a lot we don't know about the product.

people need to quit all the chest puffing, we have seen some good ideas and not so good ideas, but this thing is still in its infancy,...

4142d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

why do people act like always online is a bad thing? in this age everything is online dependant, my phone is always online, my 360 is always online, the second MS says the new console needs to be online they get lynched.

if yall are so scared of new technology then go live under a rock or whatever.

the DRM thing sucks tho, i hope they tweek it to be a bit more user friendly.

4143d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

people need to remember new consoles need to be big and have room for all the chips and processors, its pretty much a PC I dont mind it looking like a VCR as long as it dose not over heat I don't care, i would rather it looked like that than a huge rounded out of place machine that would look out of place in my living room, I think the xbox one has style and will fit nicely with most ppls home set ups, and remember give it a few years and they will slim it down look at the redesign they d...

4144d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

you say they have the halo croud like thats a small bunch lol

anyway going on what ive seen so far its day one for me, xbox one looks amazing, only thing im not sold on is no backwards compatibility, but hey my 360 will still be hooked up anyway!

dont like kinect being always on? unplug it when the consoles not in use, problem solved!

4144d ago 9 agree28 disagreeView comment

@ skarlett

fanboy much?

people are entitled to there own opinion, weather you like it or not there are plenty of reasons some may prefer xbox.

i agree ps3 has more exclusives, but not many that interest me personally, i had a blast with god of war and the uncharted games, and one of my fave ps3 games was modnation, plat and all!

but others such as killzone LBP sly etc just dont do it for me, yes choice is a great thing to hav...

4151d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

ive had three and no red rings, however i bought my mum one that red ringed after a 7.1 earthquake, to expected probably!

4178d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

how does 70+ mill ps3 sales and 70+ mill 360 sales = a ps3 win I would say That both consoles did and are still doing really well with the only winner being the gamers with choice and competition.

4181d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

i dont think they have improved the design with the DS3, in fact i think they made some things worse, the spongy convex triggers suck, i always slip off them during racing games etc, the convex analogue sticks also do the same thing.

when i unboxed my ps3 and pulled out the controller i instantly thought omg whats this light cheep plasticy thing?
the sticks are all wrong and far too loose, the whole thing needs to be modernized, basically the same controller for three...

4181d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

im still playing but just don't want it to end, the game didn't fail in any way, sure the devs may have had totally unrealistic sales targets, but for what it is the new TR is a total success.

it amazes me how people complain about the game being too different, its a REBOOT, if they wanted it to be the same as past games they would have made yet another sequel, yes i wanted more tombs but this is only the beginning, im sure the next game will have more reason to focu...

4183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Godmars you assume it would sell better on ps3, but theres no way you can say that for certain, there are plenty of games on playstation in the same boat, like ico, another fantastic game that at the time went under the radar, even the sony brand couldn't stop that.

4186d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not just firewood its pure rubbish, seriously microsoft have created something amazing, considering how it only started what ten and a bit years ago with the original xbox, just look where they are now.

who in there right mind ever thought they could take on an established brand like playstation and succeed the way they have, and you think MS would quit now? i don't think so buddy!

4186d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

umm no its a no brainier, install base = $$$$ i would never release a game on a new console untill its base was big enough to make high sales.

4197d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure what to think of it, it looks nice, I do like the grip pads, but I hope the controller fits nicely in your hands as I'm worried it might be to wide, and the sticks emm I'm on the fence with that as well, who knows it could be really great or middle of the road, but im sure it won't be a fail.
so at this stage its 50/50 for me :)

4197d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

umm it was born on Nintendo.

4199d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment