
CRank: 6Score: 100630

so you are saying all the people that bought X1 only did so because of a ps4 shortage lol, both consoles are insanely popular and some people just might buy X1 because thats their first choice, shocking i know!

3858d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well said, looking back at last gen ps3 had a huge graphical advantage over 360, even bigger then the gap between X1 and ps4.

but at the end of the day both consoles had issues handling different games, with all ps3's extra power we still saw ports that were inferior to 360, probably the worst case of this was g...

3863d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Phil stfu troll, playing X1 and its freaking awesome!

3868d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

so the games not good oh noes! the world must be ending! build a bridge bro, such a fanboy...

thats why i would never preorder a game with no proven track record.

3868d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyhow I think sony fans are jealous, as far as launch go, xbone one has the games and ps4 has the lames :-)

3869d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

since when is an average score of 82 bad based on 26 reviews, I would think a score 0-20 = bad, 20-40 = below average, 40-60 = average, 60-80 = good and 80-100 = great.

3869d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Games :) I mean single player games with great stories.

3871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not a matter of being harsh, its in the consumers interest to give reviews based on the content, good or bad.

no way would i have pre ordered knack, its a game with no proven track record, and to be honest i don't care if its aimed at kids or not, the character designs are awful, and the graphics are about as average as it gets, i don't believe theres any bias going on, from all accounts the game is a flop.

killzone SF looks good, and i enjoyed KZ...

3875d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

kingthrash i have bought one XB360 battery pack since 2006...and i have used the same rechargeable AA batteries in between, my wallet has not been raped, but if you feel the financial burden then maybe you should ask for a pay raise.

as for paying twice for apps ok fair call i have never used netflix, but true apps eg ign gamespot etc are free to use with gold, you are twisting things to make it appear all apps are paid for twice.

as for PS+ killing gold that...

3880d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

i was waiting for you to go full troll ;) that wasn't hard now was it.

people like you are so blinded by brand loyalty that even the most insignificant thing such as batteries has to become bad news, and all good news is either BS lies PR spin.

and for me personally external batteries is preferable, i have a ps3 and no i never had any issue with the batteries, but if by chance i did im happy knowing i can swap them out rather then have to send the control...

3880d ago 34 agree31 disagreeView comment

seriously wallet rape? a battery charger don't cost that much!

i can either use my current thats free, or buy a XB1 battery pack, no biggie.

3881d ago 92 agree159 disagreeView comment guys have too much time on your hands...

3882d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

As a Xbox fan (not fanboy) I get it, I accept ps4 is more powerful, I admit MS constantly F* things up, and I'm disappointed with X1.

but i am still getting a X1, not because I'm un informed or delusional,but because it has the games I want.

I really believe X1 is going to struggle, but I have no choice if I want to continue playing the games I love, I have played every halo game made and I'm addicted, I'm not missing halo 5 due to weaker spec...

3884d ago 26 agree0 disagreeView comment

and shadow fail fanboys like you dont like people to be excited about ryse...those in glass houses bro...

Killzone Shadow fall disagrees. That game looks better than Ryse and runs at 1080p WITH higher frame rates. That's not to mention how all the other developers are saying the PS4 is more powerful, even former Gears of War developer. No need for damage control Crytek, it is what it is. #50
27d ago by brometheos

sony fans love to play down ryse ...

3893d ago 4 agree36 disagreeView comment

ohhh... MariaHelFutura is out of her troll hole again.

3893d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

dude you have far too much time on your hands, im reporting you in every story i see you spamming from now on.

3894d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

the people who are creating the biggest mess is the fanboys and the "insiders"

these sad little pockets of society have nothing better to do then spam the net with their hate and try to spin even positive news in to negative.

3894d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

@ 5eriously

obviously you are as much of a fanboy as this wannabe dev is, i would take ryse over resogun any day.

sure ryse may have started as a kinect game, but now it stands as one of the best looking next gen console games so far.

VS. resogun....need i say more? ok i will, im sure you wont be complaining about the last guardian being developed on ps3 when it finally gets released on ps4, noooo it will be the best thing ever, because sony ...

3896d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol so says a resogun many xb1 launch exclusivs vs ps4 launch exclusives? Yeah exactly!

3896d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

wow the hate in here is unreal! its pretty obvious that all the haters know its going to be a great game and it looks awesome but they hide their head in the sand and hope if they spread their hate enough they might put others off.

if the fanboys in here truely thought ryse was a bad game they wouldn't even bother commenting, if they really thought it was going to flop it would be dead in here, but they know its going to rock so as usual they bash it.

3906d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment