
CRank: 6Score: 100630

i fully agree, im also sure XB1 will do just fine.

we have seen this all before, and im making no speculations about final specs, i would rather wait for a full teardown, but the ps3 also had much faster ram and specs then the 360 but both consoles preformed equally well.

as for the price issue, tha...

3945d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

rare was a hit, but they don't use them or let them make games that they were known for so unless they let them make games for the xbox one like banjo 3, a new perfect dark, conker 2, or even kameo 2 then they are a miss and died a slow death.

3946d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
3949d ago Show

yes porkchop we know on paper specs, there is also a lot we don't know about both consoles, and while i respect your oppinion, until full specs and a full tear down of both consoles have been revealed, it is just an opinion.

so many people on here have no idea how to keep a level head, they claim to know the facts, with out full evidence there is no facts, and im not claiming one console is better then the other, at the end of the day i don't actually care, i just thi...

3951d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

vegeta was i talking to you? no so maybe you should zip it sweetie :)

3951d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

its not fact until we know exactly what custom silicone is in the XB1, so many people want to jump the gun without having the full specs laid out.

3951d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

wow sony are so arrogant!

3951d ago 13 agree20 disagreeView comment

damn its true cos the pic is still up on NZ gah! whats up with the crap arcade games! i thought these were meant to be highly rated!

3951d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow i hope what you say is true! ill be eagerly awaiting further information!

awesome read bro!

3952d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

both consoles will do well, but at launch you would have to say Microsoft has the better line up, Forza 5, Ryse son of rome, Dead rising 3, Killer instinct. vs Kilzone 4 and ??? oh yeah Knack :)

3954d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment


thats a weak attempt bro, everyone knows the focus is on the new consoles, thats exactly where i want to see MS focus their attention right now.

im having plenty of fun catching up on games i missed, and looking forward to fable anniversary as being my farewell to the 360.

3956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who said need for speed was better on ps4 hmmm?

as usual sony fans got all the facts lol tragic.

3956d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

how pathetic, how bout we just wait for a somebody to fully reverse engineer these consoles before we speculate each consoles strengths.

Jesus sony fanboys are nuts....

3956d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

well as they say bad news is good news, everyone knows about the xbox one, and as much as people would like to think its going to fail, all the publicity will only make it sell more.

i dont give a rats what the haters think, day one for me!

3957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


ohhh that company that made the N64....yeah what ever happened to those guys eh!

3960d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

trust me it will come to PS4, im no fanboy but i do prefer xbox, and with that said we have all seen this before, just look at mass effect.

all capcom need to do is remix and re release on PS4 under a different title, seen it many times in the past, never believe MS when they say a third party game is exclusive, because more often then not its a half truth at best.

3960d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment


heavy rain was scripted was that a bad thing?

so many haters, this game looks epic.

3967d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

exactly godmars, xbox one is not even released yet, we all know things are subject to change, especially technology, so why so many are moaning when the console isnt even released yet is beyond me.

people wanted these changes, now they got them its time people moved on.

3968d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

well said superloop

i too remember the constant arguments about how ps3 had all these cores, that it could do mind blowing things and the cell would wipe the floor with 360....

it didn't happen....

as much as people want to talk up "on paper specs" it wont mean squat when the consoles are in homes, the only thing that will set them apart is exclusives and features.

3979d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

jimbobwahey yes sony gives out newer games.....


jesus some people just dont get it!

3982d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment