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Kameo 2 nad Perfect Dark

3797d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i wanted to get a X1 at launch, but im actually happy i waited, got a wii u for xmas so more then happy playing mario 3d world and windwaker until the heavy hitters come out on X1, probably wont pick the console up till halo 5 comes out.

as it stands now theres nothing on X1 or PS4 that really interests me.

3800d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

but could be wrong :) but doubt it.

3802d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

ppl, Don't get your hopes up, they don't announce big games unless its at a games conference. past history says it all.

3802d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

agreed, some things look different on ps4, i wouldn't necessarily say "better" though, where as there is noticeable things on PC that are undeniably better such as the textures and pic three looks far superior on PC, ps4 missing the shine effect completely.

3804d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

damn straight, love my wii u! its a shame about the lack of third party support, but every now and then a gem of a game comes out that simply has to be owned.

i couldnt get by on the wii u alone, but it compliments my other consoles perfectly, it would be a tragic day in gaming if nintendo pulled support, and the sad thing is all the non gamer fanboys would probably think that was fantastic.

3805d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow nice use of your one bubble ;)

3819d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

me too! never thought i wanted a wii u but after getting one for xmas with mario 3d world, windwaker, just dance 2014, zombie u and nintendoland im having a blast!

the console is rather awesome if people actually give it a chance!

3819d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

No heavy im not hurt by an article, i knew just from the title who would have posted it because maria is predictable and it fits her fangirl agenda, i dont give a rats what console sells better but her crusade to turn the world pro sony makes me laugh.

3820d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Maria queen of trolls spouting her fangirl bs again, a true gamer embraces each consoles differences, but all this girl can do is be negative, people like her bring the true gaming community down.

i own and love my ps3 but how she can slag off one console without admitting the other also has a downside is beyond me.

maria how do you justify things like ps3's removal of ackward compatibility just so they could make $ selling you the same game avain? Or si...

3820d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny i saw the title and just knew this would have been submitted by maria the queen of trolls, hope the poor girl gets paid for all the hard work she does.

3820d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

i would have never got a wii u myself, but after getting one for xmas its become my most played console right now.

i dont care about the power of the console, playing mario 3d world and windwaker in 1080p looks stunning and keeps me totally satisfied, and reminds me of all the things ive been missing by not owning a nintendo console, pure fun and nobody does it better, i cant think of one game on ps3 or 360 that gave me that pure nostalgic fun feeling.

after ...

3821d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well i got a wii u and windwaker, mario 3d world, nintendoland, just dance 2014 and zombie u for xmas, gotta say i love it! one thing nintendo seriously brings is the fun! in fact nothing i ever played on 360 even comes close to matching the fun im having with 3d world.

for all the negative things people say about the wii u, it is a great console, power be damned, these are the kind of games you can only get with nintendo.

3823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

stop trolling bro, fanboys on both sides suck.

on topic thats pretty insane, hope i don't run into any issues when i get my X1 :) my vacuum cleaner did this a few weeks ago lol scared the sh!t outa me! ill never forget the smell of melted plastic death.

3839d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

title is stupid because how can you say what you "prefer" unless you have played all versions, and are PC players not gamers now? whole article seems rather amateur.

3843d ago 44 agree39 disagreeView comment

you lost me at top delusional

3844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

really? hell thats just stupid!

on topic hell yes its pretty!

3844d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

yes we all realize the ps4 is more powerful, its all we hear again and again and again on this site.

its all we heard at the beginning of last gen too when the gap between 360 and ps4 was even bigger...

and even with ps3's power it still got bum ports.


3849d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

the bible is the most cold hearted piece of literature around, probably why the human race is the way it is now.

For worshipping other gods

If there be found among you ... that ... hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them ... Then shalt thou ... tone them with stones, till they die. Deuteronomy 17:2-5

sounds like N4G to me!

3853d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment

i get that people want the best experience possible, but people are going to crazy levels to pick apart every detail on every game, lets just be happy we dont have to deal with ports like this anymore!

im a gamer, not a pixel counter, i don't play my games side by side to compare every frame, i play games...Amen!

3858d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment