
CRank: 5Score: 54020

PlayStation fans don't regret talking about EA. EA needs Sony's fanbase because it consists of lifetime PlayStation gamers, and Xbox 360 and Nintendo fans alike. It's the other way around. Swallow your pride.

3570d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They had better not call it Titanfall 2 and release it on PS4. BIG MARKETING MISTAKE. They need to subtitle it and release it for PS4 and then release Titanfall 2 multiplatform. If Sony and Respawn are smart, they'll come to that consensus. Sony to combat Microsoft as though Titanfall never happened. And Respawn as though it never happened, or as it was just a testing or beta ground. It's in the best interest of both.

3570d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

You can't trade or resell your digital copy though when you've gotten tired of it. It's worthless right after it's paid for.

3573d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sorry Activision. I'm not rushing to eBay to pay a rediculous amount for your Ghost Edition. I remember when the Fortune Hunter Edition was mentioned and the only one's that got it were Naughty Dogs favorites and the ones they had to buy off. I don't want this one that bad. Activision lost out on a lot of money.

3573d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think the decision is already made. I don't think gamers really need a review. PlayStation gamers got a pretty good run through of what to expect with the PS4 Alpha version available after E3 which was only a few months ago. The Beta was a proven success so, I think gamers minds are already made up regardless of what the reviews say.

3575d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um... I want Phantasy Star Nova and Luminous Arc here in the States and if it's not too much trouble, La Mulana Ex, Airship Q, and Earth Defense Forces 4.1. SERIOUSLY!?! You're wondering why the Vita isn't selling as well as you want, YOU'RE HOLDING BACK! You're going to release in Japan when your PlayStation install base in bigger in the States. Localize your games. ENOUGH OF THIS DIVISION! That's what destroyed SEGA!

3575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simplest answer: Who knows! It's too early to tell. This "author" or this "journalist" is just fishing for reads. That's why I don't support this waste of time garbage and you shouldn't either. By doing so, it forces "Journalists" to actually work for their bread instead of just being given it.

3577d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

IF you're getting it soley for Sunset Overdrive, I'd wait. The fact that Insomniac still wants to retain IP for Sunset Overdrive says a lot. It means that Insomniac isn't going to be bought out, even though they were bought off, by Microsoft. It'll see its way to PlayStation shores in good time and with additional exclusive content. Typically, when Sony get's exclusive, they mean exclusive. Microsoft, not so much.

3577d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I do the same thing.

3577d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We're getting Titanfall inevitably and I'm sure that Sunset Overdrive will see it's way to PS4. Same game, different title with additional bonus content that says: "We're sorry we ignored you the first time through. It'll never happen again". Why else would Insomniac go to Microsoft, allow Micrsoft "exclusivity" and then still want to keep the IP? If Ted Price is so infatuated with Microsoft, again why keep the IP? He also runs a business which means if...

3577d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I actually really enjoyed this game. Some people just didn't get it. It's an interactive experience really and not so much a game. On occasion, it's great to have someone really try and do something new and innovative. David Cage is the sort of person that does that and is way ahead of his time, is all. Nintendo's great, and I really like the Wii U but, how many Zelda and Mario games have been released that are pretty much the same thing? Nintendo really needs new IP. When Nin...

3580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo have been using the same IP's and recycling the same story and gameplay from the Nintendo and Super Nintendo era. Gamers want to see Nintendo really be creative, like they used to be. They want to see Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Kirby, Kid Icarus, Metroid, and you know the rest, take a back seat and see if Nintendo really still has it. Part of the reason they're suffering is because they can't come up with anything really new or innovative to revitalize their hardware. Its ...

3581d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

While Naughty Dog has the odds in its corner and a really talented team vs Crystal, nobody will ever know until both games release. It's that simple therefore making this article null and void. Too that I say: Shame on you! You should've known better.

To Microsoft I would say: You're looking for action-adventure to add to your portfolio? You're looking for the wrong thing. Uncharted isn't action-adventure. You're going to have to look elsewhere. From w...

3582d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is unacceptable. There was a delay, they've done all their beta testing and they still can't get it right? That's why I HATE internet update capabilities. Back in the day, you worked on it until was ready to ship on a cartridge or a disc and that was it. Devs have gotten lazy. NO! It's not that technology has made it easier, it's made devs lazy. They worked through it back in the day and shipped a final product and they can do it today. I'M SICK OF LOSING HARD DRI...

3583d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Right. Everyone knows Microsoft's business strategy. They don't want to give Sony an inch and they want their console to be able to do everything Sony's can. Microsoft isn't innovative so all they know how to do is copy everyone else, in any market they invade. So, shortly after Sony releases this update, Microsoft will see how it fares and then they copy it. They're going to integrate PHOTO upload just like PS4 does.

This isn't going to BURY Microsoft...

3589d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

No. People can be patient if they know the hardware they've got has significantly more power and they can get better performance and a better overall experience on the platform they already own. In the instance of "Rise of the Tomb Raider", Uncharted--in my opinion--has been the better series. Naughty Dog is made up of former Crystal Dynamics employees that worked on Tomb Raider so, they know the roads and can do it better than the present. That's why Crystal Dynamics isn...

3593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would add, and thus encourage, those who read this--then-- to understand and spread the word thusly: Microsoft is still as incompetent as they were when they started with the announcement of Xbox One. Their PR is like Newt Gingrich talking about people living on the moon--which destroyed him bytheway-- and they've done it yet again. In a previous article, Geoff Keighley went to twitter and had stated that he had words with Crystal and they'd stated that Rise of the Tomb Raider was e...

3594d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Those that opted not to buy an Xbox One still haven't. So, if this game launches on PS4 anyway, is anyone going to buy it then? You can't insult peoples intelligence like that.

Did you notice in Sony's press conference, they had manned up and clarified exactly what EXCLUSIVE meant? They specified it was timed exclusive, if it was timed exclusive. There was no trying to deceive or play mind games with their fanbase.

3596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eh... Still not convinced to get an Xbox One. Sunset Overdrive will eventually see Sony shores. Insomniac still has the IP so, that means they intend to do something with it. Otherwise, why not let Microsoft own the IP. That's the key there. Microsoft's ace in the hole isn't really an ace in the hole because Insomniac still insisted on owning the IP. If it remains exclusive to Xbox, well then Insomniac can call themselves hypocrits and liars and owe Nintendo and Sony a huge apolog...

3596d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Isn't this apples to oranges? The Last of Us is still a last gen game. Ryse is a current gen game. The Last of Us may have gotten a fresh coat a paint but, it's a Remastered version. Not built from the ground up. I guess Ryse could technically compete as it was originally intended for Kinect only controls for the 360 when or around the time Kinect was announced... May have been the following year.... Yeah, let them go at it. The Last of Us Remastered vs Ryse Remastered.

3599d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment