
CRank: 5Score: 54140

They're using the exact same CPU. This isn't Microsoft's tri-core processor of the Xbox 360 up against the cell. These are the exact same AMD Jaguar we're talking about here. Microsoft bought off Ubisoft out of desperation to buy off their consumer fan base so they "don't feel second best". Microsoft still aren't learning from their original mistake of trying to sneak behind everyone's backs and see if they can fool them. It's been a constant trend wi...

3506d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

So, basically, Microsoft could no longer bear the shame of sinking so low. They've lied to and tried to trick their customers, and it doesn't seem like they've learned a single thing. They're so scared that they're still risking integrity to seem on top, even when it's not feasible.

Microsoft approached Ubisoft and told them they were in desperate need and they've never been in a situation like it and they just don't know how to react. Their co...

3506d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's actually false. Microsoft is in third, or dead last, being toppled by even the Wii U, and this is post Super Smash Bros. PS4 is enjoying a comfortable first place.

Do you want me to tell you how unique Microsoft is? Hey they bring new and innovative things to the industry and go their own way? They're in third place. Dead last, and in a deplsperate attempt to cover their trail, they're going to imitate Sony last gen by saying they've shipped 10 million ...

3508d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

He's right. I laugh every time I hear everyone are just standing behind Sony and Sony can do no wrong. Sony was the whipping boy last gen and PlayStation consumers were walked all over and every store you went it, it was Xbox, Xbox, Xbox.

Well, Sony marketed the best, they have the more powerful console, and the stronger first-party. They learned from last gen which Microsoft will learn from this one that they need more first-party studios with HUGE games to match PlaySta...

3513d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I look at the comments posted in this section and I'm just scratching my head in confusion. I opted to pick up a PS4 over the Xbox One this gen because I was so impressed with the PS3 last gen. Sony started in such a mess of a position and after the release of the PS3 Slim and Uncharted 2, the tides began to turn for Sony. The PS3 had some really power tech under its hood, and was ahead of its time that had shown clear through its lifespan.

Funny thing, the PS3 was the un...

3519d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, a powerful machine for less is always a good thing. I've been telling myself that I need to get an Xbox One already so I can play Sunset Overdrive but, then I thought... Why would Insomniac Games make such a big fuss over retaining their IP and come out lying hypocrites in the end? It's integrity, right? So, I concluded that Insomniac signed a non-disclosure agreement that prevents them from making any sort of mention of timed exclusivity and to try and maximize profits on Xbox ...

3520d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's coming to Xbox One just as Sunset Overdrive will eventually come to PS4.

3529d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

I have no doubt this will see PlayStation 4 shores holiday of next year. No doubts and uh.... Quote me on that.

3532d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

True. Halo is a HD Remake so we don't count that one. It's not this year that we're so concerned with. We have plenty to keep us entertained. It's actually NEXT year that we're seeing. Still, we still have LittleBIGPlanet 3 to look forward to. (That's like Mario on Nintendo). But, next year we're getting Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, and I garentee you we see Sunset Overdrive: Sunset Edition on PS4 next holiday season, easily. I bet Steam will get it as well.

3532d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This guys definitely a developer and not a Public Relations dude.I would have stopped at "Sony contacted us first" and left off "none of us are Xbox Players." That's great that he's honest but, sometimes if you're too transparent, it could be bad for your company if you're ever considering expanding.

... I guess he never said anything to put Nintendo down but, when it comes to the Xbox vs PlayStation war, even amongst consumers, Nintendo is...

3532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's taking as long as it is because Microsoft doesn't think for themselves. After Sony announced it for the PS4, Microsoft said: "Whoa! Why didn't we think of that." It's funny how Microsoft is always second to do something. When the PS4 was really gaining ground, Spencer knew the only way to try and beat Sony couldn't happen so he's just trying to catch up, and he's admitted that. So, when something comes up from Sony, he doesn't want Xbox to fall b...

3544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's true actually. The Wii U that less powerful than the Xbox One is second to Sony.

3544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course they care about ALL gamers by making sure PlayStation consumers feel second best. Woo-hoo! Business is business. If Sony constructed the better console with more indie appeal, that's Microsofts fault they couldn't do the same.

3544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're not really a survival horror fan then are you? Too bad. There's a lot of great survival horror games out there like Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil Gamecube, Clock Tower, Haunting Ground, Dead Space, Blue Stinger, the list goes on. Survival horror games aren't fast paced. That's why you have Gears of War, Lollipop Chainsaw, Dead Rising, Killer is Dead, etc. Anyone whose played Survival Horror games like Resident Evil, before Capcom haulted making Survival Horror after C...

3551d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Marcus Smith is one cool dude. "That 3 minutes of RESISTANCE 3 in 3D. Can everyone hear me? Cheap seats, you good? Ok." Only time I've ever seen this guy was at E3 2009 but seemed like a cool guy. I don't, however, have an Xbox One and don't really plan on picking one up any time soon so, seeing as how Insomniac owns the I.P. to this game, I'm looking forward to playing it on PS4 sometime in the near future. By the latest October of next year once you can work throug...

3551d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah. We'll see about that.

3551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is how Microsoft wants to play it. This is all Sony really knows. It'd been this brutal taking on Nintendo and SEGA. I would dare say SEGA pioneered this sort of marketing and it made the console wars of the SNES vs Genesis interesting. While that mentality still carries on today as the Genesis does what Nintendon't, get them altogether under one roof, and they're best friends with a common interest. Likewise, Sony and Microsoft know this is how the business goes. That busine...

3552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you're hearing it from the lips of Eric Lempel, he means just that that. He doesn't play around. He's a punctual guy. Basically, when he says you'll see it soon, you starting walking over and turning on your tele and your game console because by the time you do all that, soon has come and gone.

3561d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The start of a console generation never really seems all that grand transitioning from an earlier generation. PlayStation 3 hardware was deemed inferior to the Xbox 360 hardware for years. Kutaragi - San knew better. He knew he has power under that hood. He was a genius ahead of his time. The Xbox 360 maxed out at Crisis 2 and especially with Gears of War 3 but, it took the PS3 much longer to do so.

Yes. Sony took a short cut this gen by using off the shelf parts so, it could...

3569d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This confirms my suspicions for Sunset Overdrive. Timed Exclusive. We'll be seeing and definitive version hitting PlayStation 4 next October or November.

3569d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment