
CRank: 5Score: 55620

That's because it's an online only game and requires a day 1 Edition update. It takes even longer to install and update on Xbox One than it does on PS4.

3119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony just need to be consistent while Microsoft go all manic-like. People tend to gravitate toward consistent lifestyles and practices. It makes them feel comfortable someone isn't going to pull the rug out from them or back-peddle. That's human nature. They want to be told something and know whomever is telling it to them will see it through. That's business 101. Start changing the formula, and people will get shaky. Look at Sony's initial presentation and introduction of the...

3126d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't want a blurred line, and hopefully Sony doesn't either. The PC market has always been around, and if Phil Spencer wants to keep from being called Don Mattrick, Jr. he'll keep his mouth shut before everyone starts calling him a liar (or he could go to Sony now that they're moving Stateside with PlayStation).

Microsoft the last while have talked about how important the console market is to them and how profitable it is for them. Now they're going to...

3126d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Eh... Depends on if you like and support the physical copy format. For me, I've got a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga and several other Sega Saturn games that are worth, and sell up to $300 a pop. At the time, everyone thought "WHO CARES?" Guess what, everyone who went through with it and thought everyone else was crazy have their own savings account. People look back on the past when they get older and want their childhood back and regret trading off games that brought them good ti...

3126d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No. They're absolutely killing them off and bringing back the PC.

3126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't get too cocky Naughty Dog. Confidence is good, but humility is admirable and balances it out. I'm not doubting you, I'm just saying, don't get overconfident or cocky. You're still mortal. You just have more to prove with a growing reputation.

3126d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hm... It could be that way. The process is always the same, with the very same results, that is, show up to E3 and display your hardware. Show a slide that every single developer under the suns logo on it and the guy says "And we have every major developer on board with us". Finally, the system launches and all these developers on board, with the exception of the most daring of daring that are willing to gamble losing money, just sit and watch to see what the one who was willing to ...

3126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, it'll sell well for the fact Xbox gamers have nothing to play anyway... That's a positive for Remedy and Microsoft.

3129d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

No. If that was the case the last three games would have flopped having come out at times that games were very open world. People love story driven games and The Last of Us continued to prove that. You forget as well that Xbox Exclusive games Gears of War were pretty linear too. You could choose paths (sort of) but it didn't stray too far from the linear path. If you wanna tell a good strong story, like the creator of The Witness said "there's no filler."


3129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're doing a beta at the end of the year? I don't think this game is going to be out the end of this year. Sounding like they're getting a little nervous for that Game of the Year slot so they won't be able to release their Game of the Year Edition. Can you blame them going up against: Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4), Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4), and Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End? And that's just from Sony.

3129d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

There ya go. That $60/yr. subscription fee is really paying off isn't it! Fans did it to themselves and Microsoft. Sony so many years ago under fire and so much guff. Bottom line is, doesn't matter who you are, everyone can fall subject.

3134d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

It'll be a technical showcase on Xbox One, but Xbox One alone. My comment should be a few down to explain my point. I'm just sayin......

3138d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just for fun I'm going to disconnect my Xbox One from the internet just to see how the game really runs and how the Xbox One handles it.

Really, this doesn't mean anything and is politics speaking really. There's a lot to consider when looking into something like this that you have to consider and what The Coalition and Microsoft are hoping, is that many who are buying this aren't tech savy, otherwise this exposes them on trying to pull a fast one on you. Let ...

3138d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

At this point, you really don't need an Xbox One. You can play all of its games on Games for Windows 10. Microsoft has accepted its inevitable fate and are trying to recoup lost money on the console. Don Mattrick lied to masses and should have kept his mouth shut on every front, but had a nice kooshy job waiting for him. EA started spouting off lies by which those that smart enough to notice what was going on knew darn well it was connected with Microsoft and Microsoft got them to follow ...

3141d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

It won't. They've already got multi-player figured out with a whole new fanbase to introduce it to. Um.... The largest fanbase to introduce it to. BUT! Playstation gamers are conditioned since the PS3 days to expect a solid, deep, and engaging story. No, Respawn needs this to appeal to the PS community. Sonys camp are more single player than multi.

3142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a facade. A business tactic. Power is so important for him that he turns to Microsoft for Sunset Overdrive, and then to Oculus over Playstation VR. When his pocket starts to empty, he crawls back to Sony like the prodigal son when he feels like it to manipulate his fanbase, and then kick em in the dirt when he has his money.

This is Ted Price wearing a mask to hide his alterior motive.

3142d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes they do. IT feels more like I'm just streaming "Rise of the Tomb Rader' rather than owning it on my HDD.

3143d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Phil Spencer responds with a question. The answer to his question is simply: Microsoft and yourself have never been up front with their consumers. Those that bought their console with the knowledge they could only play Quantum Break on an Xbox One was a sucker punch to the face. Gamers that already has a PC that could have run the game, shelled out $350 to play it because there was no other option. Now that they've purchased the console in order to play the game, Microsoft suddenly says &...

3143d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

That doesn't make any sense. Naughty Dog have addressed the issue countless times. Anime do the same thing. Does anyone hassle the Japanese for what they do? No. Because they're not labeled as the "bully". They pull all kinds of crap. Naughty Dog made the best casting decision as they always have. Druckman stated they've cast black males for roles of white males. Society are just blind. The racial issue died years ago and blacks find themselves successful in many areas w...

3149d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

To criticize her is racist. Druckman said they've cast black males to voice white males. It happens a lot. Seriously, I thought we'd gotten over the whole black vs white thing. The Civil War is over. Study the Civil War, white men left their families and gave their lives to free slaves. That opened doors that took some time but today, blacks don't ride on the back seats of busses or drink from separate water fountains. They make billions of dollars in the film industry, run succes...

3149d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment