
CRank: 5Score: 54140

It's a facade. A business tactic. Power is so important for him that he turns to Microsoft for Sunset Overdrive, and then to Oculus over Playstation VR. When his pocket starts to empty, he crawls back to Sony like the prodigal son when he feels like it to manipulate his fanbase, and then kick em in the dirt when he has his money.

This is Ted Price wearing a mask to hide his alterior motive.

3049d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes they do. IT feels more like I'm just streaming "Rise of the Tomb Rader' rather than owning it on my HDD.

3049d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Phil Spencer responds with a question. The answer to his question is simply: Microsoft and yourself have never been up front with their consumers. Those that bought their console with the knowledge they could only play Quantum Break on an Xbox One was a sucker punch to the face. Gamers that already has a PC that could have run the game, shelled out $350 to play it because there was no other option. Now that they've purchased the console in order to play the game, Microsoft suddenly says &...

3049d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

That doesn't make any sense. Naughty Dog have addressed the issue countless times. Anime do the same thing. Does anyone hassle the Japanese for what they do? No. Because they're not labeled as the "bully". They pull all kinds of crap. Naughty Dog made the best casting decision as they always have. Druckman stated they've cast black males for roles of white males. Society are just blind. The racial issue died years ago and blacks find themselves successful in many areas w...

3056d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

To criticize her is racist. Druckman said they've cast black males to voice white males. It happens a lot. Seriously, I thought we'd gotten over the whole black vs white thing. The Civil War is over. Study the Civil War, white men left their families and gave their lives to free slaves. That opened doors that took some time but today, blacks don't ride on the back seats of busses or drink from separate water fountains. They make billions of dollars in the film industry, run succes...

3056d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This isn't going to happen. SEGA is done with hardware. To develop a console would kill them. They have no defining IP like they used to. That SEGA Does what Nintendon't is all but smothered as they're best pals. SEGA would have to start all over again and they haven't made a game that has had a real lasting impression on core gamers since the death of the Dreamcast, unfortunately. This is rumors and crap. It's not nor is it ever going to happen again. Let it go and let S...

3060d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's always wash, rinse, repeat with Sony and things like this. The PlayStation 3, Move, Vita, and now VR. There's all this hype because it's Sony. Sony is a household name that fills entertainment centers, home offices, and school dorms. At one time Sony was even bigger when they challenged Nintendo and once upon a time SEGA who was their biggest rival as they both marketed to the same audience until Microsoft came along and figured they'd do the very same thing Sony did and ...

3067d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's a valid point. Consider the following: You have apps that are designed for Apple phones and tablets. Apps and software are designed for them and BOOM! Developers like and will create more content for the iPhone and such because they're closed. Android on the other hand (which I love my Android phone) but it's hard to really get software that functions and works well and reputable devs to create for it because everyones asking for refunds on apps they purchase, why? Read user ...

3067d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah. You brag about something like this, and it just drives hackers to find a way through it. Good luck.

3071d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, man. Rival Schools, obviously.

3071d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

THIS WAS THE SEGA ANNOUNCEMENT TEASED YESTERDAY! I HATE YOU! I don't even have a 3DS! And why release them ONLY on 3DS? Why not PSN? I'd like to play games like that on my Vita.

3074d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's because while Jack Tretton was running things, he had full faith in Naughty Dog that whatever they'd produce, it was a gem. Hence, Sony Computer Entertainment have left Naughty Dog alone and let them govern themselves. It's that simple. Naughty Dog have proven they can be trusted to create something great, that will make SCEA money and Tretton made sure they had whatever they needed and were given the point of his presentations that would have the biggest impact. Other than...

3075d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Panzer Dragoon!?!

3075d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah. It could happen just like Tomb Raider. I'm one of the lucky ones that'll be getting both games, plus, this isn't happening around the Holiday Season like Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider but, gamers will be playing Uncharted instead of going to the movie theater. That could effect the film and the hard work Insomniac put into making it. Game? Nah. It'll be fine. Movie? That's the tough one.

3103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gee. That Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb comment at the end. That's business and politics for ya there. Try and suck up to them (I mean flatter them) in hopes that they'll someday back you.

Seriously, this makes sense. Perfect sense. Kojima surely knows, and if he doesn't he's ignorant, that Sony played a huge part in making him what he is today. Nintendo couldn't accomplish that feat on the original NES with Metal Gear, and Microsoft could accomplish...

3111d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It never said it was exclusive to PS4.

3111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy VII in 2016? I don't think so. Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End, the last Uncharted game? I don't think so. His brother probably dies and it's his brothers end, not Nathan Drakes.

3114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Emulation on PC can be pretty technical if you're not savy to computers. I had to work pretty hard to get PS1 games on PS1 to function properly. With the PS4, PS3, PS2, that emulation is all done for you. You don't have to tune and tweak every little thing. IT's the convenience you get with a game console versus the complexity that comes with PC gaming and now even mobile gaming. There are so many different smartphones out there and not all the software works the same on every one...

3121d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Does it really matter? How many white characters are voiced by a big ol black dude? We're past all of this racial black vs white crap.

3121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Japanese want to become a business powerhouse to rival America's business. It's funny that the country is all about honor. Bringing honor. This is not to say all Japanese are like this but, Konami sure doesn't paint a very good picture and doesn't represent the Japanese as being that powerhouse.

3121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment