
CRank: 5Score: 55590

He did great running Guerilla Games. One studio? No problem. We got a diverse catalog of games. Once he got to PlayStation, PlayStation's identity has begun to sway. PlayStation is on PC!?!? Why!?? Is Nintendo on PC? The one gaming platform who depends solely on gaming because there's nothing else to fall back on. Xbox has Windows and Office software, Sony has everything end-to-end in film, music, and electronics, Nintendo doesn't, but Nintendo has zero concern and STILL publishes...

12h ago3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't have a business degree or analytics degree or the likes and I could even see PlayStation fans don't want nor did they ever want live service, Games as a Service, Free to Play, or anything like it experience. EVERYONE knows we play PlayStation for cinematic story-driven experiences. It was solidified long ago, but especially with the release of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves that those types of the games were the future of PlayStation.

Final Fantasy VII, Final F...

12h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now they're re-defining it? No, they're just heading in the inevitable first because of the fallout. Theyre not forward thinking or any kind of prognosticator and people need to stop giving them any kind of credit suggesting as such. They're screw ups and the first part of the title leads to the second part of where the industry would have gone had there been a crash. Nintendo isn't looking in that direction as, oddly, Lego Horizons is on Switch but not Xbox, and even more biz...

2d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So then, why don't you play it the way it was originally meant to be played? There's this big push to bring back the Vita, this ain't bringing back the Vita, this is the opposite of that

2d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This makes zero sense. Why is Bandai Namco part of this? This is a Sony IP developed by Sony, and why is going to Switch, a competing console? Why is everyone buddying up with Nintendo all of the sudden? What does Nintendo do for anyone else, other than file lawsuit and lawsuit to make their money? I don't know why everyone's so jazzed for the Switch 2, it's less powerful than competing consoles, the games all look the same, and it's the same story regardless of what you play....

2d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy knows his stuff. Xbox is leaving a small market of competition to go up against even worse odds. I like you, man. If I could, I'd shake your hans

7d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who says anyone on PlayStation wants it? If they did, they'd have an Xbox and would've played it already. The only thing of real value is what Xbox is holding closest to its chest and is guarding the most and they'll port Halo long before it. When Mark Rein was looking at porting to other platforms because the cow been milked and Epic was looking to keep raking in the cash, they were in talks about porting to the PS3. Microsoft caught wind of it and knew it was a death sentence an...

7d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

YES, PLEASE! Stop trying to imitate PlayStation and go after someone else because you're ruining gaming for the rest of us. That's all Microsoft does is imitate. For as long as Ive been alive and known Microsoft it's always the case and Microsoft is notorious for unstable and unpredictable but, sadly, it's what we were brought up to use in school so it's all we know. Yes, please! If this article is saying go do what you know how to do somewhere else, then absolutely, go th...

7d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't exactly call that a Manuel..... It's not a Manuel at all, it's a POSTER

14d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Different deal, man

14d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's true

14d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's "Obvious Bad Decisions", and you get paid and are a "professional". Wow! People these days. I don't know how they get jobs. I was taught to proof read anything being submitted that mattered.

Anyway, PlayStation hasn't been perfect, true, and Jade Raymond's studio, for first as a CEO, is about to face the same fire and she's about to head through the ringer unless she steps back, cancels her project, and recognizes she's creat...

14d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You knew we didn't want this game and Jade Raymonds studio is being set up for the same failure, her first big business venture and she's gonna be dead on arrival. Go back and tell her she needs to reevaluate and head back to the drawing board.

You knew we didn't want this. From the days of PS1 you bred us this way. Final Fantasy VII and Resident Evil to God of War and Shadow of the Colossus and reignited with Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted on PS3. That's...

17d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Bungie was clearly a really poor investment on Sonys part and they really haven't gotten much of anything out of it except trouble. They expected to maybe get a Halo-like game out of them but Bungie carries the same habits they had from Microsoft. Sandbagging the jobs, lazy, and apparently incredibly lucky. Like Nintendo letting go of Rare, Microsoft was obviously lucky to get rid of Bungie and shed a decaying studio. Sony inherited nothing and they're rebuilding a team of outsiders, ...

20d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jade Raymond (of Assassin's Creed fame) has her dev studio also owned by Sony now, that's working on a game of the same business model. She ought to be incredibly nervous right now. This is her first business owned by her...... It's about to be received the same way because PS gamers don't want this

23d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again. The Game We Never Asked For. Hopefully Sony has learned from this. PlayStation gamers never wanted Games as a Service business model games and we want physical media. Physical media and digital can coexist, there can be both, and I don't mean going through overpriced Limited Games either. Limited Games sucks

23d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I went through this with the Sega Dreamcast. Today, nobody minds Sonic is on a Nintendo console but in those days it was the cardinal sin. Sega may crank out games today but they're nothing like what they were then. Today we can look back and see where Sega faltered and how we were in denial. Do I wish Sega were still around today? Yes I do. Making consoles? Yup. Sonic still only on Sega? Yup. But Sega died a decades ago and today it's Sammy.

There will come a time ...

28d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Consumers are getting smarter 👍🏻

28d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or maybe they want to see exactly what the next PlayStation console will be by getting a dev kit and try and mimic or sabotage the PS6. Possible Xbox already knows? That's what we lost after the death of the PS3, innovative proprietary hardware. Maybe this is an effort to spy on Sony, see their development tools to try and match to compete with Sonys experience and skill to better compete. You run that risk as well, especially since they're still both competing in the hardware space. ...

30d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox is desperate at this point. Xbox One had shown who they really were and they've kept that same trend and haven't been able to recover from it. They don't want to appear weak so he has to tactfully disguise what he's really thinking. He's acting like he's some kind of prognosticator but it's a bad act, he's been had. Eventually, Sega had to acknowledge they were finished, so Sega fans have been though this denial phase before too. I was one of them. You hav...

30d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment