
CRank: 5Score: 54140

SEGA went a little wild releasing console after console at a rapid pace. Sony and Microsoft are pacing themselves, Nintendo is quite early for their next console, and they're still only doing Nintendo Direct. No big E3 presentations to showcase their new "hardware". This is different. Their strategy doesn't have the same boom factor consoles announcements have had in the past. Is Nintendo the next empire to fall? Sure, they have a ton of money, but money only rolls in when c...

3123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know, man. 343 Industries, Bungie, Naughty Dog, BioWare (it's Canada true, but the mentality and pedigree are the same), Sucker Punch Studios, Santa Monica (of God of War fame), Bethesda, Rockstar, Valve, Blizzard (that develops world famed World of Warcraft), Infinity Ward (that sells millions of Call of Duty Games every single year), Bungie (of Halo fame), Insomniac Games. Your statement is subjective. By your standards and opinions, they're not. But, even the Japanese h...

3136d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

And those 2,000 weren't even Japanese. They were American's living in Japan.

3136d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're upset because your ignorant. Everyone knows the PS4 CANNOT play PS3 games because of the complexity of the PS3's Cell Processor. The PS3 was and still is NOT a PC. The PS4 pretty much is. You're therefore wasting your time and causing yourself immense stress that you don't need thinking about it. Let it go. It's NEVER going to happen.

3136d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bull-crap. It's EA changing their tune after screwing consumers over with bull-crap like buying decks for NHL 15 and 16. Other developers have decided micro-transactions don't work and everyones catching onto EA's trap, that helped usher in micro-transactions. This is EA blowing smoke up consumers butts. If you buy into this "trust EA" thing, you've fallen for the same crap Microsoft feeds consumers. It's a publicity stunt.

3139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why? They've lied to us from the announcement of Xbox One. They've even worked with other development companies, under the reign of Phil Spencer such as EA and Ubisoft to continue to lie to us. They've not once taken the time to apologize in a big manner and made efforts to change their ways. They're hiding it, ignoring it, and playing it off as its a weakness to do so. Look at Sony today with the PlayStation 4. It's seeing success, why? Look at the PlayStation Network out...

3140d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is a different era or generation for consoles. I don't know what's going to happen. I know I'm not picking up Rise of the Tomb Raider for Xbox One. I'm going to wait and pick it up for the PS4 (my console of preference for multi-platform games, and I'm still working on Metal Gear Solid 5 anyway-open world games make for a lot of wasted time running from mission-to-mission, but I'm still enjoying it though not anywhere near as much as MGS4).

The th...

3142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's tough, really. Most people aren't going to pick it up. I'm a tech nerd, however, and like to see every angle and facet of gaming and technology I can. (I'm still working on Atmos and X), but even though I'm not a big fan of Microsoft, the Xbox 360, or Xbox One (even though I loved the Xbox), I still invested in and played Kinect... Just not on Xbox One (until the camera is priced at $30). I got a new tele for 3D gaming, picked up PlayStation Move, and the Eye, EyeTo...

3145d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What happened to their mobile App? I thought they were going to re-release it after the PS Plus version was released. What happened to the social aspects of Driveclub staying current with technology by syncing with your smartphone?

3149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

THAT'S YOUR DEFENSE AGAINST CALL OF DUTY!?!?! Yeah. That's not going to work. This is a prime example of what happens when you lie to your fanbase, and continually do so thinking that consumers won't notice. Uh... They do. Microsoft, to my knowledge, haven't even come out and apologized to consumers for such an atrocity and explained that this is something consumers will never see again. But, ya know what, they won't do it because according to Bill Gates, it makes them see...

3149d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

26 million core gamers could answer that. Gosh, I don't know. Backwards compatibility isn't that big of a deal. The ports are for those that never had a PS3 but still need to experience what was great about the PS3 but would never give it a shot. (That's from Sony themselves). Technically,the PS4 does have backward compatibility based on the complex architecture of the PS3, PS Now beat Xbox One to the punch but in the end, PS4 doesn't and never will have backward compatibility...

3154d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

There's always the Good Cop and then the Bad Cop. Phil Spencer is the Good Cop and Aaron Greenberg is the Bad Cop. (Generally) Whatever comes out of Phil Spencers mouth is something positive about everyone else. He's admitted defeat, basically, but still tries to be a good sport about it.

Then you've got this piece of work that just let's his brain run on auto-pilot that lives in denial. (Sounds like a fanboy all the time) and just can't seem to live in re...

3154d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They're buying time. It's taken a long time, historically, to make a God of War game. Longer than games take on average. Remastered versions take significantly less time. The hard stuff is all done. It's just a new fresh coat of paint. That's why.

3169d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a really uneducated post. First off, God of War changed gaming. It was innovative.

Remastered games, I can understand this on the PS4. On Xbox One? No. Gears of War had some 5 million sales. The PS3 didn't sell like the 360 did. More consumers have adopted the PS4 from the Xbox camp, not vice versa. Therefore, there were a lot of games missed out on on the PS3 that consumers can now enjoy and see what they missed. Everyone I knew had a Wii and a 360. Few had a PS3...

3169d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Awesome looking game from an awesome developer but, no. This is lame.

3181d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

All of this bragging about how $60is worth it for Xbox Live and how great a service it is but, it has problems connecting, takes longer to update and install games before you can play them. Xbox Live is no better than PSN if not worse with functionality that PSN.

3185d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Come to think of it, Phil Spencer is just making excuses, and I can prove it in one word, or one name. Nintendo. Nintendo games are still couch co-op games. The gaming community hasn't gone on-line only as he suggests. Quite the contrary. This is just Spencer trying to sell Xbox Live. With low console sales, Halo 5 is really all Microsoft has left. Which at this point isn't going to be enough to save the Xbox One, which could turn this console generation into the Apple strategy, which...

3191d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Fan boy. You'll be able to play it on your PC and eventually the PS4 and it'll run better on both for your patience. This article is not the rationale of a gamer, but of a fan boy. If you'd have said: Dead Rising 3 or Sunset Overdrive with a list of other Xbox One games, I'd say OK. But, Rise of the Tomb Raider clearly paints a picture of fanboyism.

3193d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, his only publicity is to help sell the PlayStation. He may as well be employed by Sony.

3199d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Um.... Who said we do? We're just happy Microsoft has another knife sticking out of their back. Then it'll go back to just Sony and Nintendo. Um yeah. I HATE Microsoft.

3290d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment