CRank: 5Score: 22440

So was I but only because Steam automatically launches when I boot up my computer, so even if I am browsing the internet or in a skype call; I am considered part of a concurrent userbase.

3455d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

From the status page on the Xbox website, it looks like three apps are having problems. I am on right now in N.Ireland and my friends list is fine.

3465d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

I am not a fan of timed exclusives and timed DLC myself but really? The outrage over Tomb Raider was pretty massive; not only the players, but media and Youtubers were mad.

There is little to no outrage over Street Fighter V and Destiny DLC. There is hypocrisy on both sides.

@Transporter47 ...Microsoft started it all? Do you know that Sony made the same deal as Microsoft regarding Tomb Raider back in 1997 to keep Tomb Raider 2 off the Saturn? That was before...

3480d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

Sony did this with Tomb Raider back in 1997, before the Xbox brand even existed. Get over yourself with your accusations that Microsoft "forced" Sony into doing this. Both companies see this as a legitimate deal/strategy.

It's getting pretty sickening to see you fanboys attack a company for doing something then make excuses when the company you like does the same thing. Especially here when Sony did it long before Xbox was even a thing.

3482d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

You having more agrees than disagrees with a comment like that goes to show how bad this community is.

3484d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

I knew people would defend Sony by saying it was just revenge.. But Sony did this with ironically the same franchise before Microsoft even existed.

If we want this to stop then we can't give the companies we like a green pass to do it. Even if the TR deal had never happened, you would be defending this move still. You know it and don't you deny it.

3485d ago 12 agree17 disagreeView comment

The game sucked and not many were even playing it close to launch, I struggled to find a match. The fault lies with the developers.

3485d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Was it down? Or was that the reason I was lagging earlier in a few games?

3487d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand, why is it ever too early to get an experience like Last of us?

I am expecting to have these types of experiences with Uncharted 4. It's never too early for a fantastic experience.

3489d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is a Beta done right, no point having one a few weeks before release if it isn't enough time to address any issues or feedback left by fans.

3499d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then Reggie is high. I have owned pretty much every console since I started gaming and I just cannot force myself to buy the Wii U.

It doesn't even seem to have first party support anymore; just a massive spam of Mario games and a very early announcement of Zelda before they even named which I suspect is to try to build hype for a console that has none.

And although it's very subjective but without an Achievement/Trophy system of it's own. I don...

3500d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

How come this never comes up about movies? It's far more common to find sex, rape and nudity in movies and nobody ever accuses the media of promoting vile acts of criminal activity or anything.

Why is that the same reasonable adults who realize movies don't influence people in this way can't seem to make that distinction for video games?

I have been playing video games and watching movies all my life and even the thought of rape really freaks me...

3500d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

It already has the casuals locked down with it's lower price point and popularity. They don't need to put any more focus into casuals; don't forget about the core guys.

Put more of a focus into exclusives for the core gamers and don't let Casual become the new core. Other than Uncharted and Bloodbourne, there isn't much on this system to make the core guys move on from last gen to current.

3501d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

The gameplay is what made Gears of War great, people need to get past this phase in which they think good graphics equals a good game. It doesn't.

And Gears of War and Uncharted are nothing alike, even if Gears 4 looked better than Uncharted.. It means absolutely nothing if the gameplay isn't there.

3503d ago 42 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's even more ridiculous that they chose not to use the free dedicated servers that Xbox offers.. It costs them nothing.

3513d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

There is no shipping cost for digital games; no cases, no manuals, no discs and Microsoft would be responsible for the servers on the Xbox store.

They would still need to QA the game for NA and the EU.

I understand them not wanting to do a retail version due to poor sales but there is no reason not to release a digital version. The dubbing, subs and testing needs to be done regardless.

3517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But won't they be dubbing and subtitling the PS3 version anyway?

3517d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But why isn't it available digitally? I can understand them not bothering with a retail release but they don't lose anything for allowing the few who do own the 360 to buy it digitally.

3517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But a lot of the consumers who actually bought the console are very happy and excited about it. Spirits seem to be very high for them this Holiday.

The only unfortunate ones here are those that want it to fail.

3518d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Mystic Strummer

And what? PC has thousands and yet the X1 has more games that I want to play despite having less than a hundred games. Quality over Quantity.

The X1 has a decent line up for this Holiday and trying to argue against that by saying PS4 has sold more is irrelevant, dumb and frankly very fanboyish.

The point still stands. Xbox has a good line up and Sales figures doesn't change that.

3526d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment