CRank: 5Score: 22440

I think it's obvious that we're looking at a delay for this game.

3271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say they will easily do better next year. 2016 is looking pretty good for Microsoft too. It's going to be a close call next year over the better line up.

3276d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Did you just read the title? Try reading the article.

They have already started some planning and writing of Halo 6. Which is true for a lot of games in franchises. Bungie would have been planning and writing for Halo 3 before Halo 2 was finished. And had done much of the same for Destiny when they made ODST, they still made Reach before Destiny actually started production though.

Plus Halo 5 has went Gold this week with the size being finalized. What else ...

3284d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gamers can be a strange bunch and think that by enjoying a game or franchise that they cannot critique it..

You're getting disagrees and even a guy saying it wasn't but chopping off the prologue, the cut ending, camp omega not returning like it was said to be and the second chapter making you replay missions instead of giving you new ones proves it was.

3284d ago 8 agree22 disagreeView comment

Who said they are hoping VR fails? All he said was he hopes VR isn't the future of gaming, as in the only way to play in the future. Nothing wrong with that.

Did you even read the article? Cause this comment makes you look like a tit..

3286d ago 21 agree15 disagreeView comment

The campaign is built around a 4 player coop so we can't be separated from our team for half the game.

3286d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I don't want physical games to go anywhere for the foreseeable future, I think it's worth pointing out that when Steam first launched, people hated it and said the exact same thing you did about physical media going nowhere.

Now people love it and I can't remember the last time I seen a PC game in physical form. Metal Gears disc comes with a steam installer.

Hopefully it's many generations away but it seems Microsoft is looking into ma...

3302d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

I don't agree with most of what Cliff says but everyone should be entitled to their opinion. He like you, should be allowed to say what he thinks.

I'd rather have a dev who isn't afraid to say what he thinks and treats us like sheep with PR buzzwords.

3312d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Press Play are allowing gamers to vote for what game they make next and allowing them to even participate in the development and get into skype meetings with the devs.

It's a bit similar. It's cool to see devs interacting with the community in this way.

3317d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's very convenient how many people on this site claim to have high end PCs when it comes to Xbox games being on PC.

So many people feel the need to tell the world that they will be playing these games on PC or not at all.

The sooner this Xbox hate stops the better.

3320d ago 19 agree9 disagreeView comment

Fanboys are so see through. Millions of people buy these flagship titles where as the new IPs often struggle to reach one million.. this seems to be a very popular opinion on sites that don't like Xbox but where are those people when these new IPs launch? Just a vocal minority who more than likely hold the opinion because they dislike Xbox and not because they actually believe it.

Even here, we are seeing people listing the marketing deals for CoD and Star Wars against ...

3320d ago 10 agree24 disagreeView comment

Fans and people round here will disagree with you en mass but you're not wrong. Most people admit the moment the PS4 won the hearts and minds of consumers this gen was when they announced you could play offline and play used games.

PS4 is a great system and it was always going to outsell the Xbox but the amount of success they are having right now is completely Microsoft's fault.

Back two years ago, if you asked people why they were getting a PS4.. Th...

3321d ago 0 agree25 disagreeView comment


Who says we are always appearing offline? I just appreciate the ability to avoid having to deal with notifications if I don't want to play rather than having to send messages or ignore people..

Back on 360, I had three circles of friends who played CoD, Gears and Halo.. And another buddy to played BF3.. Exclusively. If I appeared online then I got four sets of invites that keep coming until I send them a message saying no, sometimes if I ignored ...

3321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a lot of friends who seem to get hooked onto one MP game and play it exclusively. I on the other hand like to play a variety of games from multiple different genres, and I like to play campaigns too.

It gets annoying when you log in and everyone sends you invites to games you don't want to play. You have to either send them all a message explaining why or ignore them.

Being able to appear offline is almost a vital feature in modern gaming. So you...

3321d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really loved the turn based combat in VII, I hate that it's on it's way out as I don't enjoy modern JRPGs gameplay.

If they ditch Turn based, I don't think I could play this game.

3341d ago 14 agree8 disagreeView comment

I'd rather they would get to work on Fable 4 after Legends. And I'd love for it to be a bigger title than the last three.

3353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bit misleading. The actual words used were "Version 1 is aimed at Enterprise users, not gamers"..

They wouldn't have opened five first party studios for Hololens if it wasn't aimed at Gamers at all..

3356d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

It ships a week early so you can predownload the game. But still, this should have been a choice.

3359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who said the second quote about paying to play games you already own?

3359d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

No but it will certainly make the console more appealing when the list of BC games gets bigger.

It would be a much bigger deal if more devs start giving away 360 games with each X1 title. Fallout and Rainbow Six should be just the first.

3368d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment